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Pound to Singapore Dollar (GBP/SGD) Exchange Rate: Latest Updates and Conversion Rates

Pound To Singapore Dollar

Get the latest exchange rate for Pound to Singapore Dollar. Convert your currency and stay updated with real-time rates for easy transactions.

Looking to convert your Pound to Singapore Dollar?

Well, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about Pound to Singapore Dollar conversion, the current exchange rate, and some tips to ensure you avail the best rate possible.

Before we dive into the details, here's a quick fact - Did you know that Singapore is one of the only three countries in the world that doesn't have a decimal currency system?

Now, let's talk about the main topic at hand. The current exchange rate between Pound and Singapore dollar is 1 GBP= 1.79 SGD (as of September 2021).

So, if you're planning a trip to Singapore, this is the rate you'll need to convert your pounds to Singapore dollars. However, if you're looking to transfer a larger sum of money or for business purposes, you may want to explore other options.

This brings us to the question, What ways can you convert your Pounds to Singapore Dollars?

There are several ways to convert currencies, but some options are better than others. For instance, you can convert your money at the airport, through your bank, or using an online currency exchange service. However, the exchange rates offered by these methods often come with high commission fees and hidden charges.

So, what's the solution to this problem? Compare and find the best deals available!

By comparing different exchange rates and services, you can save yourself from being ripped off by commission fees, and get more pounds for your Singaporean dollars. Some trustworthy platforms that offer competitive exchange rates include TransferWise, XE Money Transfer, and CurrencyFair.

Another factor that affects the exchange rate is market fluctuations. Hence, it's essential to stay updated with What factors can cause the exchange rate to fluctuate?

The exchange rate can be affected by a lot of factors, including economic news, political instability, and natural disasters. Additionally, the global pandemic has had a significant impact on the exchange rate. So, make sure to keep an eye out for global news and market movements.

Now that you know about Pound to Singapore Dollar conversion rates, methods for exchanging currencies, and factors that can cause the exchange rate to fluctuate, you can confidently convert your money without any hassle and make informed decisions.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't waste any more time and get started on converting your pounds to Singapore dollars today!


When people consider travelling to Singapore, or conducting business in the country, one of the first things that typically comes to mind is the exchange rate between their home currency and the Singapore dollar. In this article, we will explore the current exchange rate of the pound sterling (GBP) to the Singapore dollar (SGD), along with historical trends and key factors that impact the exchange rate.

Current Exchange Rate

As of [insert date], the exchange rate for GBP to SGD was [insert specific exchange rate]. It is important to note that exchange rates fluctuate frequently, so this number is subject to change. One reason why the exchange rate may fluctuate is due to factors in both the UK and Singapore. For example, a political decision in the UK or a fluctuation in the Singapore stock market could impact the exchange rate.

Historical Trends

Looking back at historical trends, the GBP to SGD exchange rate has varied widely over the past several years. In [insert year], the exchange rate was [insert specific exchange rate], while in [insert year], it had reached [insert specific exchange rate]. In general, the pound has been experiencing volatility due to the ongoing Brexit negotiations, making it more difficult to predict future fluctuations in the exchange rate. However, economic growth in Singapore coupled with its financial stability has helped to maintain a relatively stable SGD despite external pressure.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

In addition to external market factors, there are several more specific issues affecting the GBP to SGD exchange rate. Below are some key factors that can have an impact:

Interest Rates

Both Singapore and the UK have their own interest rates which can impact the exchange rate. When interest rates in Singapore increase or decrease, it can cause capital to flow into or out of the country, influencing the SGD exchange rate. The same can be said for interest rate changes by the Bank of England.

Government Policies

Economic policies passed by both Singapore and UK governments can impact both the GBP and SGD directly, as well as the general market sentiment towards the currencies. Positive policies that support economic growth could cause an increase in currency value, while more steadfast or unsure policies may have the opposite effect.

Economic News

Announcements related to the general health of each country's economy, such as unemployment rates, trade balances, and GDP growth, can also have an impact on the exchange rate. For example, news of increasing employment rates in Singapore may lead to a stronger SGD value, which may indirectly impact the GBP to SGD exchange rate.


The GBP to SGD exchange rate is subject to various macroeconomic forces that are frequently-changing and interconnected. Understanding these forces can help to predict trends and make informed trading decisions. While it is impossible to predict with certainty how the exchange rate will behave in future months or years, keeping a vigilant watch on political policies and economic news can provide meaningful insights into upcoming movements.


When it comes to exchanging currency, it is important to know the current exchange rate to ensure that you get the most value for your money. In this comparison blog article, we will be looking at the Pound Sterling (GBP) to Singapore Dollar (SGD) exchange rate and how it has fluctuated over recent years.

The History of the GBP to SGD Exchange Rate

In the early 2000s, the GBP to SGD exchange rate was relatively stable, with one pound equaling roughly two Singapore dollars. However, as the years went on, this began to change. The global financial crisis in 2008 had a significant impact on the exchange rate, with the pound losing value against the Sing dollar.

Since then, the exchange rate has fluctuated quite drastically. In 2013, one pound was worth around 1.8 Singapore dollars. Fast forward to 2016, and the value of the pound dropped significantly due to the Brexit referendum, with one pound being worth around 1.5 Singapore dollars. As of August 2021, the exchange rate has stabilized somewhat, with one pound being worth around 1.75 Singapore dollars.

Comparison Table

Date GBP to SGD Exchange Rate
August 2016 1 GBP = 1.5 SGD
August 2017 1 GBP = 1.64 SGD
August 2018 1 GBP = 1.76 SGD
August 2019 1 GBP = 1.78 SGD
August 2020 1 GBP = 1.79 SGD
August 2021 1 GBP = 1.75 SGD

Factors Affecting the GBP to SGD Exchange Rate

Several factors can affect the exchange rate between two currencies. Some of the factors that have impacted the GBP to SGD exchange rate include:

Political Events

As we've seen with Brexit, political events can have a significant impact on the value of a currency. When the Brexit referendum passed in 2016, the value of the pound dropped significantly, as there was uncertainty about what the future held for the UK's economy.

Economic Growth and Inflation

The strength of an economy can also impact its currency's value. If a country's economy is doing well, it can cause its currency to rise in value, while a struggling economy can cause its currency to fall. Similarly, high inflation rates can cause a currency to lose value.

Interest Rates

Changes in interest rates can also impact a currency's value. If a country's central bank raises interest rates, it can make that country's currency more attractive to investors, leading to a rise in value.


It's clear that the GBP to SGD exchange rate has been volatile over recent years, with several external factors impacting its value. While it's impossible to predict exactly how the exchange rate will fluctuate in the coming years, we can look at some of the trends and factors that have influenced it in the past.

If you're planning to travel to Singapore, it's worth keeping an eye on the exchange rate to ensure that you get the best value for your money. Similarly, if you're doing business with Singaporean companies or investing in Singaporean stocks, it's important to keep track of the exchange rate to make informed decisions.


One of the most popular currencies in the world, the Pound (GBP), is a significant currency for traders all around the globe. In addition, a currency that has steadily increased in popularity over the years is the Singapore dollar (SGD).In this article, we will be discussing some tips and tricks to help you get the best value when converting your Pounds to Singapore dollars.

1. Research:

Before making any currency exchange, it is always important to research the current conversion rates. There are many websites available that offer real-time information on currency conversions, including and

2. Timing:

The timing of your currency exchange can have a significant impact on the amount of money you receive. Currency values fluctuate every day, so it is essential to keep an eye on the rates to know when to make the exchange.

3. Choose the Right Service Provider:

There are many service providers where you can convert your Pounds to SGD, including banks, financial institutions, and online service platforms. It is essential to choose the right one as each comes with its own set of conversion fees, exchange rates, and transfer charges.

4. Avoid Airport Currency Exchanges:

Airport exchange services often charge high exchange rates and transaction fees, which means that you'll end up getting less value for your money. Therefore, it is best to avoid exchanging currency at airports unless it's an emergency.

5. Consider Transfer Fees:

When transferring Pounds to SGD through an online platform, bear in mind the transfer fees, which could be high, particularly for significant transaction amounts.

6. Keep an Eye on the Exchange Rate:

The exchange rate between two currencies changes frequently; therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on the exchange rate when making a currency exchange. Follow it over a few days or several weeks; you can use an online portal to help follow the exchange rate.

7. Look for Deals:

Many service providers offer attractive deals and promotions on currency exchange services. It could be taking advantage of free transfers, bonus conversion rates, or even discounted fees. Check regularly to identify deals that you can use to your benefit.

8. Consider Using Peer-to-Peer Platforms:

Peer-to-peer platforms ensure that you get the best value for your money by allowing you to convert your Pounds to SGD free-of-charge at the current mid-market rate.

9. Consider a Prepaid Travel Card:

If you're planning on traveling to Singapore, consider taking a prepaid travel card loaded with Singapore dollars, which often have better conversion rates than exchanging hard currencies like Pound Sterling.

10. Plan Ahead:

Plan your currency exchange well ahead of your travel date so you will avoid making hasty decisions that can lead to costly charges or unfavorable exchange rates.

In conclusion, by researching the current exchange rates, choosing the right service provider, avoiding airport exchanges, looking for deals, and considering peer-to-peer and prepaid travel cards, you'll save significant amounts of money on your Pounds to Singapore dollar conversions. Additionally, by planning ahead, you'll be able to avoid hasty decisions that can lead to unnecessary losses.

Greetings to all visitors of this blog! It is indeed a pleasure to share with you all that the exchange rate between Pound Sterling and Singapore Dollar is an interesting topic to delve into. The exchange rate refers to the value of one currency in comparison to another.

Pound Sterling, commonly referred to as the pound, is the official currency of the United Kingdom. It is known for its stability and strength in the international market. Meanwhile, Singapore dollar, abbreviated as SGD or S$, is the official currency of Singapore. Being an export-oriented economy, Singapore has made its currency strong to enhance its economic objective of increasing export demand.

In terms of the exchange rate between Pound Sterling and Singapore Dollar, it fluctuates depending on a few factors. One major factor that affects these two currencies is the interest rate of each country's central bank. Interest rates can affect the flow of money between countries as well as impact how investors view the economic health of a particular country.

Another factor that influences the exchange rate between the pound and leone is inflation. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time. When a country experiences higher inflation, it often reduces the value of its currency.

Furthermore, political instability in either country may also affect the exchange rate. Political issues such as government spending, sanctions or restrictions, and trade agreements can send ripples across the economic landscape and ultimately affect the value of currencies.

The current exchange rate between Pound Sterling and Singapore Dollar as of September 2021 stands at £1 GBP = $1.87 SGD. This means that one pound sterling will get you $1.87 Singaporean dollars in exchange. However, the exchange rate can be volatile and is subject to change due to various factors.

There are several benefits for Britons visiting or studying in Singapore while the exchange rate is favourable. With the currency exchange rate, you could save significantly on expenses when travelling to Singapore. For example, accommodation, food and transportation are considerably cheaper in Singapore when compared to London, Edinburgh, or Manchester.

Additionally, students who would like to study in Singapore will appreciate the country's top institutions of learning, such as the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University(NTU). Moreover, having a student visa for Singapore allows the opportunity to travel within Southeast Asia, which can be comparatively less expensive than travelling elsewhere.

In conclusion, the exchange rate between Pound Sterling and Singapore Dollar is an exciting topic that is impressive to keep track of for business people, investors, students, and travellers. It may be either higher or lower depending on a few factors such as interest rates, inflation, and political stability. Nonetheless, it is a good time for Britons planning to travel or study in Singapore, as you may take advantage of the current exchange rate to save money.

Thank you for reading this blog post about the Pound to Singapore Dollar exchange rate, we hope you found it informative and helpful for your future plans. We aim to help visitors make informed and smart financial decisions.

People also ask about Pound to Singapore Dollar:

  • What is the current exchange rate of Pound to Singapore Dollar?
  • Is it better to exchange Pounds for SGD in the UK or Singapore?
  • How do I get the best exchange rate for Pound to Singapore Dollar?
  1. The current exchange rate of Pound to Singapore Dollar is 1 GBP = 1.855 SGD.
  2. It is better to exchange Pounds for SGD in Singapore as you will typically get a better exchange rate due to less commission fees and charges.
  3. To get the best exchange rate, compare different currency exchange providers and choose the one with the lowest fees and highest exchange rate. You can also consider using a currency exchange comparison website to find the best deal.

People Also Ask about Pound to Singapore Dollar

1. How can I convert Pound to Singapore Dollar?

To convert Pound to Singapore Dollar, you can use various methods:

  • Visit a currency exchange booth or bank and physically exchange your Pounds for Singapore Dollars.
  • Use an online currency converter or a mobile app that provides real-time exchange rates to determine the current conversion rate between the two currencies.
  • If you have a bank account in both currencies, you can transfer money from your Pound account to your Singapore Dollar account using international money transfer services.

2. What is the current exchange rate for Pound to Singapore Dollar?

The exchange rate between Pound and Singapore Dollar fluctuates constantly due to market conditions. It is recommended to check the latest exchange rate using a reliable currency converter or financial website.

3. Are there any fees or charges involved in converting Pound to Singapore Dollar?

Yes, fees and charges may apply when converting Pound to Singapore Dollar. These fees can vary depending on the method of conversion and the service provider you choose. Currency exchange booths and banks may charge a commission or service fee, while online platforms might have different transaction or processing fees. It is advisable to compare rates and fees across different providers before making any conversions.

4. Can I use my credit card to make purchases in Singapore?

Yes, most credit cards are widely accepted in Singapore. However, it is important to inform your credit card provider about your travel plans to avoid any potential issues with international transactions. Additionally, some merchants or establishments may charge a foreign transaction fee for purchases made in a currency different from the one associated with your credit card. It is advisable to check with your credit card provider regarding their policies and fees for international transactions.

5. Should I exchange my Pounds before traveling to Singapore?

While it is not mandatory to exchange your Pounds before traveling to Singapore, it can be more convenient to have some Singapore Dollars on hand upon arrival. This allows you to cover immediate expenses, such as transportation or small purchases, without having to search for a currency exchange booth right away. However, if you prefer to exchange your currency upon arrival, there are plenty of options available at the airport or in the city.

6. What other currencies are accepted in Singapore?

In addition to Singapore Dollar, some establishments in Singapore may accept major foreign currencies like US Dollars, Euros, British Pounds, Australian Dollars, and Japanese Yen. However, the exchange rate used by these establishments might not be as favorable as the official exchange rate. It is recommended to carry Singapore Dollars for most transactions to avoid any potential inconvenience or extra charges.