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Get Best Exchange Rates for Singapore Dollar to Rupiah: Your Ultimate Guide

Dollar Singapore Ke Rupiah

Convert Singapore Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah instantly. Check the current exchange rates and get accurate conversions for your currency needs.

Are you planning on visiting Indonesia soon? If so, you'll need to exchange your currency for the Indonesian Rupiah. But, have you ever thought about how much you'll get for your Singaporean Dollars?

The Singapore Dollar to Rupiah exchange rate fluctuates constantly, but it can affect your budget while traveling. In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about Singapore Dollar to Rupiah exchange rates, including tips on how to save money when exchanging currencies.

First and foremost, let's talk about the current exchange rate. As of June 2021, one Singapore Dollar is equivalent to approximately 10,200 Indonesian Rupiah, which means if you exchanged $1,000 SGD, you would receive around 10 million IDR.

However, exchange rates are never static, as they are subject to fluctuation due to many factors, including economic conditions and political developments. With that said, it's important to research and monitor the exchange rates before exchanging currencies so that you can get the best deal.

Now, let's look at some tips to save money when exchanging currencies.

Firstly, try to avoid exchanging cash at airports or hotels as they often charge higher fees and give less favorable exchange rates. Instead, opt for reputable money changers or banks that offer competitive rates.

Furthermore, be sure to shop around and compare rates before exchanging your money. You may also want to consider using your credit card for transactions rather than exchanging significant amounts of cash.

Another way to save money is to avoid exchanging too much money at once. Not only will this reduce the risks of losing money, but you may also benefit from future exchange rate changes.

Lastly, remember to bring your passport and other forms of identification when exchanging currencies, as some money changers require them for security reasons.

In conclusion, understanding the Singapore Dollar to Rupiah exchange rate and how it affects your budget when traveling is essential. By researching and following these tips, you can save money and ensure a hassle-free trip to Indonesia.

So, if you're planning on visiting Indonesia soon or just curious about the exchange rate, be sure to bookmark this article and use it as your guide. Knowing how to get the best exchange rates can make a big difference!


The Singapore dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore, while the Indonesian rupiah (IDR) is the official currency of Indonesia. Both these countries have a different set of monetary policies, and thus there's a significant difference in their respective currencies. In this article, we'll discuss everything about the Singapore dollar to Indonesian rupiah exchange rate.

The Exchange Rate

The SGD/IDR exchange rate is always fluctuating due to the floating exchange rate system. Based on the current market conditions, one Singapore dollar is equivalent to approximately 10,500-11,000 IDR. However, this rate is subject to change due to various factors such as geopolitical events, economic indicators, inflation rates, and many more.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The GDP of a country plays an essential role in determining its exchange rate. Usually, if the GDP of a country is higher than that of another country, then its currency value will increase as it implies that the economy is strong.

Inflation Rates

Inflation rates have a direct impact on currencies. Higher inflation rates usually cause the exchange rate to fall, and lower inflation rates tend to strengthen a currency.

Interest Rates

Interest rates are another significant factor that affects exchange rates. Generally, higher interest rates attract foreign investors, which increases the demand for the local currency and ultimately strengthens the exchange rate.

Singapore Dollar to Rupiah Currency Converter

Converting Singapore dollars to rupiahs can be easily done by using a currency converter. You can find various currency conversion websites and apps that can instantly convert SGD to IDR based on the current exchange rate.

Where to Convert SGD to IDR?

There are several authorized financial institutions where you can exchange Singapore dollars for Indonesian rupiahs. The most popular ones include major banks, money changers, and airports. However, it's important to compare the exchange rates and fees charged by these institutions to ensure you're getting the best deal.


The currency exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the Indonesian rupiah has always been fluctuating, and it's crucial to consider the various factors that affect this rate. It's always wiser to shop around and compare the rates offered by various institutions before making a currency exchange transaction. We hope that this article helped you understand the Singapore dollar to Indonesian rupiah exchange rate better.


The Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Indonesian rupiah (IDR) are two currencies that are often compared due to their geographical proximity and trade relations between the two countries. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the SGD and IDR, including their history, current exchange rate, and factors affecting their value.

History of SGD and IDR

The Singapore dollar was introduced in 1967 to replace the Malaysian dollar after Singapore gained independence from Malaysia. The currency is managed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), which maintains a floating exchange rate policy, allowing it to fluctuate against other currencies based on market demand and supply.

The Indonesian rupiah has been in use since 1949, following the country's declaration of independence from Dutch colonial rule. The country's central bank, Bank Indonesia, manages the currency and follows a floating exchange rate regime similar to Singapore.

Current Exchange Rate and Trend Analysis

As of 21st September 2021, the exchange rate is 1 SGD = 10,414.29 IDR. Over the past five years, the SGD has traded within a range of 9,912.69 to 10,795.04 IDR. The IDR has been on a downward trend since 2013 and has depreciated significantly against the SGD.

Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) exchange rate trend analysis

Year SGD/IDR Exchange Rate
2016 9,830.08
2017 10,970.37
2018 10,401.42
2019 9,830.25
2020 9,515.43
2021 10,414.29 (as of Sept 21st)

The SGD has remained relatively stable against the IDR, with the exception of a significant jump in 2017. This can be attributed to several factors, including Singapore's economic growth and stability, compared to Indonesia's slower economic growth rate and political instability.

Factors Affecting Exchange Rate

Economic Factors

Economic factors such as interest rates, inflation, and trade relations can have a significant impact on the exchange rate between two currencies. Inflation in Indonesia has been high, leading to a depreciation of the IDR against the SGD. Singapore's key position in the global economy, trade openness, and strong currency have led to an appreciation of SGD against IDR.

Political Factors

Political stability plays a significant role in determining the value of a currency. Indonesia has faced political instability, which has affected the value of the IDR. Singapore, on the other hand, has a stable political environment, leading to an appreciation in the value of the SGD.

Pandemic Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economies of both Indonesia and Singapore. Singapore's strategy to mitigate the impact of the pandemic through stimulus packages and loan schemes has strengthened its economy and currency, while Indonesia's economic growth has slowed down amidst the pandemic, leading to a depreciation of the IDR.


In conclusion, both the Singapore dollar and Indonesian rupiah are important currencies in the Southeast Asia region. The SGD has remained stable against the fluctuations in the IDR over the years, with factors such as political stability and economic growth contributing to its value. The IDR's depreciation against the SGD can be attributed to factors such as high inflation and political instability. As economies in the region continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be interesting to see how these currencies perform in the future.

Singapore and Indonesia are two countries that have always shared a strong relationship, both economically and culturally. As an Indonesian, you may find yourself traveling to Singapore often, either for business or leisure purposes. Regardless of the reason for your visit, there will come a time where you need to exchange your Singaporean dollars to Indonesian Rupiah. Here’s what you need to know about the currency exchange process.

Understanding the Exchange Rate

Before you convert your money, it's vital to understand the exchange rate first. The exchange rate is basically the value of one country’s currency compared to the other. In this case, it's the value of SGD (Singapore Dollar) in Rupiah. The rate fluctuates frequently, so be mindful of the current rate before making any transactions.

Where to Exchange in Singapore

The most common place to exchange currencies in Singapore is at a money changer. There’s no shortage of these throughout the city, particularly in tourist hotspots like Chinatown and Little India. However, not all money changers offer the same rates, so it’s wise to compare the rates first before making a decision. Ask around, do some research and check reviews online.

Exchange Rates at the Airport

If you’re exchanging your money at the airport, expect to get a slightly lower rate than outside. Currency exchange counters at the airport tend to have higher fees and commissions that affect their rates. But if convenience is your priority, it is still better than not exchanging at all!

Where to Exchange in Indonesia?

When you arrive in Indonesia, you'll find plenty of money changers as well, particularly at the airports. Make sure that the money changer is registered with Bank Indonesia and has a booth or a counter that is easy to see. Avoid street vendors or unregistered money changers.

Checking the Bills

Before accepting the bills, take a quick look at them first. Check for any damages or signs of wear and tear. Money changers can be picky when it comes to accepting old or mutilated notes. They are more likely to accept fresh and clean ones. Additionally, always check the amount before leaving the counter to avoid any discrepancies.

Beware of Scams

Unfortunately, scams can happen in any country, and currency exchange is no exception. Be wary of money changers who offer very high rates as they may have hidden fees or shady practices. Stick with reputable and trustworthy money changers. If something feels off or too good to be true, it's best to go to another service.

Set a Budget

When traveling abroad, it's important to keep track of your expenses. One way to do this is by setting a strict budget that includes your expected expenses like food, transportation, and accommodation. This will help you determine how much you need to convert into Rupiah and avoid overspending.

Use Credit Cards

If you're concerned about carrying cash, consider using your credit card instead. Major credit cards like Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted across Singapore and Indonesia. Just be mindful of foreign transaction fees and exchange rates. It’s always best to call your bank or credit card company first to inquire about their foreign transaction policies and charges so you won't get surprised by fees.

Final Thoughts

Converting Singaporean dollars to Indonesian Rupiah is a simple and straightforward process. To make the most out of your money, research, compare rates well, always be cautious of scammers, and set a budget. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best possible exchange rate and enjoy your trip without financial worries.

Hello there, dear visitors!

Today, we will talk about the exchange rate between two Southeast Asian currencies, Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). The two currencies have been in close relation since Singapore left the Malaysian Federation and became an independent country in 1965.

As you may know, Singapore is one of the most prosperous countries in Southeast Asia, while Indonesia is the largest economy in the region. Therefore, it’s no surprise that many people, businesses, and governments are interested in the SGD to IDR exchange rate. Let's dive deeper into this topic and see what we can learn.

First, it’s worth mentioning that the SGD is one of the most stable currencies in the world. It’s backed by strong fundamentals, including a high level of foreign reserves, a well-managed economy, and sound monetary policies. On the other hand, the IDR is considered a volatile currency due to its higher inflation rate, political instability, and economic challenges.

Despite these differences, the SGD to IDR exchange rate has remained relatively stable over the years. As of August 2021, the exchange rate is around 10,700 IDR for every 1 SGD. This means that if you want to buy 1 SGD, you need to pay around 10,700 IDR. Likewise, if you want to sell 1 SGD, you will get around 10,700 IDR.

However, the exchange rate can fluctuate depending on various factors, such as political events, economic data releases, global market trends, and so on. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the SGD appreciated against the IDR due to Singapore's effective handling of the virus and its strong economic recovery. In contrast, Indonesia struggled with the pandemic and experienced a sharp drop in its currency value.

That said, there are some strategies and tools that you can use to manage your SGD to IDR exchange rate risk. One approach is to use forward contracts or options, which allow you to lock in a specific exchange rate for a future date. Another option is to diversify your currency portfolio by holding both SGD and IDR or other currencies.

In conclusion, the SGD to IDR exchange rate is an important factor for anyone who wants to do business, trade, invest, or travel between Singapore and Indonesia. While the exchange rate can be volatile, there are ways to mitigate the risk and take advantage of the opportunities. We hope this article has provided you with some useful insights and information about this topic. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

People also ask about Singapore Dollar to Rupiah:

  1. What is the exchange rate between Singapore Dollar and Rupiah?
  2. The exchange rate changes frequently, but as of [insert date], 1 Singapore Dollar is equivalent to [insert number] Rupiah.

  3. Where can I exchange my Singapore Dollars for Rupiah?
  4. You can exchange Singapore Dollars for Rupiah at most banks in Indonesia or at money changers located in tourist areas.

  5. Do I need to bring cash or can I use my credit card in Indonesia?
  6. While many places in Indonesia accept credit cards, it's always a good idea to have some cash on hand, especially if you plan on visiting smaller, local establishments.

  7. Is it better to exchange money before traveling to Indonesia or once I am there?
  8. It's generally recommended to wait until you arrive in Indonesia to exchange your money since you'll likely get a better rate compared to exchanging money in your home country.

  9. Can I withdraw Rupiah from ATMs in Indonesia using my Singaporean bank card?
  10. Yes, you can withdraw Rupiah from most ATMs in Indonesia using your Singaporean bank card. Just be sure to check with your bank beforehand to see if there are any fees or restrictions associated with international withdrawals.

People also ask about Dollar Singapore Ke Rupiah

1. What is the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)?

The exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) fluctuates due to various factors such as economic conditions, market demand, and government policies. It is essential to check with reliable sources like banks or currency exchange platforms to get the most accurate and up-to-date exchange rate.

2. How can I convert Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah?

To convert Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah, you have a few options:

  • Visit a local bank or currency exchange bureau in Singapore or Indonesia to perform the currency conversion.
  • Use online currency exchange platforms that allow you to convert SGD to IDR. Make sure to compare rates and fees before choosing a platform.
  • Consider using international money transfer services if you need to send money from Singapore to Indonesia, as they often provide competitive exchange rates.

3. Are there any limits or restrictions on exchanging Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah?

Exchange limits and restrictions may vary depending on the country's regulations and the institution you choose for currency exchange. It is advisable to check with your bank or the local authorities regarding any specific limits or requirements when converting Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah.

4. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Indonesia?

No, you cannot use Singapore Dollars in Indonesia as the official currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian Rupiah. You will need to convert your Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah before using them for transactions in Indonesia.

5. What are the factors that affect the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and the Indonesian Rupiah?

The exchange rate between currencies is influenced by various factors, including:

  1. Economic conditions and stability in both Singapore and Indonesia.
  2. Interest rates set by central banks.
  3. Political events or changes in government policies.
  4. Trade balances between the two countries.
  5. Market demand and supply for the currencies.