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Top Cyber Security Salary in Singapore: How Much Can You Earn in This High-Demand Industry?

Cyber Security Salary Singapore

Cyber Security Salary in Singapore: Discover the average pay scale for professionals in this field. Stay informed to make informed career decisions.

Do you have a keen interest in technology and a desire to protect online data? Cybersecurity may be the perfect career for you. Not only is it challenging and constantly evolving, but it also pays well. In Singapore, cyber security salary is among the highest paying jobs.

According to a survey conducted by Michael Page, an executive employment agency, cyber security professionals in Singapore can expect an average annual salary ranging from SGD$90,000 to SGD$250,000. That’s quite an impressive payout, right?

The demand for skilled cyber security professionals has been on a steady increase in recent years, as businesses invest more in securing their networks and data. The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board has been one of the major employers of cybersecurity experts in Singapore, as well as other financial institutions, tech start-ups, and multinational corporations.

If you’re wondering what kind of qualifications and experience are required to land a high-paying cybersecurity job, here are some of the prerequisites:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or any other related field
  • Certifications such as CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), or CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)
  • Several years of relevant work experience

Now that you know what it takes to become a successful cybersecurity professional, let's dive deeper into the types of cybersecurity roles and their accompanying salaries.

In Singapore, common cybersecurity roles include Security Analyst, Cybersecurity Consultant, Security Operations Centre (SOC) Analyst, Penetration Tester, Security Architect, and more. Each role has its unique responsibilities and requirements, with different associated pay scales.

According to Robert Walters, a recruitment consultancy firm, cybersecurity professionals may expect to earn the following average annual salaries:

  • Security Analyst – SGD$90,000 - SGD$120,000
  • Cybersecurity Consultant – SGD$100,000 - SGD$200,000
  • Security Operations Centre (SOC) Analyst – SGD$60,000 - SGD$120,000
  • Penetration Tester – SGD$80,000 - SGD$110,000
  • Security Architect – SGD$150,000 - SGD$250,000

It’s essential to note that salaries vary based on a candidate’s skills, experience, and the complexity of the job role. Moreover, employers also offer other perks such as bonuses, stock options, and more.

So, if you want to pursue a lucrative career in cybersecurity, consider pursuing a degree or certification programme in this field.

Besides, becoming a cyber security expert does not mean you need to be stuck behind a desk all day long. Cybersecurity experts are critical to various industries, including banking, healthcare, telecommunication, and more. They work across different sectors and come up with strategies to protect personal and confidential data.

Conclusively, a career in cybersecurity is not only financially rewarding, but it is also an opportunity to hone your skills in a field that is continually growing and changing. Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, feel free to network, practice ethical hacking, and develop innovative solutions to solve problems. By doing so, you enhance your chances of getting a well-paying cybersecurity job in Singapore.

Cyber Security Salary Singapore

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field in Singapore, with the number of cyberattacks increasing year by year. With the rise of these cyber threats, the demand for professionals who can protect businesses and organizations from these attacks has increased as well, leading to higher salaries in the field.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the practice of protecting electronic information systems from unauthorized access, theft, damage, or misuse. This includes protecting both electronic equipment like computers and smartphones, as well as the data stored on those devices.

Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for identifying and mitigating potential cyber threats, monitoring computer systems for unusual activity, and developing strategies to prevent future attacks. They must have a strong understanding of computer networks, system security architecture, and encryption technologies.

Cybersecurity Salary in Singapore

According to the Ministry of Manpower’s Occupational Wage Tables published in May 2021, cybersecurity specialists in Singapore are able to command an average monthly salary of S$8,500. This is higher than the average monthly salary of S$4,534 across all occupations in Singapore.

The salary range varies depending on years of experience, level of education, and job responsibilities. For entry-level positions, cybersecurity professionals can expect to earn between S$4,000 to S$5,000 per month. However, as they gain more experience and expertise, they can earn up to S$15,000 per month, or even more for senior roles.

Factors Affecting Cybersecurity Salaries in Singapore

There are several factors that can affect cybersecurity salaries in Singapore, including:

  • Level of education: Professionals with advanced degrees like a Master’s or PhD may be able to command higher salaries.
  • Years of experience: As with many professions, cybersecurity salaries tend to increase with years of experience.
  • Industry: Some industries like finance or healthcare may pay higher salaries due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle and the importance of cybersecurity to their operations.
  • Job responsibilities: Cybersecurity professionals in leadership roles or those responsible for managing large teams may earn higher salaries.

Cybersecurity Careers in Singapore

There are various cybersecurity career paths available in Singapore, including:

  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Cybersecurity Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Architect
  • Cybersecurity Manager/Team Lead

The industry is constantly evolving, which means there are new roles emerging all the time. As such, it is important for cybersecurity professionals to continue developing their skillsets and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies.

In-Demand Cybersecurity Skills in Singapore

In order to succeed in a cybersecurity career in Singapore, there are several skills that are in high demand:

  • Network Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Penetration Testing
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Management
  • Data Privacy and Compliance

Professionals who possess these skills and are able to apply them in real-world scenarios can stand out among employers and are more likely to command higher salaries.


Cybersecurity is an important field in Singapore, and as threats become increasingly complex, the demand for professionals who can protect against them will continue to grow. With higher salaries, attractive career paths, and in-demand skills, cybersecurity is an appealing profession for those looking for a challenging and rewarding career.


Cybersecurity has become a significant concern globally. Singapore, one of the leading technology hubs in the world, is no exception. The demand for cyber security professionals in Singapore has gone up exponentially, and it continues to increase. This blog article aims to compare the rising demand for cybersecurity professionals in Singapore with the average salaries they earn.

The Growing Demand for Cyber Security Professionals in Singapore

The rapid digitalization and technological advancements in Singapore have led to a rise in the demand for cybersecurity professionals. Furthermore, industries are adopting technologies such as cloud storage, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Unfortunately, these technologies expose organizations to cyber threats, thereby increasing the need for cybersecurity professionals.

The Average Cyber Security Salaries in Singapore

In Singapore, the salaries of cybersecurity professionals vary based on their experience levels. Nevertheless, according to a survey by the Institute of Management Development (IMD), an experienced cybersecurity expert would earn approximately SGD 150,000 per year. However, the IMD survey points out that most salaries range from SGD 60,000 to SGD 120,000 per annum.

Cyber Security Salaries Based on Experience Levels

Job Level Average Yearly Salary (SGD)
Cybersecurity Analyst 60,000 - 85,000
Cybersecurity Engineer 80,000 - 120,000
Cybersecurity Manager 110,000 - 200,000+

The Comparison with Other IT Professions

Compared to other IT professionals in Singapore, cybersecurity experts earn higher salaries. The table below shows the average salaries of selected IT professions in Singapore.

IT Job Position Average Yearly Salary (SGD)
Software Engineer 57,000 - 90,000
Data Analyst 55,000 - 75,000
System Administrator 50,000 - 70,000
Cybersecurity Expert 60,000 - 150,000

The Opinionated Perspective of This Comparison

From the comparison table above, it is fair to conclude that cybersecurity experts are vital and highly paid IT professionals in Singapore. The constant increase in demand for these professionals is a clear indication of the growth potential of this field. It also means that companies and organizations must be ready to invest in cybersecurity experts to ensure their business continuity and reduce the risk of cyber threats.


In conclusion, cybersecurity professionals play a significant role in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of virtual assets in Singapore. Their demand has soared due to technological advancements, and as a result, their salaries continue to grow. Nevertheless, there is much more work to be done in terms of increasing the number of cybersecurity experts to meet the growing demand. As technology continues to advance, organizations and businesses in Singapore must remain vigilant and employ the necessary measures to prevent cyber attacks.

Cyber Security Salary Singapore: Tips and Trends

The field of cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing industries in Singapore. With increasing demand for skilled professionals, there has been a significant rise in salaries and benefits for those working in the sector. If you're considering a career in cybersecurity or already working in the industry, it's essential to understand the trends, pay scales, and job roles that are currently in demand.

Understanding the Job Roles in Cybersecurity

There are various job roles in cybersecurity, ranging from professionals who specialize in incident response, threat analysis, policy, and compliance to those who deal with cybersecurity solutions development. Some of the common job roles in the industry include:

  • Cybersecurity analyst
  • Cybersecurity engineer/consultant
  • Cybersecurity manager
  • Threat intelligence analyst
  • Penetration tester/ethical hacker

Each role requires specialized skills and knowledge and comes with varying levels of responsibility, complexity, and salary packages. You should research on the requirements for each job role and identify what best suits you to plan your career accordingly.

Trends in Cybersecurity Salaries in Singapore

The average salary of cybersecurity professionals in Singapore has been on a steady increase over the years. In 2020, the average salary for cybersecurity professionals was SGD 7,890 per month, as reported by Robert Walters - an international recruitment consultancy. Factors such as experience, job role, educational qualifications, and the company type, among others, can affect the salary scale.

According to a survey conducted by the InfoComm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in 2019, security architects, cybersecurity managers, and threat intelligence analysts are among the highest-paid cybersecurity roles in Singapore. The survey shows that the median salary for security architects was SGD 15,400 per month, while a cybersecurity manager and a threat intelligence analyst received SGD 13,500 and SGD 12,000 per month, respectively.

Factors Affecting Cybersecurity Salaries in Singapore

Several factors can influence the cybersecurity salary scales in Singapore. Some of the critical factors to consider include:

  • Experience: Experienced cybersecurity professionals are likely to receive higher salaries as compared to those with less experience.
  • Educational qualifications: A cybersecurity professional with an advanced degree, such as an MSC or Ph.D. in cybersecurity, is likely to receive better pay than those with only a Bachelor's degree.
  • Industry type: Salaries in different industries vary depending on the sector type and company size. Those in the technology and finance sectors tend to offer the highest salary packages.
  • Location: Salaries for cybersecurity professionals vary depending on their working location, with those working in the central business district receiving higher pay compared to those working in the suburban areas.

Tips for Landing a High-Paying Cybersecurity Job in Singapore

If you're looking to land a high-paying cybersecurity job in Singapore, here are some tips that will help:

  • Develop specialized skills: Focus on developing specialized skills in specific areas of cybersecurity, such as incident response, vulnerability management, or threat analysis to stand out among other applicants.
  • Pursue further education: Consider going back to school to pursue an advanced degree or certification in cybersecurity, which will enhance your knowledge and skills and raise your chances of landing a high-paying job.
  • Gain practical experience: Get hands-on experience in cybersecurity by working on projects or internships to develop your skills and learn from experienced professionals.
  • Network with industry professionals: Attend cybersecurity conferences and events, join discussion forums, and connect with industry professionals to expand your network and learn about new opportunities.


If you're considering a career in cybersecurity in Singapore, it's crucial to understand the current trends and salary scales to prepare yourself adequately. Focus on developing specialized skills, gaining practical experience, and expanding your network to increase your chances of landing a high-paying job. Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry to remain relevant and competitive.

Cyber security jobs are in high demand all around the world. It's a booming industry that offers excellent career prospects and job stability, particularly in Singapore. But how much does a cyber security professional earn in Singapore?

According to, the average salary for a cyber security specialist in Singapore is around S$73,000 per year. However, this base salary may vary based on several factors such as level of experience, education, and specialization.

One of the primary factors influencing a cyber security professional's salary is their level of expertise or experience. Generally, candidates with a higher level of experience are paid more. For instance, entry-level professionals can expect to earn around S$38,000 per year, while mid-career professionals (with 5-9 years of experience) can earn up to S$90,000 per year.

Specialization is another factor that influences the salary of a cyber security professional in Singapore. Areas like data loss protection, security architecture, and risk management are in high demand, and specialists in these areas can earn significantly higher salaries than their counterparts in other areas. For example, a cyber security consultant specializing in risk management can earn up to S$150,000 per year.

Educational qualifications are another significant factor that directly affects the salary of a cyber security professional in Singapore. A bachelor's degree or higher in domains such as computer science, information security or any related field may have a positive impact on an individual's earning potential. A cybersecurity professional with a master's degree, in contrast, can expect an average salary of up to S$100,000.

Aside from traditional qualifications and experience, additional certifications can help boost one's salary. Certifications such as Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) are highly valued in Singapore, and candidates with these certifications typically earn significantly higher than their non-certified peers.

Moreover, the type of industry an individual works in may also have an impact on their earnings. Generally, cyber security professionals in the financial and banking sector tend to command higher salaries followed by those in the healthcare, government, and information technology sectors.

It's essential to keep in mind that salary ranges in any field vary from case-to-case. Therefore, individuals are advised to do thorough research based on their experience, qualifications, and certifications before accepting an offer.

In conclusion, a cybersecurity specialist is an important role that comes with significant responsibility. It's a rapidly growing field that offers excellent pay and numerous job opportunities for those interested in pursuing it as their career in Singapore. With the increasing number of cyber-attacks, cyber-security professionals will continue to be in high demand.

Stay informed, stay relevant, and always strive for continuous learning. Cybersecurity professionals who keep up with the latest developments in the industry can expect to earn even more in the future.

Thank you for reading and good luck in your cybersecurity journey!

As Cyber Security becomes a crucial aspect of modern society, many are curious about the salary range for professionals in this field. Here are the frequently asked questions about Cyber Security Salary in Singapore:

1. What is the average salary for a Cyber Security professional in Singapore?

  • The average salary for a Cyber Security professional in Singapore ranges from SGD 50,000 to SGD 180,000 per annum.

2. What factors affect Cyber Security salaries in Singapore?

  • Level of experience
  • Educational background and certifications
  • Type of industry or company
  • Location within Singapore

3. Which Cyber Security job role earns the highest salary?

  • Cyber Security Managers or Directors earn the highest salary among Cyber Security job roles.

4. Are there any benefits included in the Cyber Security salary package in Singapore?

  • Some benefits that companies offer can include stock options, healthcare, and retirement plans.

5. Is Cyber Security a lucrative career in Singapore?

  • Yes, Cyber Security is considered a lucrative and promising career in Singapore due to the increasing dependency on technology and digital security.

People Also Ask about Cyber Security Salary Singapore

1. How much do cyber security professionals earn in Singapore?

Cyber security professionals in Singapore can earn competitive salaries, with the average annual salary ranging from SGD 80,000 to SGD 180,000. However, this can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the specific role within the cyber security field.

2. What are the highest paying cyber security jobs in Singapore?

Some of the highest paying cyber security jobs in Singapore include:

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Security Architect
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Operations Manager

These roles often require extensive experience and expertise in the field, and therefore offer higher salaries compared to other positions within the cyber security industry.

3. Do certifications impact cyber security salaries in Singapore?

Yes, certifications can have a significant impact on cyber security salaries in Singapore. Holding relevant certifications, such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), or Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), can boost your earning potential.

Employers often value these certifications as they demonstrate a strong knowledge and skill set in specific areas of cyber security, and are willing to offer higher salaries to professionals who hold them.

4. How does work experience affect cyber security salaries in Singapore?

Work experience plays an important role in determining cyber security salaries in Singapore. Generally, the more experience you have in the field, the higher your earning potential becomes.

Entry-level positions may offer lower salaries compared to mid-level or senior roles, as these require more specialized knowledge and expertise. As professionals gain more experience and develop a strong track record in the industry, they become eligible for higher paying positions.

5. Are there any additional factors that influence cyber security salaries in Singapore?

Yes, apart from certifications and work experience, other factors can influence cyber security salaries in Singapore. These may include:

  1. Education level: Higher educational qualifications, such as a master's degree or PhD, can lead to higher salaries.
  2. Industry demand: The demand for cyber security professionals in certain industries, such as finance or healthcare, may drive salaries higher due to competition for talent.
  3. Skills and specialization: Professionals with specialized skills, such as cloud security or data privacy expertise, may command higher salaries due to their in-demand knowledge.

It is important to note that these factors can vary and individual negotiations with employers also play a role in determining one's salary.