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Convert Your Singapore Dollars to BDT with Ease: The Best Exchange Rates and Options!

Singapore Dollar To Bdt

Get the latest exchange rate for Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Convert your currency hassle-free and stay updated!

Are you planning a trip to Bangladesh and wondering about the currency exchange rate for Singapore Dollar to BDT? Well, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about the exchange rate.

Firstly, let's talk about the current exchange rate. As of writing this article, the exchange rate for 1 SGD to BDT is 58.20. However, it is important to note that the exchange rate can fluctuate daily.

Now, let's discuss the best places to exchange your Singapore Dollar to BDT. One of the best options is to exchange your currency at the airport upon arrival in Bangladesh. Most airports offer competitive exchange rates. Another option is to exchange your currency at a local bank or a licensed money changer. Be sure to compare the exchange rates before making any transactions.

Do you know why Bangladesh uses the BDT as its national currency? The BDT was introduced in 1972, shortly after Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan. It replaced the Pakistani Rupee as the country's official currency.

When exchanging your currency, be aware of the different denominations available in Bangladesh. The BDT comes in various denominations such as 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. Make sure to have a mixture of smaller and larger denominations for convenience when paying for different items.

Did you know that there are some restrictions on the amount of foreign currency you can bring into Bangladesh? According to the Bangladesh Bank, individuals can bring up to USD $5,000 in cash or traveler's checks without declaring it. Any amount exceeding USD $5,000 must be declared at the customs office upon arrival in Bangladesh.

Another important factor to consider when exchanging your currency is the transaction fees. Depending on where you exchange your currency, you may have to pay a transaction fee. Be sure to inquire about any additional fees before making any transactions.

Are you planning on using your credit card in Bangladesh instead of cash? While most major credit cards are accepted in large cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong, it is always wise to bring some cash for emergencies.

It is also important to keep in mind the cultural differences and customs when using cash in Bangladesh. When exchanging money or paying for items, it is customary to use your right hand and to show respect by using formal language.

Finally, make sure to keep your receipts and any exchange documents in case of any discrepancies or issues that may arise later on.

In conclusion, the exchange rate for Singapore Dollar to BDT fluctuates daily, and it is important to compare exchange rates before making any transactions. Be aware of the different denominations of BDT and the cultural customs when using cash in Bangladesh. By following these tips, you can have a stress-free experience when exchanging your currency and exploring all that Bangladesh has to offer.

Singapore Dollar to BDT: Conversion and Everything You Need to Know

The Singapore dollar is an official currency of Singapore, and it is abbreviated as SGD. On the other hand, Bangladeshi Taka or BDT is the official currency of Bangladesh. Therefore, for those who need to deal with both currencies, understanding the conversion rate between the two currencies is essential. In this article, we will discuss the Singapore dollar to BDT conversion rate, key factors that influence the exchange rate, and tips on how to make the most out of your money.

Conversion Rate

As of August 2021, the exchange rate for one Singapore dollar to Bangladeshi Taka is around 60.7827 BDT. It means that if you want to convert 100 SGD, you will receive approximately 6078.27 BDT. However, please remember that the exchange rate is always fluctuating, and it can change within a matter of seconds due to several economic uncertainties and factors.

Factors Influencing Exchange Rate

Exchange rates are volatile and influenced by a wide range of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Political instability
  • Inflation rates
  • Trade balances
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Capital flows

Therefore, to understand the exchange rate between SGD to BDT, keeping track of these major economic indicators is crucial.

Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Money

There are several ways to maximize the value of your money when converting SGD to BDT:

  • Use proper conversion channels such as online exchange platform, banks, or authorized money changers that offer reasonable exchange rates.
  • Be aware of the hidden fees. Some exchange providers may offer lower exchange rates, but they charge a high commission fee that can significantly reduce your return.
  • Consider using limit orders to fix the exchange rate in advance. This method allows you to lock the exchange rate when it hits your desired level, ensuring you get the best value for your money.


When dealing with foreign currencies such as SGD and BDT, understanding the conversion rate, factors affecting the exchange rate, and being aware of the tips to maximize your value are essential. It helps you make the most out of your money when exchanging between the two currencies. If managed correctly, you can benefit from your investment or transaction while minimizing the risks of loss.

Singapore Dollar (SGD) vs Bangladeshi Taka (BDT): A Comparison

The Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) are two currencies that belong to different regions of Asia. The SGD is the currency used in Singapore, while the BDT is the currency used in Bangladesh. In this article, we will be comparing the two currencies based on factors such as exchange rate, performance, and purchasing power.

Exchange Rate

As of August 2021, the exchange rate for SGD to BDT is 54.65 BDT for every 1 SGD. It means that if you have 100 SGD, you will get 5,465 BDT if you exchange it for BDT. Conversely, if you have 5,465 BDT, you will get 100 SGD if you exchange it for SGD. The exchange rate between the two currencies is quite volatile and can change within a short span of time.

Table 1: SGD to BDT Exchange Rate

Year Average Exchange Rate Highest Exchange Rate Lowest Exchange Rate
2021 54.49 56.17 50.27
2020 54.03 61.94 48.66
2019 52.78 55.68 48.62


The performance of a currency can be measured in different ways, such as its value, stability, and volatility. In terms of value, the SGD is stronger than the BDT. It means that 1 SGD can buy more goods and services compared to 1 BDT. The SGD is also relatively stable compared to the BDT, which is more susceptible to market fluctuations.

The volatility of a currency depends on various factors such as political instability, economic growth, inflation, and interest rates. Historically, the SGD has been less volatile compared to the BDT, which has experienced significant fluctuations due to political unrest and economic challenges.

Purchasing Power

Purchasing power refers to the amount of goods and services that can be bought with a particular currency. In general, the purchasing power of the SGD is higher compared to the BDT. This means that you can buy more essential goods and services with the same amount of SGD compared to BDT.

To compare the purchasing power of the two currencies, we can use the Big Mac Index, which evaluates the affordability of a Big Mac burger in different countries. As of July 2021, the price of a Big Mac burger in Singapore was 5.50 SGD, while in Bangladesh, it was 306 BDT. This means that a Big Mac burger is relatively cheaper in Bangladesh compared to Singapore, where the cost is relatively higher.


In conclusion, the comparison between the Singapore Dollar and the Bangladeshi Taka shows that the SGD is stronger, more stable, and has a higher purchasing power compared to the BDT. However, the exchange rate between the two currencies can be volatile and is subject to market fluctuations.

If you are planning to travel or do business in either Singapore or Bangladesh, it is essential to keep track of the exchange rate, understand the performance of each currency, and evaluate the purchasing power to make informed decisions that ensure value for your money.

The Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Bangladesh taka (BDT) are two currencies that come from completely different parts of the world but share a few similarities. While the SGD is widely used in Singapore, the BDT is used primarily in Bangladesh. As someone who needs to convert SGD to BDT, there are some important things you need to know. This article will guide you through the process.

Understand the exchange rate

The first thing you need to know is the exchange rate. The exchange rate determines the value of one currency relative to another. It is represented as SGD/BDT. As of May 2021, the exchange rate was approximately 1 SGD to 58.37 BDT. The exchange rate can change depending on various factors such as political events, economic developments, and global market trends.

Check the trend

It is essential to check the trend before deciding to convert your SGD to BDT. You can do this by looking at the historical exchange rate charts for SGD/BDT. By analyzing these trends, you can determine whether the exchange rate is moving in your favor or against it. If the trend is moving against you, you may want to consider waiting for a more favorable time to convert your money.

Choose your exchange method

There are several ways to convert your SGD to BDT, including banks, money changers, and online exchange platforms. Banks generally offer the most secure and reliable exchange rates, but their fees tend to be higher. Money changers offer competitive rates but may be less reliable than banks. Online exchange platforms offer convenience but may not always offer the best rates.

Compare fees and rates

Before exchanging your money, make sure to compare the fees and rates offered by different banks, money changers, and online exchange platforms. Look for hidden fees and extra charges that may be buried in the fine print. If you are exchanging a large amount of money, even a small difference in fees or rates can make a big difference.

Be aware of scams

Scammers are always on the lookout for unsuspecting individuals looking to convert their currency. Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true, especially those that promise higher exchange rates than the market rate. Always double-check the legitimacy of any exchange platform before doing any transactions.

Consider your safety

Your safety should be a top priority when exchanging money. Try to avoid carrying large amounts of cash with you when going to a money changer or bank. Use public transportation instead of a private car if possible. It is also important to be mindful of your surroundings and to keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

Have your documents ready

When converting your SGD to BDT, you will need to present legal identification, such as a passport or government-issued ID. You may also be required to fill out additional forms, depending on the method of exchange you choose.

Be patient

The process of exchanging currencies can take time, especially if you choose to do it through a bank. Be patient and don't rush the process, as this can lead to mistakes. Allow sufficient time for the transaction to be processed, and ensure that you have left ample time to complete any additional paperwork.

Keep track of receipts and exchange rates

Whether exchanging currency online or through a bank, ensure that you keep all receipts and transaction records. This will help you keep track of the exchange rates used, fees charged, and taxes paid. These receipts are also essential when filing tax returns if the exchange occurred in a foreign country.

In conclusion

Converting SGD to BDT requires careful planning, patience, and awareness. Understanding the exchange rate, checking the trend, comparing fees and rates, and being aware of scams are crucial steps that will ensure a smooth and safe transaction. By following these tips and taking the necessary precautions, you can convert your SGD to BDT with ease.

Hello and welcome to our blog post about the Singapore Dollar to BDT exchange rate! At the end of this article, you will have a much better understanding of the factors that influence the rate, as well as how to get the best rates possible.

The exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) has consistently fluctuated over the years. This is due to a variety of economic and political factors, including changes in interest rates and foreign investment policies.

One of the key factors that affects the SGD/BDT rate is the strength of the Singaporean economy. As a major financial hub in Asia, Singapore's economy is highly export-driven, meaning that its exports are a major source of revenue. When Singapore's exports are doing well, this can cause the SGD to appreciate against other currencies, such as the BDT.

Another factor that can affect the SGD/BDT exchange rate is political stability. A major change in government or economic policy in either Singapore or Bangladesh can cause investors to lose confidence in the country's currency and pull their money out, which can cause the exchange rate to fluctuate.

In addition to these factors, events such as natural disasters, major geopolitical crises, and changes in global economic trends can all have an impact on the SGD/BDT rate. It's important to stay up-to-date with current events and economic news if you're planning to exchange currency between these two countries.

If you're looking to get the best possible exchange rate when converting your SGD to BDT, it's important to shop around and compare rates from different exchange providers. Some providers may offer better rates or lower fees than others, so it's worth doing your research before making a transaction.

You can also consider using an online currency exchange platform, which can often offer even better rates than traditional exchange providers. However, it's important to use a reputable platform and make sure that your transaction is secure and protected.

Another way to get more favorable SGD/BDT exchange rates is to time your transaction carefully. Keep an eye on the current exchange rate trends and try to make your transaction when the SGD is relatively strong against the BDT.

In conclusion, the Singapore Dollar to Bangladeshi Taka exchange rate can be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic trends, political stability, and global events. To get the best possible rates, it's important to shop around, stay informed, and time your transactions carefully.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About Singapore Dollar to BDT:

  • What is the current exchange rate for SGD to BDT?
  • The current exchange rate for SGD to BDT is approximately 1 Singapore Dollar = 62.43 Bangladeshi Taka.

  • Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?
  • You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka at authorized currency exchange centers in Singapore or Bangladesh. You can also use online currency exchange platforms, but make sure to compare rates and fees before making any transactions.

  • What are the denominations of Singapore Dollar notes?
  • The Singapore Dollar notes come in the following denominations: $2, $5, $10, $50, $100, $1,000 and $10,000.

  • Is it better to convert SGD to BDT in Singapore or Bangladesh?
  • It depends on the exchange rate and fees offered by currency exchange centers in both countries. Generally, it is advisable to compare rates and fees before exchanging currency to get the best deal.

  • Is it possible to use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?
  • Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted in Bangladesh. It is advisable to exchange your SGD to BDT before traveling to Bangladesh.

People Also Ask about Singapore Dollar to BDT

1. What is the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)?

The exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) fluctuates regularly due to various factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, and market demand. It is recommended to check with a reliable financial institution or use an online currency converter for the most up-to-date exchange rate.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka at authorized money exchange centers, banks, or currency exchange booths. It is advisable to compare exchange rates and fees offered by different providers to ensure you get the best deal.

3. Are there any restrictions on exchanging Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?

While there are generally no restrictions on exchanging Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka, it is essential to comply with the local regulations and documentation requirements set by the respective authorities. It is advisable to carry valid identification documents, such as a passport, when exchanging currency.

4. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Bangladesh?

No, Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted as a form of payment in Bangladesh. It is recommended to exchange your Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka before traveling to Bangladesh or upon arrival to ensure convenient transactions during your stay.

5. How can I get the best exchange rate for Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?

To get the best exchange rate for Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka, consider the following tips:

  • Compare exchange rates offered by different providers and choose the one with the most favorable rate.
  • Avoid exchanging currencies at airports or tourist areas, as they often have higher fees and less competitive rates.
  • Monitor the exchange rate trends and exchange your currency when the rate is favorable.
  • Consider using online currency exchange platforms that offer competitive rates and convenient services.

6. Are there any fees or charges involved in exchanging Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka?

Yes, there are usually fees or charges involved when exchanging Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka. These fees can vary depending on the provider you choose. It is recommended to inquire about any fees or charges upfront to avoid any surprises and compare them among different providers to find the most cost-effective option.

7. Can I use credit cards or ATMs to withdraw Bangladeshi Taka in Singapore?

No, you cannot withdraw Bangladeshi Taka from ATMs in Singapore. However, you can use credit cards or debit cards for transactions in Singapore and then exchange your Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka in Bangladesh.

In conclusion,

Exchanging Singapore Dollars to Bangladeshi Taka can be done at authorized money exchange centers or banks. It is essential to compare exchange rates, be aware of any fees or charges, and comply with local regulations. Remember that Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted in Bangladesh, so it is advisable to exchange your currency before traveling or upon arrival for convenient transactions.