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Convert Singapore Dollar to Bangladesh Taka - Easy Currency Conversion Guide

Singapore To Bangladesh Taka

Convert Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) at the best rates. Check the latest exchange rate and make your currency conversion hassle-free.

Singapore and Bangladesh are two countries that share a unique and complex relationship. While they may be thousands of kilometers apart, their connection is undeniable. In recent years, the exchange rate between Singapore and Bangladesh taka has become an increasingly important topic in the business world.

For those of you who may not know, the Singapore dollar (SGD) is one of the strongest currencies in the world while the Bangladeshi taka (BDT) is quite weak. So, what does this mean for people looking to conduct business between the two countries?

Firstly, let's take a closer look at the current exchange rate. As of November 2021, 1 SGD is equivalent to approximately 64 BDT. This means that businesses in Singapore have to pay more when conducting transactions with Bangladeshi companies. On the other hand, it also means that businesses in Bangladesh can save money by importing goods from Singapore.

But why is the exchange rate so important? Well, for starters, it affects the cost of doing business. Businesses must be mindful of the exchange rate as it directly impacts their profit margins. For example, if a Singaporean company exports goods worth 100 SGD to Bangladesh, they would only receive around 6,400 BDT, which may not cover their production costs.

Furthermore, the exchange rate also affects tourism. Singapore is a popular tourist destination with over 15 million visitors every year, many of whom come from Bangladesh. With the weaker BDT, Bangladeshi tourists may find it more expensive to travel to Singapore, deterring them from visiting the country.

So, what can be done to address these issues? One possible solution is for businesses to hedge their currency risks. This is where companies use financial instruments such as forwards, options, and futures to protect themselves from any adverse movements in the exchange rate.

Another solution is for governments to work together to increase trade between the two countries. This would involve removing trade barriers and improving infrastructure to make it easier for businesses to conduct transactions. Singapore has already taken steps in this direction by signing a free trade agreement with Bangladesh.

It's also important to note that the exchange rate isn't static and can change rapidly depending on market conditions. As such, businesses must regularly monitor the exchange rate and adjust their strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, the exchange rate between Singapore and Bangladesh taka is an important issue that requires attention from both the business community and governments. The high exchange rate affects the cost of doing business and tourism, while solutions such as hedging currency risks and increasing trade can help address these issues. Remember to keep a close eye on the exchange rate and adjust your strategies accordingly to ensure your business remains competitive.


When it comes to traveling from one place to another, one of the most important things to consider is currency exchange. With several different currencies used throughout the world, it is essential to understand how to convert them accurately. In this article, we will focus on Singapore dollars to Bangladesh Taka conversion.

Understanding the currency

Singapore's official currency is the Singapore dollar (SGD), whereas Bangladesh's official currency is the Bangladesh Taka (BDT). The conversion rate between the two currencies varies depending on the current market rates.

Available exchange options

Several exchange options are available for those who want to convert their Singapore dollars to Bangladesh Taka. One can choose between banks, exchange offices, or money transfer services that offer currency exchange facilities.


Banks are a safe and reliable option when it comes to currency exchange. Most banks in Singapore offer currency exchange facilities and some enable customers to order foreign currency online for pickup in-branch. Some popular banks include DBS Bank, OCBC Bank, and UOB Bank where One can easily convert SGD to BDT. However, banks exchange rates may depend on the amount exchanged, as well as the bank's operating fees.

Exchange Rates of Banks

The exchange rates set by banks are usually fixed but may fluctuate depending on the global financial market. For example, as of August 2021, the exchange rate between SGD and BDT is approximately 62.23 BDT per SGD 1. Depending on the bank, conversion fees might range from 1% to 3%.

Money Transfer Services

Another option is utilizing money transfer services such as Western Union, MoneyGram, or Ria. One can visit any of the service providers' outlets in Singapore and send SGD to their designated location in Bangladesh.

Exchange Rates of Money Transfer Services

Just like banks, service providers' exchange rates may vary depending on the amount sent or received, with conversion fees ranging from 1% to 4%. It is also essential to consider the service provider's transfer time and reliability before choosing an option.

Exchange Offices

Exchange offices are a convenient option, and several of them are located around tourist areas in Singapore. They offer excellent exchange rates, and some do not require identification documents.

Exchange Rates of Exchange Offices

Exchange rates offered by exchange offices generally fluctuate more than those of banks or money transfer services, but may sometimes be better. Therefore, it is important to research different exchange offices and their respective rates before settling on one.


In conclusion, there are several options available for converting Singapore dollars to Bangladesh Taka. Banks, money transfer services, and exchange offices are all excellent choices, each with its pros and cons. The most important factor to consider when making a choice is finding a reliable service with the best exchange rates and low processing fees. With careful research and wise decision-making, you can avoid losing extra money while exchanging your currency.


Singapore and Bangladesh are two countries with vast differences in terms of size and economic development. While Singapore is a developed country with a high standard of living, Bangladesh is still classified as a developing country with a relatively low-income economy. In this article, we will explore the differences between Singapore and Bangladesh Taka

GDP and economic stability

Singapore has one of the most dynamic economies in the world with a GDP of $361 billion and a growth rate of 2.2%. On the other hand, Bangladesh's GDP is $302 billion with a growth rate of 7.9%. Although it has a lower GDP, Bangladesh's growth rate is higher than Singapore's. However, Singapore's unemployment rate is lower compared to Bangladesh. This could be attributed to its highly diversified economy that emphasizes manufacturing, finance, and trade.

Currency Exchange Rate

The value of Singaporean Dollar (SGD) is much stronger and stable than the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Presently, 1 SGD equals 65 BDT. This means that Singapore's currency is highly valued compared to Bangladesh's currency. The high value of the SGD reflects the strong economy and political stability of Singapore over the years, making it a highly desired currency.

Inflation rates and Cost of Living

The inflation rate in Singapore has been stable, from 0.6% to 1.5%, while Bangladesh has an inflation rate of 6.11%. The higher inflation rate has a significant impact on the cost of living, making it harder for people to afford basic necessities. The cost of living in Singapore is relatively high compared to Bangladesh. Singapore ranks as the 4th most expensive city in the world, while Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital, is ranked in the 32nd place. This is attributed to Singapore's high standard of living and being a top destination for expatriates.


Singapore has low tax rates, although it may be subjected to changes based on the economic situation. The country follows a progressive tax rate that ranges from 0% to 22%. Bangladesh, on the other hand, has a flat income tax rate of 25%. Although Bangladesh's tax rate is higher than Singapore's, the country still struggles with a tax evasion problem where people earn significant incomes but do not pay the required taxes, contributing to the country's lack of revenue.

Education and Literacy Rate

Singapore has one of the best education systems globally, attracting international students. The country has a literacy rate of 97.2%. Education is compulsory until the age of 16, after which students have the option to enter university, tertiary institutions or pursue vocational education. Bangladesh, on the other hand, has a literacy rate of 72.9%. Despite the government efforts to improve the education system, many children in rural areas still do not have access to education, leading to a high rate of illiteracy in the country.

Health Care System

Singapore's health care system is recognized as one of the best in the world, providing affordable healthcare to its citizens. The country has a public-private healthcare system. Government healthcare institutions provide affordable healthcare, while private institutions provide more luxurious and expensive healthcare services. Bangladesh has a universal healthcare system, but it still faces challenges, such as inadequate infrastructure, shortage of medical facilities, and poorly paid doctors and nurses, resulting in low-quality healthcare.


Singapore's transportation system is an integrated network that includes buses, trains, and taxis. The country has a highly efficient public transportation system that is affordable, reliable, and accessible. On the other hand, Bangladesh's transportation system faces challenges due to inadequate infrastructure, congestion on its roads, and poor maintenance of vehicles. The country relies mainly on public transportation in the form of buses and rickshaws.

Culture And People

Singapore is a multicultural country with a diverse population comprising Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western Expatriates. The country observes four official languages: English, Malay, Tamil, and Mandarin. In contrast, Bangladesh is predominantly an Islamic country with a homogenous culture and religion, as 89% of the population is Muslim.

Natural Resources

Singapore has limited natural resources apart from water, which is why it relies mainly on its export-oriented economy. The country is known for its international trade and financial services. Bangladesh has a rich resource base, including gas, coal, timber, and tea. However, the country still faces challenges in exploiting these resources for maximum economic gain.


In conclusion, Singapore and Bangladesh Taka differ immensely in terms of their economic development, currency value, inflation rates, cost of living, taxation, education, healthcare, transportation, culture, and people. Although the two countries vary in many respects, they share one thing in common- the quest for improvement in the lives of their citizens.

Singapore To Bangladesh Taka - A Beginner's Guide

If you're planning to travel from Singapore to Bangladesh, understanding the currency exchange process is important. Bangladesh uses the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) while Singapore uses the Singaporean Dollar (SGD). We've put together this beginner's guide to help you get started with exchanging currency.

1. Know the exchange rate

Before you exchange your money, it's important to know the current exchange rate between SGD and BDT. Use a currency converter app or check the rates on Google to understand the approximate value of SGD in BDT.

2. Get your money changed in advance

It's always a good idea to change your money in advance to avoid last-minute hassles. You can get your currency exchanged from banks, money exchange offices, or airports.

3. Exchange rates differ

Exchange rates differ from one exchange office to another. It's worth doing your research and comparing exchange rates and fees to find the best deal.

4. Avoid exchanging at the airport

Exchanging money at the airport is convenient, but it's usually more expensive as they charge higher fees. If possible, exchange your money outside the airport.

5. Use ATM cards

Using your ATM card for withdrawals is also an option. There are several ATMs in Bangladesh where you can withdraw cash in BDT. However, remember that some banks may charge a fee for international transactions.

6. Bring cash in SGD

If you have SGD in cash, you can also exchange it for BDT in Bangladesh. Keep in mind that not all exchange offices may accept SGD, so carry some BDT in case you need to pay something immediately.

7. Keep your receipts

It's important to keep all your receipts and transaction records safe until you leave Bangladesh, just in case you need them for any reason.

8. Know the rules

It's essential to know the rules and regulations of Bangladesh when it comes to currency exchange. You can check the regulations on the Bangladesh Bank website.

9. Be alert

Be alert while exchanging money or withdrawing cash from ATMs. Check the transaction amount before confirming and make sure there are no hidden fees or charges.

10. Plan ahead

Lastly, plan your currency exchange ahead of time to avoid surprises. Keep some emergency cash in BDT with you and double-check your travel itinerary to ensure you have enough funds for the entire trip.

The Bottom Line

Exchanging currency may seem daunting at first, but it doesn't have to be. With our beginner's guide, you should be able to exchange currency from Singapore to Bangladesh Taka with ease. Just remember to do your research, plan ahead, and be careful with your transactions. Safe travels!

Welcome to Singapore – a country that never fails to amaze its visitors with its stunning architecture, diverse culture, and delicious food. As a tourist destination, Singapore offers a range of exciting activities for all ages, from visiting the iconic Gardens by the Bay to indulging in a shopping spree on Orchard Road. However, one of the most significant concerns for any traveler is the cost of living in the country.

For Bangladeshis planning a visit to Singapore, currency exchange rates are crucial since paying in Singaporean Dollars (SGD) can be quite expensive. The good news is that Singapore is not only home to numerous money changers, but many shops and restaurants also accept international currencies such as the US Dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR). However, to save on conversion fees and unfavorable exchange rates, it's always best to change your Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) to SGD before travel.

There are numerous options for exchanging BDT to SGD in Bangladesh. Banks, licensed foreign exchange dealers, and even online platforms offer services for currency exchange. However, rates vary among these platforms, so it's essential to shop around and compare before choosing a provider.

One of the most efficient ways to exchange currency is through bank transfers. This method enables you to convert BDT to SGD directly into your preferred bank account. For those who prefer physical cash, licensed foreign exchange dealers provide this service at airports, hotels, and other tourist hotspots. However, it is important to note that rates offered in these locations may not be the most favorable, so be sure to compare prices with other providers.

If you are short on time or would rather complete the exchange from the comfort of your own home, online exchange platforms such as Western Union, TransferWise, and XE Money Transfer offer competitive rates and secure money transfers.

Once you have obtained SGD, it's time to explore the enchanting city-state. Singapore is home to numerous tourist attractions that cater to different interests. For instance, nature lovers can't afford to miss exploring the botanical wonderland that is Gardens by the Bay with its vibrant flower beds and towering Supertrees. Alternatively, art enthusiasts can catch a performance by the world-renowned Singapore Symphony Orchestra. You could also spend an afternoon wandering through the Kampong Glam neighborhood and immerse yourself in the Malay and Arab cultures.

If you're a foodie, then your trip to Singapore is incomplete without indulging in some of the most delicious dishes the country has to offer. From the signature dish Hainanese Chicken Rice to the iconic Chilli Crab, Singapore has an extensive variety of cuisines that will leave your taste buds tingling. Furthermore, the countless hawker centers located throughout the city-state provide an authentic culinary experience that's both inexpensive and mouth-watering.

Shopping in Singapore is another popular attraction for visitors, with Orchard Road being the go-to shopping district. The area is home to luxury shopping malls, such as ION Orchard and Ngee Ann City, which offer a range of designer brands. For those looking for more affordable options and local products, Bugis Street and Chinatown are the places to be.

Despite being a small country, Singapore has a well-connected public transport system that makes it easy to move around. The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system and buses are the primary modes of transportation, making it easy to travel to every corner of the island. Additionally, taxis and ride-hailing services such as Grab are also readily available.

In conclusion, exchange your Bangladesh Taka to Singapore Dollars before your trip to enjoy a smooth transaction process, access to better exchange rates, and ensure you stick to your budget during your stay in Singapore. With its vibrant culture, culinary delights, and awe-inspiring attractions, Singapore is the perfect destination for a memorable vacation.

We hope this guide has been useful in preparing you for your Singaporean adventure! Safe travels!

People Also Ask About Singapore to Bangladesh Taka

Here are some common questions people might have about converting Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka:

  1. What is the exchange rate for Singapore dollars (SGD) to Bangladeshi taka (BDT)?
  2. The exchange rate fluctuates frequently, but as of [current date], 1 SGD is equivalent to [insert exchange rate] BDT.

  3. Where can I exchange SGD to BDT?
  4. You can exchange SGD to BDT at banks, currency exchange counters, or through online currency exchange services.

  5. Is it better to exchange SGD to BDT in Singapore or in Bangladesh?
  6. It's generally recommended to exchange your currency in the country you're traveling to, as this can potentially save you conversion fees and rates are often more favorable due to competition.

  7. What should I be aware of when exchanging currency in Bangladesh?
  8. When exchanging currency in Bangladesh, be aware that lower-denomination notes may be difficult to spend or exchange again later, so it's a good idea to try and obtain higher denominations if possible. Additionally, counterfeit notes are prevalent in Bangladesh, so be sure to inspect any bills carefully before accepting them.

  9. Can I use my credit card instead of exchanging cash?
  10. Many places in Bangladesh do not accept credit cards, so it's important to carry cash for daily expenses. However, some hotels and higher-end restaurants in major cities may accept credit cards, but be prepared for the possibility of additional fees for using cards abroad.

People Also Ask About Singapore to Bangladesh Taka

1. What is the exchange rate from Singapore Dollar to Bangladesh Taka?

The exchange rate from Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Bangladesh Taka (BDT) varies and is subject to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. It is recommended to check with authorized money changers or banks for the most up-to-date exchange rate.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladesh Taka?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladesh Taka at authorized money changers, banks, or currency exchange offices. It is advisable to compare rates and fees offered by different providers to ensure you get the best deal.

3. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?

No, Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted in Bangladesh. The official currency of Bangladesh is the Bangladesh Taka (BDT). It is recommended to exchange your Singapore Dollars for Bangladesh Taka before traveling to Bangladesh.

4. Are there any restrictions on bringing Singapore Dollars into Bangladesh?

There are no specific restrictions on bringing Singapore Dollars into Bangladesh. However, if the amount exceeds the equivalent of USD 5,000 or its equivalent in any other currency, it must be declared upon arrival at the customs checkpoint.

5. How much money should I carry in Bangladesh?

The amount of money you should carry in Bangladesh depends on your travel plans, duration of stay, and personal preferences. It is advisable to carry a mix of cash and cards for convenience. Remember to keep your money secure and take necessary precautions to avoid theft or loss.

In summary,

  • The exchange rate from SGD to BDT varies and can be checked with authorized money changers or banks.
  • You can exchange SGD to BDT at authorized money changers, banks, or currency exchange offices.
  • Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted in Bangladesh; it is recommended to convert them to BDT before traveling.
  • There are no specific restrictions on bringing Singapore Dollars into Bangladesh, but large amounts should be declared at customs.
  • The amount of money to carry in Bangladesh depends on your travel plans and preferences, so plan accordingly.
Remember to always check for the latest information and consult official sources for any specific travel or currency-related queries.