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Singapore Technologies Share Price Rises as Company Continues to Innovate in Emerging Industries

Singapore Technologies Share Price

Singapore Technologies share price: Stay updated with the latest movements and trends in the stock market of this leading technology company.

Are you looking to invest in the Singapore stock market? If so, you should definitely consider the share price of Singapore Technologies (ST) – one of the leading companies in the technology and engineering industry in Singapore.

Did you know that ST's share price has been steadily increasing over the past few months? In fact, in August 2021, the share price reached an all-time high of SGD 4.28. This is a significant increase from its lowest point in March 2020, which was SGD 2.48.

What is the reason behind this surge in ST's share price? One factor could be the company's strong financial performance. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, ST managed to maintain its revenue growth in 2020, with a year-on-year increase of 7.9%. Its net profit also increased by 35% compared to the previous year.

But that's not all – ST has also been making strategic moves to expand its business and strengthen its position in the market. In June 2021, it announced the acquisition of SP Telecommunications Pte Ltd, which will allow it to offer end-to-end 5G network solutions to its customers.

Moreover, ST has been actively seeking partnerships and collaborations to enhance its product offerings. For instance, it recently partnered with Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems to co-develop and market advanced naval defense solutions.

So, what does all this mean for investors? It indicates that ST is a company that is constantly innovating and adapting to the changing market conditions. Its focus on expanding its business and investing in new technologies bodes well for its future growth potential.

Of course, as with any investment, there are always risks involved. The global economic situation, regulatory changes, and competition from other companies in the industry are just some of the factors that could impact ST's share price in the future.

However, if you're looking for a company that has a strong financial track record, is constantly evolving and adapting to market changes, and has a solid growth potential, then ST is definitely worth considering.

So, what should you do next? Before making any investment decisions, it's always important to do your own research and seek advice from a financial advisor. But with its strong performance, strategic moves, and future growth potential, ST is certainly a company that should be on your radar.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in one of Singapore's top technology and engineering companies – take a closer look at Singapore Technologies' share price today!

The Rise and Fall of Singapore Technologies Share Price

Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) is an integrated engineering group that provides innovative solutions in aerospace, electronics, land systems, and marine sectors. The company is listed on the Singapore Exchange and has a market capitalization of over S$11 billion. Over the years, ST Engineering's share price has gone through several ups and downs, reflecting its business performance and market conditions.

The Bull Run of Early 2018

In early 2018, ST Engineering enjoyed a bull run, with its share price climbing from S$3.25 in January to S$4.20 in May, a gain of nearly 30%. The strong performance was fueled by the company's solid financial results for FY2017, which saw record revenue of S$6.62 billion and net profit of S$535 million. ST Engineering's aerospace and electronics segments were the main drivers of growth, propelled by robust demand from customers in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Investors were also impressed by the company's strategic initiatives, such as the acquisition of MRA Systems, a US-based manufacturer of aviation lighting and safety systems, and the divestment of a non-core business unit, iDirect Asia Pte Ltd.

The Slump of 2019

In contrast to the positive sentiment of 2018, ST Engineering's share price took a beating in 2019, dropping from S$3.85 in January to S$3.00 in August, a decline of more than 20%. The main factors behind the slump were weaker-than-expected earnings for 1H2019, which showed a 0.7% decline in revenue and a 7.5% drop in net profit compared to the same period in 2018.

ST Engineering's management attributed the lackluster results to a challenging macroeconomic environment that had affected its businesses in the US and Europe. In particular, the company's land systems segment had faced delays and costs overruns in several projects, while its marine segment had seen lower volumes and margins due to reduced demand for oil and gas equipment and services.

The Recovery in 2020

Despite the setbacks of 2019, ST Engineering's share price rebounded in 2020, rising from S$3.10 in March to S$3.90 in November, a gain of nearly 25%. The resurgence was driven by several factors, including:

  • Better earnings for 1H2020, which showed a 24% increase in net profit, thanks to strong performances from the aerospace and electronics segments;
  • A flurry of contract wins, such as a S$540 million deal to provide engineering and maintenance services to the Singapore Air Force and a S$635 million contract to supply armored vehicles to the Singapore Army;
  • The company's continued investment in research and development, such as the launch of a new cybersecurity hub and the acquisition of satellite communications firm Newtec;
  • The positive outlook for the defense and aviation industries, which are expected to benefit from increased government spending and air travel demand post-COVID-19.

The Future of ST Engineering

Looking ahead, ST Engineering faces both opportunities and challenges in its quest to remain a leading engineering group in Asia and beyond. On the positive side, the company has a diverse range of businesses and products that cater to growing markets such as aerospace defense, smart cities, and cybersecurity. It also has a strong track record of innovation and strategic partnerships, such as its joint venture with Airbus to develop unmanned aerial systems for commercial applications.

On the negative side, ST Engineering faces intense competition from both domestic and foreign players, many of whom have greater scale and resources. It also operates in a rapidly evolving regulatory and technological landscape, which requires constant adaptation and investment. For example, ST Engineering will need to navigate the impact of climate change, rising geopolitical tensions, and the emergence of disruptive technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence.


Despite the fluctuations in its share price, ST Engineering remains a formidable player in the engineering industry, with a strong brand, a skilled workforce, and a commitment to innovation and sustainable growth. Its future success will depend on how it addresses the challenges of the changing market environment while capitalizing on the opportunities presented by new trends and technologies.

Singapore Technologies: A Comparison on Share Price


Singapore Technologies is a global technology, defense, and engineering group. The company has diversified businesses across different sectors such as aerospace, electronics, land systems, marine, and others. Its strategic location in the Asia-Pacific region gives it an edge over its competitors. This article compares Singapore Technologies share price with its competitors based on different financial metrics.

Comparison of Annual Revenue

Annual revenue is an important metric when comparing companies. In 2020, the annual revenue of Singapore Technologies was SGD 7.9 billion, which was lower than its competitor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, at JPY 4.6 trillion (SGD 56 billion). However, Singapore Technologies had higher revenue compared to another competitor, General Dynamics, which had an annual revenue of USD 37.9 billion (SGD 50.9 billion).

Comparison of Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Earnings per share is an important measure of a company's profitability. In 2020, Singapore Technologies had an EPS of SGD 0.13, while Mitsubishi Heavy Industries had an EPS of JPY 40.7 (SGD 0.49). General Dynamics had an EPS of USD 11.61 (SGD 15.64).

Comparison of Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

Price-to-earnings ratio is a valuation ratio that measures a company's current stock price relative to its earnings per share. As of August 2021, the P/E ratio of Singapore Technologies was 14.41, which was lower than Mitsubushi Heavy Industries' P/E ratio of 46.48. General Dynamics had a P/E ratio of 15.96.

Comparison of Dividend Yield

Dividend yield is the annual dividend per share divided by the current stock price. Singapore Technologies had a dividend yield of 3.90%, which was higher than Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' dividend yield of 1.26%. General Dynamics had a dividend yield of 2.30%.

Comparison of Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Debt-to-equity ratio measures a company's leverage or the amount of debt used to finance its operations relative to shareholders' equity. As of 2020, Singapore Technologies had a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.33, which was lower than Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' debt-to-equity ratio of 0.5. General Dynamics had a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.68.

Comparison of Return on Equity (ROE)

Return on equity is a measure of how effectively a company generates profits from shareholders' investments. In 2020, Singapore Technologies had an ROE of 4.13%, while Mitsubishi Heavy Industries had an ROE of 2.05%. General Dynamics had an ROE of 22.43%.

Comparison of Market Capitalization

Market capitalization is the total value of a company's outstanding shares. As of August 2021, Singapore Technologies' market capitalization was SGD 11.68 billion, which was lower than Mitsubushi Heavy Industries' market capitalization of SGD 1.39 trillion. General Dynamics had a market capitalization of SGD 59.27 billion.


Based on the comparison above, Singapore Technologies' share price performs relatively well compared to its competitors, especially in terms of dividend yield and debt-to-equity ratio. The company's low debt indicates less financial risk and a strong balance sheet. However, Singapore Technologies has lower revenue and ROE compared to its competitors. Investors should consider these factors when making investment decisions.


Singapore Technologies is a diversified company with businesses across various sectors. The company's share price performs relatively well compared to its competitors, although there are areas for improvement. Singapore Technologies' strong position in the Asia-Pacific region and its focus on innovation make it a promising company in the long run.


Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) is a Singapore-based technology, defense and engineering company. ST Engineering’s business segments operate across multiple sectors including aerospace, electronics, land systems, marine, and other commercial businesses. As of 2021, ST Engineering is the largest defense contractor in Singapore and has a strong presence globally.

The History of ST Engineering

ST Engineering was established in 1997 when the then-Singapore Technologies (ST) was restructured into an umbrella corporation to oversee the various subsidiaries and holdings owned by the government of Singapore. Over the years, ST Engineering has grown to become one of the largest technology and defense companies in the region.

The Current State of ST Engineering Share Price

As of August 2021, ST Engineering’s share price is trading at around SGD 3.60 per share. There has been steady growth in the company’s share price over the past year despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Factors that Affect ST Engineering’s Share Price

1. Financial Performance

A company’s financial performance is one of the most important factors that can affect its share price. ST Engineering’s financial results have been relatively stable, and this stability has contributed to the steady growth of its share price.

2. Political and Economic Factors

Political and economic factors can also play a significant role in the share price of a company. ST Engineering is headquartered in Singapore, a country with a stable political environment and a strong economy. This stability can help to bolster investor confidence in the company and contribute to the growth of its share price.

3. Industry Trends

Industry trends can also have an impact on the share price of a company. ST Engineering operates in a variety of sectors, including aerospace and defense, which have been relatively stable industries in recent years. This stability has helped to contribute to the growth of ST Engineering’s share price.

4. Investor Sentiment

Investor sentiment is another important factor that can affect the share price of a company. Positive news about ST Engineering, such as a major contract win or a strong financial quarter, can help to boost investor sentiment and contribute to an increase in the company’s share price.

Tips for Investing in ST Engineering

If you are considering investing in ST Engineering, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Do Your Research

Before investing in any company, it’s always important to do your research. Look at ST Engineering’s financial performance, industry trends, and any recent news that may be impacting the company. This will help you to make an informed decision about whether to invest.

2. Consider the Long-Term Potential

When investing in a company like ST Engineering, it’s important to consider the long-term potential of the investment. ST Engineering is a well-established company with a strong track record of growth, making it a potentially attractive long-term investment.

3. Monitor the Industry

As mentioned earlier, industry trends can have an impact on the share price of a company. It’s important to stay up to date with developments in ST Engineering’s various business segments, as this can help you to determine whether the company is likely to continue growing.

4. Don’t Invest More Than You Can Afford to Lose

As with any investment, it’s important to only invest what you can afford to lose. No investment is ever completely risk-free, so it’s always wise to err on the side of caution when investing.


ST Engineering is a well-established technology and defense company with a strong track record of growth. While there are risks associated with any investment, many investors view it as a potentially attractive long-term investment opportunity. If you’re considering investing in ST Engineering, make sure to do your research, monitor industry trends, and only invest what you can afford to lose.

Welcome to our blog about Singapore Technologies Share Price. In this post, we will take a closer look at the current state of Singapore Technologies' share price and explore some of the factors that may be impacting its performance in the market. We hope that by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what is driving the volatility of this particular stock, as well as some insights into the broader trends that are shaping the Singaporean economy.

To start, let's take a look at where Singapore Technologies' share price is currently trading. As of this writing, the stock is trading at $2.89 SGD, which represents a decline of nearly 20% over the past year. This relatively weak performance can be attributed to a variety of factors, including a slowdown in global economic growth, rising geopolitical tensions, and uncertainty about the future direction of key markets such as China and the United States.

Another potential factor that may be driving Singapore Technologies' share price down is increased competition from other companies in the same sector. For example, many investors are now looking to invest in smaller tech start-ups and other emerging companies that offer more exciting growth prospects than established players like Singapore Technologies. This shift in investor sentiment could be contributing to the recent weakness in the company's stock price.

Despite these challenges, there are also some reasons to be optimistic about Singapore Technologies' future prospects. For one thing, the company has a diverse range of businesses that span a wide range of industries, from defense and aerospace to electronics and engineering. This means that it is well-positioned to weather any downturns in particular sectors and remain competitive over the long term.

In addition, Singapore is widely regarded as one of the most business-friendly environments in the world, with a highly educated workforce, strong government support, and a robust infrastructure that supports innovation and growth. These factors should help to ensure that Singapore Technologies remains a key player in the region's economy, even as it faces increasing competition from other companies and emerging markets.

Looking ahead, there are a number of potential catalysts that could drive Singapore Technologies' share price higher in the coming months and years. For example, the company has a number of major projects in the works, including the development of new cybersecurity technologies and the expansion of its satellite communications business. These initiatives could help to attract new investment and drive growth in key areas of the business.

Another potential factor that could boost Singapore Technologies' stock price is a more favorable macroeconomic environment. If global economic growth accelerates and investors begin to shift their focus back to established, stable companies like Singapore Technologies, then we could see a rebound in the company's share price over the medium to long term.

Of course, there are also risks to be aware of. For example, rising geopolitical tensions and regulatory changes could create headwinds for Singapore Technologies and other companies operating in the same space. In addition, increased competition from other countries and businesses could put pressure on margins and overall profitability, potentially leading to weaker performance in the stock market.

Overall, however, we believe that Singapore Technologies remains a strong company with solid fundamentals and a diverse range of businesses that position it well for future growth. While there may be challenges and volatility in the short term, we believe that patient, long-term investors will be rewarded for their commitment to this world-class company.

Thank you for taking the time to read our thoughts on Singapore Technologies Share Price. We hope that you found this article informative and helpful in your own investing journey. As always, please do your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

People Also Ask About Singapore Technologies Share Price

Here are some frequently asked questions about Singapore Technologies Share Price:

1. What is Singapore Technologies’ share price?

The latest ST Engineering (Singapore Technologies) share price can be found on the Singapore Stock Exchange website or financial news websites like Bloomberg or Yahoo Finance. The most up-to-date information can also be obtained from a stockbroker or financial advisor.

2. What affects Singapore Technologies share prices?

  • The general state of the economy
  • Company performance and earnings reports
  • Industry trends and competition
  • Government policies and regulations
  • Global and regional events and developments
  • Institutional investor actions, such as buying or selling

3. Is Singapore Technologies shares a good investment?

The decision whether to invest in Singapore Technologies shares or any other stock depends on various factors, such as your investment goals, risk tolerance, financial situation, and market conditions. It’s important to do your own research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

4. How can I buy Singapore Technologies shares?

You can buy Singapore Technologies shares through a licensed stockbroker or online trading platform. Make sure you understand the fees, commissions, and risks involved before opening an account and placing an order.

5. Can I get dividends from owning Singapore Technologies shares?

Yes, Singapore Technologies issues dividends to its shareholders based on its earnings and dividend policy. The exact amount and timing of dividends depend on various factors and are subject to approval by the Board of Directors and shareholders. You can check the company’s dividend history and policy on its website or financial reports.

People Also Ask About Singapore Technologies Share Price

1. What is the current share price of Singapore Technologies?

The current share price of Singapore Technologies (ST) can vary and is subject to market fluctuations. It is best to check the latest share price on financial websites or consult your stockbroker for the most accurate information.

2. How can I track the share price of Singapore Technologies?

You can track the share price of Singapore Technologies by using various financial platforms and tools. These include stock market websites, mobile applications, and online trading platforms. Additionally, you can set up price alerts or subscribe to market updates to stay informed about any changes in ST's share price.

3. What factors influence the share price of Singapore Technologies?

Several factors can influence the share price of Singapore Technologies:

  • Economic conditions: The overall health of the economy, both in Singapore and globally, can impact ST's share price.
  • Company performance: ST's financial performance, including revenue growth, profitability, and future prospects, can affect its share price.
  • Industry trends: Developments and trends within the defense and engineering sectors can have an influence on ST's share price.
  • Market sentiment: Investor sentiment, market speculation, and news events can all contribute to the volatility of ST's share price.

4. Is investing in Singapore Technologies shares a good idea?

Investing in Singapore Technologies shares can be a viable option for those interested in the defense and engineering sectors. However, it is essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions before making any investment decisions. Consulting with a financial advisor or stockbroker can provide valuable insights and guidance.

5. How can I buy Singapore Technologies shares?

To buy Singapore Technologies shares, you typically need to open a brokerage account with a licensed stockbroker. Once you have set up your account, you can place buy orders for ST shares through the broker's trading platform. It is important to consider any associated fees, commission charges, and market conditions before executing a trade.

In conclusion,

Monitoring the share price of Singapore Technologies, understanding the factors that influence it, and making informed investment decisions are crucial for those interested in investing in ST shares. Stay updated with the latest market information and seek professional advice when needed to make well-informed investment choices.