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Top 10 Best Bread Makers in Singapore: A Guide to Freshly Baked Bread at Home

Best Bread Maker Singapore

Looking for the best bread maker in Singapore? Check out our top picks and start baking delicious homemade bread today!

Are you tired of buying bread at the store that doesn't quite meet your expectations? Do you want to have fresh bread right out of the oven whenever you want? Look no further, as we bring you the best bread maker options in Singapore.

First up, we have the Panasonic SD-P104 Bread Maker, which is perfect for those who want a versatile and easy-to-use bread maker. With a 13-hour delay timer and 6 different baking settings, you can easily bake a variety of breads, doughs, and cakes. And with its compact design, it's perfect for those who have limited kitchen space.

If you want a bread maker that can make larger loaves of bread, then the Kenwood BM450 Bread Maker might just be what you need. With a 1kg capacity, you can easily make bigger loaves perfect for sharing with your family or friends. It also has 15 pre-set programs and a rapid bake function, so you can have fresh bread in no time.

For those who are serious about baking, the Zojirushi BB-PAC20 Bread Maker is definitely worth considering. It has a dual kneading blade system that ensures even dough distribution, resulting in perfectly baked bread every time. It also has a large viewing window so you can keep an eye on your bread while it bakes.

But what about those who have dietary restrictions? Look no further than the Morphy Richards 48280 Bread Maker. It has a gluten-free program, making it perfect for those who are gluten intolerant. It also has a fruit and nut dispenser, so you can easily add your favorite mix-ins to your bread.

And finally, we have the Breville BBM800XL Bread Maker, which is perfect for those who want total control over their baking process. It has a wide range of customization options, from crust color to loaf size, and even has a collapsible kneading paddle that leaves no hole in the bottom of your loaf. It also has an automatic fruit and nut dispenser, making it easy to add your favorite ingredients.

But wait, why should you invest in a bread maker in the first place? For one, it's more cost-effective in the long run, as you won't have to keep buying bread at the store. It's also healthier, as you have control over the ingredients that go into your bread. And let's not forget the delicious aroma of fresh bread wafting through your home.

In conclusion, a bread maker is a worthwhile investment for those who love fresh bread but don't have the time or expertise to make it by hand. Whether you're a beginner or a baking enthusiast, there's a bread maker out there for you. So why not give it a try and see what all the fuss is about?

The Best Bread Maker Singapore: A Guide to Choose the Right One

Bread making is an art form that requires precision, patience, and practice. And while some bakers opt for kneading and proofing by hand, others find it easier to use a bread maker. Not only does it save time, but it also yields consistent results without all the effort. But with so many choices available in the market, finding the best bread maker Singapore can be overwhelming. In this guide, we'll walk you through the key factors to consider when choosing the right one. Take a look.

Type of Bread Maker

There are two types of bread makers available in the market - vertical and horizontal. Vertical bread makers have a tall, narrow shape, and the bread rises upwards. They occupy less space on your countertop and are generally more affordable. However, horizontal bread makers make bread that is more similar to store-bought bread, and they offer a wider range of loaf sizes. It's essential to consider which type suits your baking needs before making a purchase.


Bread makers come in different sizes, and the capacity is usually measured in terms of the size of the loaf it can produce. If you're baking for a large family, a bread maker that can bake a 2-pound loaf or larger would be ideal. If you're baking for yourself or a small family, a bread maker that produces a 1-pound loaf may suffice.

Programs and Features

Most bread makers come with basic programs for white bread, whole wheat bread, and dough. However, some models have additional features like gluten-free, sourdough, fast bake, and even jam-making functions. Some bread makers also allow for custom programming, where you can adjust aspects like kneading, rising, and baking times to suit your preferences.

Kneading Paddles

Kneading paddles are responsible for mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, and shaping the bread. Most bread makers come with two kneading paddles, while some even offer the option to add a third. It's crucial to ensure that the paddle(s) are easily removable for cleaning as dough can easily get stuck in them.

Noise Level

Since bread makers operate using a motor, they can be noisy. However, some models have noise-reduction features that make for quieter operation. It's essential to consider if noise is a factor for you, especially if you plan on baking at night or during early mornings when others may be sleeping.


It's important to choose a reputable brand when it comes to purchasing a bread maker. Some of the most well-known brands in Singapore include Panasonic, Kenwood, Philips, and Tefal. These brands are renowned for producing high-quality, durable, and reliable bread makers that offer consistent results.


While bread makers can be a sizable investment upfront, they can save money in the long run, especially if you regularly buy artisanal bread from bakeries. Prices for bread makers in Singapore can range from around $100 to over $500. It's essential to keep in mind that higher prices usually indicate more advanced features and more extensive warranties.

Warranty and Customer Support

Lastly, it's crucial to consider the warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer. Look for models that come with a warranty of at least one year, if not more. It's also helpful to check online reviews or forums to see if the brand offers good after-sales customer support.


Choosing the right bread maker can make all the difference in your baking experience. With so many options available, it's essential to consider factors like type, capacity, programs and features, kneading paddles, noise level, brand, price, warranty, and customer support before making a purchase. We hope this guide has helped you narrow down your choices and find the best bread maker Singapore for your baking needs.


Bread is one of the most common breakfast staples in Singapore, and it is no surprise that bread makers are becoming increasingly popular in homes across the country. With so many options to choose from, it can be challenging to find the best bread maker to suit your needs. In this article, we compare the top bread makers available in Singapore based on their features, specifications, and customer reviews.

Bread Maker Features


One of the first things to consider when purchasing a bread maker is the functionality. Most bread makers feature basic settings, such as white or whole wheat, while more advanced models may offer gluten-free, sweet, and homemade jam settings. Some bread makers also come with the option to customize your own recipes.


The capacity of a bread maker is another important consideration. Smaller models typically make loaves weighing up to 500g, while larger models can make loaves of up to 1kg. Consider the size of your family and how often you plan to use the bread maker to determine the best capacity for your needs.

Bread Maker Specification Comparison

Here is a comparison table of the top bread makers available in Singapore based on their features and specifications:

Bread Maker Functionality Capacity Price
Philips HD9045/30 Bread Maker Basic; White, Whole Wheat, French, Sweet, Gluten-Free Up to 0.9kg $139.00
Panasonic SD-P104 Bread Maker Basic; White, Whole Wheat, French, Pizza, Gluten-Free Up to 0.7kg $299.00
Morphy Richards Fastbake Bread Maker Basic; White, Whole Wheat, French, Sweet, Gluten-Free Up to 1kg $229.00

Customer Reviews

Philips HD9045/30 Bread Maker

Many customers have praised the Philips HD9045/30 Bread Maker for its compact size and ease of use. Several reviews have also highlighted the versatility of the machine, particularly the gluten-free setting, which produces excellent results.

Panasonic SD-P104 Bread Maker

Customers commended the Panasonic SD-P104 Bread Maker for its programmable memory settings, which allow you to store your favorite recipes. Some customers noted that the loaf produced by the machine may be smaller than expected, but this is due to its focus on quality over quantity.

Morphy Richards Fastbake Bread Maker

The Morphy Richards Fastbake Bread Maker has received positive reviews for its fast baking time, producing a fresh loaf of bread within an hour. Several reviews have also highlighted the flexibility of the machine, allowing for customization of the baking process to suit different preferences.


When it comes to finding the best bread maker in Singapore, there are several factors to consider, including functionality, capacity, and customer reviews. The Philips HD9045/30 Bread Maker, Panasonic SD-P104 Bread Maker, and Morphy Richards Fastbake Bread Maker are all excellent options to consider, each with their own strengths and unique features. Ultimately, the best bread maker for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.


Bread making has become a popular activity as people started to appreciate good quality bread. In Singapore, bread makers have become an essential appliance in every kitchen that loves homemade bread.

Benefits of Having a Bread Maker

Bread makers are a great investment for many reasons. First, you get to enjoy freshly baked bread at any time. Second, it saves you the trouble of kneading and baking bread manually, which can be tiresome and time-consuming. Third, you have the flexibility to experiment with different bread recipes and flavors.

Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Bread Maker Singapore

1. Bread-making capability – Some bread makers can handle only a certain type of bread, while others can cater to various kinds.2. Loaf size – Determine how big or small you want your loaves to be.3. Ease of use – Choose a machine that is easy to operate and has a user-friendly control panel.4. Customization – Look for features that allow you to customize the bread, such as crust color and texture.5. Maintenance – Choose a model that is easy to clean and maintain.

Best Bread Maker Brands in Singapore

1. Panasonic – offers advanced models that cater to different types of bread, including gluten-free options and artisan bread.2. Tefal – offers highly efficient bread makers with a wide range of customizable settings.3. Zojirushi – offers high-quality bread makers with advanced features, including pre-programmed settings for different types of bread.

Tips for Making Great Bread Using a Bread Maker

1. Follow the recipe – Use the exact measurement of ingredients indicated in the recipe.2. Use fresh ingredients – This will improve the taste and texture of your bread.3. Allow the dough to rise – The rising time is crucial to achieving a fluffy texture.4. Experiment with different types of flour – Try using a mix of different types of flour such as whole wheat, spelt or rye to give your bread a unique flavor and texture.


A lot of people have started to enjoy homemade bread because of the convenience that bread makers bring. It is important to choose the right bread maker model that caters to your needs and lifestyle. Utilizing the tips provided will help create perfectly baked bread every time. Happy baking!

Hello there! If you're on the hunt for the best bread maker in Singapore, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore some top picks for bread makers and what features to consider before making a purchase.

First and foremost, it's important to think about the type of bread you want to make. Some bread makers only offer basic functions for white or whole wheat bread, while others have more specialized settings for different types of bread like sourdough or gluten-free bread.

One great option for a versatile bread maker in Singapore is the Panasonic SD-P104. This machine has 13 different baking programs, including ones for French bread, brioche, and even dumplings. It also has a large capacity of up to 1.2kg, perfect for families or those who like to bake in bulk.

If you're looking for something on the more budget-friendly side, the Khind Bread Maker BM250 is a good choice. While it only has 12 baking programs, it still offers plenty of variety with settings for sweet bread, jam, and yogurt as well as the basics. Plus, it has a compact design that won't take up too much counter space in your kitchen.

Another factor to consider when choosing a bread maker is ease of use. If you're new to baking, you may want a machine with simple controls and clear instructions. On the other hand, more experienced bakers might appreciate a model with customizable settings and a larger range of options.

The Kenwood BM450 is a high-end option that offers both advanced functionality and user-friendly features. It has a large LCD display to easily select settings, and allows bakers to customize everything from crust color to kneading time. Plus, its sleek stainless steel design is sure to look great in any kitchen.

If you're looking for a more compact option, the Tefal Owning Express is a great choice. This bread maker has a compact size that makes it easy to store when not in use, and offers a range of basic baking programs including options for jam and pasta dough. Plus, it comes with a non-stick pan for easy cleanup.

Of course, there are plenty of other bread makers available in Singapore depending on your needs and budget. One thing to keep in mind is that while a higher-end machine may come with more bells and whistles, sometimes a simpler model can be just as effective for your baking needs.

No matter which bread maker you choose, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and experiment with different recipes to find your perfect loaf. With the right machine and a little bit of practice, you'll be whipping up fresh, delicious bread in no time.

Thank you for visiting our blog, we hope this article has been helpful in guiding you towards the perfect bread maker for your needs. Happy baking!

People also ask about the best bread makers in Singapore:

  1. What are the top bread makers in Singapore?

    Some of the top bread makers in Singapore include Panasonic SD-P104, Kenwood BM 450 Bread Maker, Tefal PF111EUS.

  2. What is the best bread maker for beginners?

    The Tefal PF111EUS is a great bread maker for beginners as it has easy-to-use controls and is user-friendly.

  3. What is the best bread maker for large families?

    The Panasonic SD-P104 is a great bread maker for large families as it has a large loaf capacity and can make up to 2.5 pounds of bread.

  4. What is the best bread maker for gluten-free bread?

    The Kenwood BM 450 Bread Maker has a gluten-free bread program, which makes it a great option for those who are gluten intolerant.

  5. What is the best budget bread maker in Singapore?

    The Cornell CBC-P120GT Bread Maker is a great budget option in Singapore as it is affordable but still has many features that are found in more expensive models.

People Also Ask about Best Bread Maker in Singapore

1. What is the best bread maker in Singapore?

The best bread maker in Singapore is subjective and can vary depending on individual preferences. However, some popular bread maker brands in Singapore include Panasonic, Philips, and Kenwood. These brands are known for their reliability, performance, and user-friendly features.

Factors to consider when choosing the best bread maker:

  • Capacity: Determine the amount of bread you want to make at once.
  • Settings: Look for a bread maker with various settings for different types of bread, such as whole wheat, gluten-free, or French bread.
  • Timer: Consider if you need a timer function for delayed baking.
  • Size and design: Ensure the bread maker fits well in your kitchen and matches your aesthetic preferences.
  • User reviews: Read reviews from other customers to gauge the performance and reliability of the bread maker.

2. Which bread maker is suitable for beginners?

If you are a beginner in bread making, it's recommended to choose a bread maker with user-friendly features and simple controls. Some models that are suitable for beginners include the Panasonic SD-P104, Philips HD9045, and Kenwood BM450. These bread makers come with easy-to-understand instructions and pre-set programs for basic bread recipes.

Features to look for in a bread maker for beginners:

  • Pre-set programs: Look for bread makers with pre-set programs for basic bread recipes like white bread, whole wheat bread, or dough.
  • Easy controls: Choose a bread maker with intuitive controls and a clear display for hassle-free operation.
  • Recipe book: Some bread makers include a recipe book with beginner-friendly recipes to help you get started.
  • Automatic yeast dispenser: This feature ensures the yeast is added at the right time and in the correct quantity, resulting in better bread quality.

3. Can a bread maker bake other types of bread besides regular loaves?

Yes, many bread makers have the versatility to bake different types of bread besides regular loaves. Some common bread variations you can make with a bread maker include:

  1. Whole wheat bread
  2. French bread
  3. Rye bread
  4. Gluten-free bread
  5. Sweet bread (e.g., cinnamon raisin)
  6. Dough for rolls, pizza, or buns

However, it's important to check the specific settings and capabilities of the bread maker you choose to ensure it can accommodate your desired bread variations.

4. What are the advantages of using a bread maker?

Using a bread maker offers several advantages:

  • Fresh and homemade bread: You can enjoy the taste and aroma of freshly baked bread in the comfort of your home.
  • Customization: Bread makers allow you to control the ingredients and tailor the bread to your preferences, such as adding herbs, seeds, or nuts.
  • Convenience: With a bread maker, you can simply add the ingredients, set the program, and let the machine do the work while you attend to other tasks.
  • Cost savings: Making your own bread can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to buying store-bought bread.
  • Dietary restrictions: If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, a bread maker enables you to create gluten-free or low-sugar bread options.

Overall, investing in a good bread maker can enhance your baking experience and allow you to enjoy freshly baked bread whenever you desire.