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Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Singapore Gold Rates Today

Singapore Gold Rate Today

Check the latest gold rates in Singapore today. Stay updated with real-time prices and make informed decisions about your gold investments.

Are you interested in finding out about the gold rate in Singapore today? Look no further! As of Tuesday, July 13th, the gold rate in Singapore stands at SGD 81.39 per gram.

Gold is an essential investment asset for many individuals due to its capability to preserve value and hedge against inflation. Singapore, a hub of gold trading in Southeast Asia, has been experiencing significant demand for gold items like coins and bars. But why?

One reason can be attributed to Singapore's political security and stability which makes it a safe place for international investors. Another contributing factor is Singapore's tax exemption on investment-grade gold for storage in financial institutions, making it a desirable jurisdiction for gold trading.

Looking more specifically at the Singaporean context, the current COVID-19 pandemic seems to be driving up gold demand from both retail and institutional investors. The increased level of uncertainty has led many investors to seek safe-haven assets like gold.

Moreover, Singapore's current low-interest rate environment has made gold a popular investment choice as its prices tend to increase when interest rates are low.

To illustrate the situation better, according to the World Gold Council, Singaporeans purchased 17. 4 tonnes of gold in 2020, worth approximately SGD 1 billion.

However, to make well-informed investment decisions, one should also consider the factors affecting gold prices. Factors like global economic conditions, currency fluctuations, and changes in supply and demand can all impact gold rates.

For instance, the talk of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates in 2023 could lead to a decrease in gold prices. Additionally, news regarding the discovery of new gold deposits could signal an increase in supply and consequently lower gold prices.

Despite these fluctuations, the long-term outlook for gold remains positive, with many analysts predicting that gold prices are set to increase in the coming years.

So, what can one do with this information? It's up to you! You might consider buying gold in Singapore as a long-term investment strategy. Nevertheless, it is crucial to keep track of gold rates and relevant factors that influence them to make well-informed investment decisions.

In conclusion, the gold rate in Singapore today stands at SGD 81.39 per gram. The demand for gold in Singapore remains high, primarily because of its political stability and financial incentives. Although gold prices can fluctuate, the long-term outlook still predicts positive growth.

So, whether you're an experienced investor or someone looking to explore new investment options, keeping track of gold rates in Singapore is definitely worth considering.

Singapore Gold Rate Today: What You Need to Know

Gold, a precious metal, has been a valuable asset throughout history, and its value only seems to increase as time passes. Buying gold can be a profitable investment for many people, but it is essential to keep a keen eye on the market updates to determine the optimal time to invest.

For Singaporeans who are looking to invest in gold, it's crucial to have access to current and accurate information on the Singapore Gold Rate. This article is dedicated to providing you with an insight into Singapore Gold Rate Today.

What Determines Gold Prices?

Given that gold is a valuable commodity, its prices in the international markets of the world are determined by a range of factors that include supply and demand, currency exchange rates, inflation, political tensions, and global economic conditions.

The Singapore Gold Rate is calculated based on these factors and depends on the gold's purity, commonly measured in carats. The most commonly traded forms of gold that affect the Singapore Gold Rate pricing are 22-karat gold and 24-karat gold.

The Current Singapore Gold Rate

As of September 2021, the Singapore Gold Rate is at $78.53 per gram, with a 0.31% increase from September 2020 when it was around $78.29. Singapore's government regulates the sales of gold in the country strictly; therefore, the rate is not subjected to frequent fluctuations.

Several banks and registered dealers offer various types of gold, including coins, bars, and jewelry, and they usually update their rates on a daily basis to stay in line with the current trend. Therefore, it is advisable to keep tabs on multiple sources to ensure that you get a reliable and genuine Singapore Gold Rate.

Factors Affecting Singapore Gold Rate

As mentioned earlier, several factors affect the Singapore Gold Rate. One of them is the international gold spot rate, which refers to the universally accepted price for pure gold. Changes in international markets result in fluctuations in the Singapore Gold Rate.

The currency rates of Singapore vs the United States' dollar also affect the Singapore Gold Rates. The USD remains the global currency against which other currencies and gold are measured; therefore, a strong USD will result in lower gold prices, while a weak dollar will raise gold's value.

The world's political climate, especially in areas that produce and trade gold like China and Russia, may result in a shortage of supply, which raises gold's value.

Investing in Gold

Investing in gold has proven to be a reliable investment for both short-term and long-term investments. It is considered an ideal option for hedging against inflation and currency values. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye out for the latest Singapore Gold Rates when investing in gold to get the best yields.

The Singaporean government doesn't impose any taxes on selling or buying gold, making gold a profitable and easily accessible investment option. Before investing, it is essential to understand the risks involved and do thorough research on the market conditions and recent trends.


The Singapore Gold Rates are not challenging to obtain, given the multiple channels available to access information on the current rates. For those looking to invest in gold in Singapore, it is crucial to monitor the market closely, study trends, and get information from authorized dealers and banks to ensure that you make profitable investments.

As with any investment opportunity, there are risks involved, and one needs to consider various factors like the market situation, recent trends, global economic conditions, and their budget when investing.

Ultimately, investing is a personal financial decision that should be made with caution and with proper research. However, keeping tabs on the Singapore Gold Rate Today can help investors make informed decisions and increase the chances of a successful investment.


Singapore is a country that has always been known for its promising gold market. With a good economy, Singapore is considered as one of the global cities with strong financial and trade links. One of the main contributors to Singapore's economy is the trading of gold. In this blog article, we will be discussing the latest gold rate today in Singapore and how it fares with the previous years, as well as other countries.

Singapore Gold Rate Today

The current gold rate today in Singapore as of July 2021 is $81.61 SGD per gram for 24 karat gold. As for 22k and 18k gold, it is priced at $74.78 SGD and $61.98 SGD per gram respectively. This means that the price of gold in Singapore is quite high compared to other countries like India and the UAE.

Comparison with India

India is one of the largest consumers of gold, and so it is important to see how the gold rate in Singapore compares to the gold rate in India. As of July 2021, the gold rate in India is approximately $45.26 SGD per gram for 24 karat gold. This means that the gold rate in Singapore is almost double the gold rate in India.

Comparison with UAE

The UAE is also another country that has a flourishing gold market. As of July 2021, the gold rate in the UAE is approximately $76.33 SGD per gram for 24 karat gold. This means that the gold rate in Singapore is slightly higher than the gold rate in UAE.

Gold Price Trend in Singapore

The price trend of gold in Singapore has seen fluctuations over the years. In 2011, the price of gold per gram was $71.66 SGD for 24 karat gold, which saw an increase to $197.36 SGD in 2012. However, in 2015, the price dropped down to $50.56 SGD per gram. In late 2019, it went up to $80.53 SGD per gram and has been consistently around that rate until now.

Current Factors Affecting the Gold Rate in Singapore

The fluctuation in gold price can be attributed to various factors such as global economic changes, inflation rates, currency exchange rate, political instability, demand and supply dynamics among others. Currently, the gold rate in Singapore is affected by the rising market demand brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the current market uncertainty and fear of recession, investors are flocking towards the safe haven of gold as a secure investment option.

Comparison Table

Country 24 Karat Gold rate (SGD)
Singapore $81.61 per gram
India $45.26 per gram
UAE $76.33 per gram


Singapore's gold market has seen a steady rise over the years, although the price trend has been volatile. The gold rate in Singapore is currently quite high compared to other countries like India, but slightly higher than UAE. The gold rate is subjected to various factors like economic changes, inflation rates, currency exchange rates, political instability, demand and supply dynamics among others. Investors are currently flocking towards gold due to the current market uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. With this fluctuation, it is essential to keep track of the price trend and make informed decisions before investing in it.

Singapore Gold Rate Today: Factors That Affect the Price

Gold has always been a popular investment instrument. In Singapore, many investors prefer to add gold to their portfolios because it helps diversify their investment and manage risks. The price of gold in Singapore is affected by several factors. Learning about these factors can help you make informed decisions when buying, selling or trading gold. Below are some of the key factors that determine the Singapore Gold Rate Today.

1. Global Demand for Gold

Gold, just like most commodities, is subject to the laws of supply and demand. If the demand for gold increases globally, its price also goes up. For instance, demand for gold from central banks, jewelry manufacturers and consumers can influence the price of gold in Singapore.

2. Geopolitical Tensions

Geopolitical tensions between nations can also trigger a rise in the gold rate. Ongoing trade wars, threats of war, political instability or crises can increase the uncertainty and create instability in the markets. These uncertainties can drive investors to seek the relative stability of gold as a safe-haven asset.

3. Interest Rates

Rising interest rates are usually bad news for gold bullion and coins since they increase the opportunity cost of owning non-yielding gold. This means that investor may choose to buy other investments that offer higher yields, like bonds, over purchasing gold. As a result, the demand for gold would decrease, leading to a drop in prices.

4. Inflation

Inflation can also affect the gold rate in Singapore. During periods of high inflation, people usually lose confidence in paper money as they fear it could lose value. They may then turn to gold as an alternate store of value. This can push up the demand and, consequently, the price of gold.

5. Economic Growth

The general state of the economy can also have an effect on gold prices. Economic growth usually means that people feel confident in their investments and prefer other forms of investments rather than gold. But if there is a feeling of uncertainty, investors may opt for gold as a safe store of value, leading to a rise in price.

How to Stay Current with the Singapore Gold Rate Today

Keeping up with the Singapore gold rate is an essential task for investors who are considering buying or selling gold. Here are some ways that you can access the Singapore gold rate today:

1. Check with Local Jewelers or Bullion Dealers

Local jewelers or bullion dealers will often have up-to-date information on the Singapore gold rate today. You can get this information by calling them or checking their websites.

2. Use Online Bullion Marketplaces

With the increasing use of technology, it is now relatively easy to check the gold rate online. There are various bullion marketplaces that provide real-time updates on the current market rates for different types of gold bullions and coins.

3. Financial News Websites

You can also check out financial news websites to stay up-to-date with the latest movements in the gold market. Reports from reputable sources like the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg can keep you informed on how various factors influencing the gold market.


The gold rate in Singapore can be influenced by several factors like global demand, political tensions, inflation, economic growth, etc. Keep in mind that these factors can change pretty quickly and affect the price of gold just as fast. Therefore, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the current gold rate if you are considering investing in gold in Singapore.

Hello readers! If you're planning to invest in gold, it's important to keep an eye on the daily gold rates. In Singapore, the gold rate is updated every day and can play a significant role in your investment decision. In this article, we will delve into the current Singapore gold rate and what factors could impact its fluctuation.

Firstly, as of today (insert date), the price of 24K gold per gram in Singapore is SGD 98.36. This price is subject to change depending on various economic and global factors such as inflation rates, currency exchange rates, and geopolitical events. Additionally, there are other factors that can influence gold prices, such as local demand and supply, mining production, and storage costs.

It's important not to solely focus on one day's gold rate but instead track the trend over time. For instance, over the course of the past year, gold prices in Singapore have increased by over 15%. Looking at this trend, it may suggest that investing in gold could be a lucrative long-term investment. That being said, it's important to perform proper research and consult with financial experts before making any investment decisions.

One factor that plays a role in current gold rates is the global economic climate. For example, during times of uncertainty or inflation, gold can act as a hedge against market volatility. This is because investors tend to flock towards traditional safe-haven assets, such as gold. As a result, increased demand can drive up gold prices. On the other hand, when the economy is performing well and the stock market is bullish, gold prices may decrease due to decreased demand.

Another consideration is the value of the Singapore dollar. Changes in the USD/SGD exchange rate can greatly impact the gold rate in Singapore. For example, if the USD weakens against the SGD, the gold rate in Singapore may decrease since gold is priced in USD. Conversely, if the SGD weakens against the USD, the gold rate in Singapore may increase.

Furthermore, demand for gold in the local market can be a significant factor in determining the gold rate. Singapore has a high demand for gold jewelry and investments, with the majority of the gold imported from nearby countries such as India and China. An increase in demand from these countries, due to cultural events or festivals, can consequently drive up the gold rates in Singapore.

It's also important to consider the production and mining costs of gold. Gold is primarily mined in countries such as South Africa, Australia, and China. Mining production factors such as labor costs, transportation costs, and political stability can materially affect gold prices. These issues can lead to lower production, resulting in higher prices, or vice versa.

Globally, gold has been known to provide a sense of security, especially during times of economic turmoil. In addition to investing in gold bullion or coins, retail investors can also invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the price of gold. Regardless of the investment method, it is essential to check Singapore's daily gold rate prices so you can make informed investment decisions.

In conclusion, while daily gold rates can vary significantly based on market and economic factors, it's important to take a long-term perspective when investing, especially when considering gold. Although gold may not be completely immune to fluctuations in demand, its historical ability to hedge against inflation has made it an attractive investment option.

Thank you for reading and we hope you found this article helpful in understanding the current gold status in Singapore. Always consult licensed financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

People also ask about Singapore Gold Rate Today:

  1. What is the current gold price in Singapore?
  2. The current gold price in Singapore is SGD 81.02 per gram for 24k gold, SGD 75.35 per gram for 22k gold, and SGD 62.78 per gram for 18k gold.

  3. How is the price of gold determined in Singapore?
  4. The price of gold in Singapore is determined by various factors such as global demand and supply, inflation rates, currency fluctuations, and geopolitical events. The gold market in Singapore operates 24/7, so the price can fluctuate at any time.

  5. Is it a good time to buy gold in Singapore?
  6. The decision to buy gold in Singapore depends on individual preferences and financial goals. Generally, if a person is looking to invest in gold for the long-term, then any time can be a good time to buy. However, it is essential to conduct proper research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

  7. What is the difference between 18k, 22k, and 24k gold in Singapore?
  8. The difference between 18k, 22k, and 24k gold in Singapore lies in their purity levels. 24k gold is the purest form of gold, consisting of 99.9% gold. 22k gold contains 91.7% gold and is mostly used in jewelry-making. 18k gold has 75% gold and is commonly used in jewelry-making as well.

  9. Can I sell my gold jewelry in Singapore?
  10. Yes, there are many places where one can sell their gold jewelry in Singapore, such as pawnshops, goldsmith shops, and bullion dealers. However, it is recommended to shop around and compare prices before selling to ensure that one gets the best deal.

People Also Ask About Singapore Gold Rate Today

1. What is the current gold rate in Singapore?

The current gold rate in Singapore varies depending on various factors, including international market prices, demand and supply, and currency exchange rates. It is best to check with reputable local jewellers or financial institutions for the most accurate and up-to-date gold rates in Singapore.

2. How often does the gold rate in Singapore change?

The gold rate in Singapore can change multiple times throughout the day as it is influenced by global economic and political factors. Changes in gold prices are mainly driven by fluctuations in the international market, such as changes in demand, geopolitical tensions, currency movements, and economic indicators. Therefore, it is advisable to keep track of the gold market regularly for the most recent updates.

3. Are the gold rates in Singapore the same as in other countries?

No, gold rates can vary from one country to another. The price of gold is determined by several factors, including local taxes, import duties, transportation costs, and local market dynamics. Therefore, the gold rates in Singapore may differ from those in other countries due to these factors and the overall market conditions.

4. Where can I find reliable information about the gold rate in Singapore?

To find reliable information about the gold rate in Singapore, you can refer to trusted sources such as local financial news websites, reputable jewellers, and official websites of financial institutions. These sources often provide real-time updates on gold prices and valuable insights into the factors affecting the market.

5. Can I buy gold at the current gold rate in Singapore?

Yes, you can purchase gold at the prevailing gold rate in Singapore. Many jewellers and financial institutions in Singapore offer gold bars, coins, and jewellery for sale. It is essential to compare prices and consider factors such as purity, craftsmanship, and additional charges before making a purchase.

6. Is the gold rate in Singapore inclusive of taxes?

The gold rate quoted in Singapore does not typically include taxes. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applicable to the purchase of gold in Singapore, currently set at 7%. However, certain investment-grade gold products may be exempt from GST. It is advisable to check with the seller or relevant authorities for the specific tax regulations when buying gold in Singapore.

7. How can I track the historical gold rates in Singapore?

You can track the historical gold rates in Singapore by referring to financial websites that provide historical data on gold prices. These websites often allow you to view gold rates over different time periods, enabling you to analyze trends and make informed decisions. Additionally, some financial institutions may offer historical gold rate data on their websites or through their mobile applications.

8. What factors influence the gold rate in Singapore?

The gold rate in Singapore is influenced by various factors, including:

  • Global economic conditions
  • Geopolitical tensions
  • Supply and demand dynamics
  • Currency exchange rates
  • Inflation rates
  • Interest rates

These factors collectively impact investor sentiment and determine the price of gold in the market.

9. Can I sell my gold at the current gold rate in Singapore?

Yes, you can sell your gold at the prevailing gold rate in Singapore. Many jewellers, pawnshops, and gold dealers in Singapore offer buy-back services for gold. However, they may apply a discount or charge a fee for their services. It is advisable to shop around and compare prices before selling your gold to ensure you get the best possible value.

10. Is investing in gold a good option in Singapore?

Investing in gold can be a viable option in Singapore, especially as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Gold has historically retained its value over the long term and can act as a store of wealth. However, like any investment, it carries risks, and it is essential to carefully consider your financial goals, risk tolerance, and seek professional advice before making investment decisions.