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Discover the Latest Weather Conditions in Pasir Ris, Singapore: Stay Prepared with Accurate Updates

Weather Singapore Pasir Ris

Find out the current weather conditions in Pasir Ris, Singapore. Get accurate and up-to-date information on temperature, humidity, and rainfall.

Weather in Singapore is always a hot topic, figuratively and literally. But have you ever wondered about the weather in Pasir Ris, one of the most popular destinations in Singapore? Let's take a closer look.

First things first, let's talk about the temperature. The average temperature in Pasir Ris stays around 27°C. That's a lot cooler than some other parts of Singapore! But don't let that fool you - it can still get pretty humid.

Speaking of humidity, did you know that Pasir Ris is one of the wettest towns in Singapore? It receives an average annual rainfall of 2,400mm! That's a lot of rain. If you're planning on visiting Pasir Ris, make sure to bring an umbrella, just in case.

But don't let the rain discourage you from visiting Pasir Ris. In fact, some people argue that the best time to visit is during the rainy season when the park is at its lushest.

If you're into water activities, Pasir Ris is the perfect place for you. With its beautiful beach and pristine water, there's no shortage of options. Whether you want to go swimming, surfing, or kayaking, you won't be disappointed. Plus, the beach is free of charge!

But if you're not into water activities, don't worry. Pasir Ris has plenty of other things to do as well. For example, you can take a walk or jog along the scenic Tampines Eco Green. Or, you can visit the Pasir Ris Park Mangrove Boardwalk and learn about the importance of mangroves in our ecosystem.

And let's not forget about the food. Pasir Ris is home to a wide variety of eateries, ranging from cheap hawker fare to fancy restaurants. If you're feeling adventurous, try some of the local favorites like roti prata or nasi lemak.

So, what's the best time to visit Pasir Ris? It really depends on your preferences. If you enjoy a cooler climate, visit during the months of December to February. If you don't mind the rain and want to see the park at its greenest, visit during the months of March to November.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a fun and relaxing vacation in Singapore, look no further than Pasir Ris. With its beautiful beach, lush parks, and delicious food, it's the perfect destination for anyone looking to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty of Singapore.


Singapore is known for its tropical climate that results in high humidity, abundant rainfall, and hot temperatures. One of the areas in Singapore that is affected by this type of climate is Pasir Ris, which is located in the eastern part of Singapore. In this article, we will be discussing the weather in Pasir Ris, how it affects the community, and what activities are available during different types of weather.

General climatic conditions in Pasir Ris

Pasir Ris experiences a tropical rainforest climate, which means that it has a lot of precipitation throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 23°C to 32°C, and the humidity is constantly high due to its location near the equator. The northeast monsoon season typically occurs from December to early March, bringing more wind and rainfall than usual. Meanwhile, the southwest monsoon season typically happens from June to September, bringing increased temperatures and occasional periods of drought.

What to expect during rainy days

Pasir Ris experiences a lot of rainfall, especially during the monsoon seasons. It is important for residents and visitors to have umbrellas or raincoats on hand during these times. Expect the streets to be flooded and traffic to be affected. However, don't let the rain stop you from enjoying your day. You can always check out indoor activities, such as virtual reality gaming or an escape room game.

When the sun is shining bright

When the sun is up, expect the heat index to be high. Bring a lot of water and wear loose, comfortable clothing to stay cool. You can head to the beach at Pasir Ris Park to relax, swim, or do water sports such as kayaking or paddleboarding. Alternatively, you can head to Downtown East and experience the outdoor water park or take an outdoor picnic with your friends.

The ideal weather conditions

The best time to visit Pasir Ris is during the transition periods between the monsoon seasons. The weather is typically milder and more comfortable during these times. Expect clear skies and occasional rain showers, making outdoor activities enjoyable without the extreme heat or rain.

Effects of climate change on Pasir Ris

Unfortunately, climate change has affected Pasir Ris in several ways. While it is still experiencing heavy rainfall and high humidity, extreme weather events, such as flash floods and droughts, have become more common. There is also a rise in sea level, which could affect the coastal areas of Pasir Ris. To prepare for these changes, Singapore has implemented measures such as building coastal defenses and improving drainage systems.


In conclusion, the weather in Pasir Ris can be both a blessing and a challenge. High humidity and abundant rainfall are typical for this tropical rainforest climate, but durable infrastructure and preparations can help minimize the effects of harsh weather. Whether you're visiting Pasir Ris to enjoy the outdoors or participating in indoor activities, always be prepared and dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

Weather Comparison Between Singapore and Pasir Ris


Singapore and Pasir Ris are both located in Southeast Asia, but they differ in terms of weather, which is influenced by various factors such as location, geography, and topography. In this blog, we will compare the weather conditions of Singapore and Pasir Ris, including temperature, precipitation, and humidity. We will also discuss the impact of weather on people's daily lives, including transportation, outdoor activities, and health.

Geography and Climate of Singapore

Singapore is a small island city-state located at the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula. It has a tropical rainforest climate, characterized by high humidity, high rainfall, and consistent temperatures throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 26 to 29°C, with the highest temperatures occurring from March to October. The annual rainfall averages around 2,340 mm, with the wetter months being November to January.

Geography and Climate of Pasir Ris

Pasir Ris is a planning area and residential town located in the eastern part of Singapore. It is bordered by Tampines and Paya Lebar to the south, Sengkang and Punggol to the west, and Changi to the east. Pasir Ris has a similar climate to Singapore, with a tropical rainforest climate dominated by high humidity, high rainfall, and consistent temperatures.

Temperature Comparison

Despite being only a few kilometers apart, there is a noticeable difference in temperature between Singapore and Pasir Ris due to differences in urbanization and land use. According to the Singapore Meteorological Service, the mean monthly temperature for Singapore ranges from 26.8°C to 27.9°C, while the mean monthly temperature for Pasir Ris ranges from 26.4°C to 28.6°C. This indicates that Pasir Ris is slightly warmer than Singapore on average.

Precipitation Comparison

Both Singapore and Pasir Ris receive high rainfall throughout the year, which is typical of a tropical rainforest climate. According to data collected by the National Environment Agency of Singapore, the average daily rainfall in Singapore ranges from 5.1mm to 7.7mm, with the wettest months being December and January. On the other hand, Pasir Ris generally receives more rainfall than Singapore, with an average daily rainfall ranging from 6.2mm to 9.6mm. The heaviest rainfall occurs in November and December.

Humidity Comparison

Humidity is another important factor that affects the weather conditions in Singapore and Pasir Ris. According to the World Weather Online, the average relative humidity in Singapore ranges from 78% to 84%, while the average relative humidity in Pasir Ris ranges from 77% to 86%. This indicates that the relative humidity in Pasir Ris is slightly higher than in Singapore.

Impact of Weather on Transportation

Both Singapore and Pasir Ris have well-developed transportation networks that are designed to cope with the tropical weather conditions. However, heavy rainfall and flooding can disrupt transportation in both areas, especially during the monsoon season. In addition, extreme temperatures and high humidity can make commuting uncomfortable and affect the performance of vehicles.

Impact of Weather on Outdoor Activities

The warm and sunny weather in Singapore and Pasir Ris is conducive to outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and watersports. However, people need to be aware of the potential risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun, such as heat stroke, dehydration, and sunburn. In addition, heavy rainfall and lightning can pose a danger to people engaging in outdoor activities.

Impact of Weather on Health

The tropical climate in Singapore and Pasir Ris can have both positive and negative impacts on people's health. On the one hand, the warm and humid weather is beneficial for people with respiratory problems or joint pain. On the other hand, the high humidity and pollution levels can aggravate asthma, allergies, and other respiratory conditions. In addition, prolonged exposure to UV radiation can increase the risk of skin cancer.


In conclusion, the weather conditions in Singapore and Pasir Ris are similar but not identical due to differences in urbanization, land use, and topography. While both areas receive high rainfall and have consistent temperatures throughout the year, Pasir Ris is slightly warmer and wetter than Singapore on average. The impact of weather on people's daily lives depends on various factors such as transportation, outdoor activities, and health. Therefore, it is important for people to stay informed about weather conditions and take appropriate precautions to protect themselves and others.
Weather Element Singapore Pasir Ris
Temperature 26.8°C to 27.9°C 26.4°C to 28.6°C
Precipitation 5.1mm to 7.7mm 6.2mm to 9.6mm
Humidity 78% to 84% 77% to 86%


Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world but it has a tropical climate that makes it attractive for tourists. There are a lot of outdoor activities that you can do while visiting Singapore, specifically in Pasir Ris.

What is the weather in Pasir Ris?

The weather in Pasir Ris is generally hot and humid throughout the year. The city is located near the equator which means that it experiences uniform temperatures with high humidity levels. The average temperature in Singapore is around 27°C but it can reach up to 33°C on hot days. In addition, there is also a high amount of rainfall in Singapore, specifically between November to January.

When is the best time to visit Pasir Ris?

The best time to visit Pasir Ris would be during the cool and dry season that happens between February to April. During this time, the temperature is mild and there is less rainfall which makes it perfect for outdoor activities such as picnics, cycling, or even just enjoying the beach.

Tips for visiting Pasir Ris in the hot season

If you plan to visit Pasir Ris during the hot season, there are some tips that you should follow to ensure that you stay safe and comfortable:

1. Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a common problem when traveling in hot and humid weather. Ensure that you have enough water with you at all times and try to avoid sugary drinks or alcohol as these can make you more dehydrated.

2. Wear light clothing

Clothing made from lightweight and breathable material such as cotton or linen can help keep you cool and prevent heat rash. Additionally, wearing a hat or a cap can protect you from the sun rays.

3. Avoid the sun during peak hours

During noon until late afternoon, the sun's rays are the strongest so it is best to stay indoors or take shelter under trees or umbrellas.

4. Use sunscreen

Applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 can protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply sunscreen every few hours especially if you are swimming or sweating.

What to do in Pasir Ris?

Pasir Ris offers a lot of fun activities that you can try out during your visit. Here are some of them:

1. Pasir Ris Park and Beach

Pasir Ris Park is one of the largest parks in Singapore. It offers a beautiful beach, playgrounds, trails, and facilities for sports such as cycling and fishing. The view of the sunrise from the beach is also breathtaking.

2. Wild Wild Wet

If you are looking for thrills, then Wild Wild Wet is the perfect place for you. It is a water park with a variety of rides for all ages. This is perfect especially during hot weather seasons.

3. Hawker Center

Hawker centers are a great way to experience local cuisine. Pasir Ris has its own Hawker Center where you can find affordable local food such as satay, laksa, and hokkien mee.


Pasir Ris is a great place to visit especially if you enjoy outdoor activities. However, due to its hot and humid climate, it is important to prepare properly before traveling. Follow the tips provided and enjoy your time in Pasir Ris!

Greetings to all readers! In this article, we will talk about Weather Singapore Pasir Ris. The weather in Singapore generally remains hot and humid throughout the year due to its location near the equator. However, Pasir Ris has its own climate characteristics that make it quite different from other regions of Singapore.

Located in the eastern part of Singapore, Pasir Ris is more susceptible to rainfall than other areas. It's not unusual for a sudden downpour to occur during the day, even when the sun is shining. This is due to Pasir Ris' close proximity to the sea, which causes the moist air to condense quickly into rain clouds.

The temperature in Pasir Ris tends to remain high throughout the year, with averages ranging from 26°C to 31°C. Even during the night, the temperature doesn't drop below 24°C, making it important to have a good air conditioning system. During the summer seasons, the temperatures can rise higher than the average range of temperature, especially in April and May. Therefore, if you plan to visit Pasir Ris during these months, it's important to take necessary precautions such as drinking lots of fluid and carrying an umbrella or hat to avoid dehydration or heat stroke.

The rainy season in Pasir Ris extends from November to February, where the amount of rainfall received is higher compared to other months. During this time, the mornings and early afternoons are usually sunny and warm, while heavy rains come pouring in the late afternoon to early evening. It is important to carry an umbrella during this season, especially during the months of December and January where the amount of rainfall is often higher.

Pasir Ris is also a site of tremendous beauty, with lush vegetation and beautiful beaches that are an ideal location for picnics and outdoor activities. However, the weather in Pasir Ris can quickly change, so it's important to plan your day accordingly. This ensures that you are prepared for any weather changes you may experience while you're out exploring.

During the rainy season, it is advisable to skip outdoor activities like water sports and beach outings because of the high risks it poses. Instead, one can try out indoor activities such as visiting the shopping centers or watch a movie at the local cinema. The Singapore government strictly enforces safety regulations, and you have to be careful and heed all warnings.

Weather conditions in Pasir Ris can affect travel plans quite significantly. Flights and cruises may be delayed or canceled due to the unfavorable weather conditions, and travelers must adjust their itinerary accordingly. Therefore, it is essential to stay updated on current weather forecasts and advisories before planning any trip to Pasir Ris.

It is advisable to dress comfortably during your trip to Pasir Ris, regardless of the season. Light clothes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are ideal for the humid temperatures, and keeping hydrated is crucial. Drinking plenty of water and staying in air-conditioned areas is necessary to avoid heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

In conclusion, Weather Singapore Pasir Ris can be unpredictable, and it's always best to be safe rather than sorry. Although Pasir Ris has a lot of fascinating places to visit, it is vital to plan your trip according to the climate and weather conditions. With the proper preparation and necessary precautions, you can enjoy your trip to Pasir Ris to the fullest. Enjoy your stay in Pasir Ris and have a great time!

Weather in Singapore Pasir Ris is a common topic of discussion. Here are some frequently asked questions about the weather in Pasir Ris:

  • What is the best time to visit Pasir Ris?

    The best time to visit Pasir Ris is during the dry season between February and April or from August to October.

  • Does it rain a lot in Pasir Ris?

    Pasir Ris experiences heavy rainfall throughout the year, with the wettest months being November to January.

  • Is it very hot in Pasir Ris?

    Yes, Pasir Ris can get very hot and humid, especially during the summer months from June to September.

  • What should I wear when visiting Pasir Ris?

    Lightweight and breathable clothing made from cotton or linen is recommended, along with sunscreen and a hat to protect from the sun.

  • Are there any weather alerts or warnings for Pasir Ris?

    You can check the National Environment Agency's website for any weather warnings or alerts in Pasir Ris.

People Also Ask About Weather in Singapore Pasir Ris

1. What is the weather like in Pasir Ris, Singapore?

In Pasir Ris, Singapore, the weather is generally warm and humid throughout the year. The region experiences a tropical rainforest climate, characterized by high temperatures and abundant rainfall. Average temperatures range from 25 to 31 degrees Celsius (77-88 degrees Fahrenheit), with July being the warmest month and January being the coolest.

2. Does Pasir Ris experience monsoons?

Yes, Pasir Ris does experience monsoons. The region is influenced by the Northeast Monsoon from November to March, which brings increased rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures. During this period, it is common to experience frequent showers and occasional thunderstorms. However, Pasir Ris remains relatively wet throughout the year due to its tropical climate.

3. Are there any specific weather patterns or seasons in Pasir Ris?

While Pasir Ris does not have distinct seasons like some countries, it experiences two main monsoons: the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon. The Northeast Monsoon occurs from November to March, bringing more rain and slightly lower temperatures. The Southwest Monsoon, on the other hand, takes place from June to September and brings drier weather with occasional thunderstorms.

4. How is the air quality in Pasir Ris?

The air quality in Pasir Ris is generally good. Singapore has implemented strict environmental regulations and measures to ensure clean air, and these efforts extend to Pasir Ris as well. However, during periods of haze caused by forest fires in neighboring countries, air quality may be affected. The government closely monitors the air pollution index and provides regular updates to the public.

5. Does Pasir Ris experience typhoons or hurricanes?

Typhoons and hurricanes are rare in Singapore, including in Pasir Ris. The country is located close to the equator, which makes it less prone to such extreme weather events. However, Singapore can occasionally experience the effects of tropical storms or depressions in the region, which may result in heavy rainfall and gusty winds. The government has robust disaster management systems in place to ensure public safety in such situations.

6. What is the best time to visit Pasir Ris?

The best time to visit Pasir Ris is during the months of February to April, when the weather is generally drier and temperatures are more moderate. This period falls between the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon, offering a good balance between sunny days and lower chances of rainfall. However, it's important to note that Singapore's weather can be unpredictable, so it's advisable to check the forecast before planning your trip.

7. How should I dress for the weather in Pasir Ris?

Due to the warm and humid climate in Pasir Ris, it is recommended to wear light and breathable clothing. Opt for loose-fitting garments made of natural fabrics such as cotton or linen to help stay cool. Additionally, it is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat as sudden showers are common in this region. Don't forget to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

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