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Discover the Average Graphic Designer Salary in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Graphic Designer Salary Singapore

Curious about the average Graphic Designer salary in Singapore? Find out the latest figures and industry trends in our comprehensive guide.

Are you considering pursuing a career in graphic design? If so, one of the factors that might influence your decision is the salary. As a graphic designer in Singapore, what kind of income can you expect? Let's take a closer look.

First of all, it's important to note that salaries for graphic designers can vary widely depending on experience, qualifications, and industry. However, according to Payscale, the average salary for a graphic designer in Singapore is around S$38,000 per year.

But what does that actually mean in terms of monthly take-home pay? Well, if we divide the annual salary by 12 months, that works out to be around S$3,160 per month. Of course, this is just an estimate, and some graphic designers may earn more or less than this amount.

So, what factors can influence how much a graphic designer earns in Singapore? One important factor is the industry they work in. For example, a graphic designer working in advertising or marketing may earn more than one working in publishing or printing.

Another factor that can affect salary is the graphic designer's level of experience. Generally speaking, more experienced designers tend to earn more than those who are just starting out.

But what about qualifications? Is it necessary to have a degree in graphic design in order to earn a good salary in Singapore? While having a degree or diploma can certainly be helpful, it's not always necessary. What's more important is having a strong portfolio of work and relevant experience.

Of course, it's worth noting that the cost of living in Singapore can be quite high, and salaries may need to reflect this. However, with careful budgeting and planning, it's certainly possible to live comfortably on a graphic designer's salary.

So, is a career in graphic design a good choice for someone looking for a stable salary in Singapore? While there are no guarantees, the industry is generally growing and there are plenty of opportunities for skilled designers. Plus, with the rise of remote work and freelance opportunities, it's never been easier to work as a graphic designer on your own terms.

In conclusion, while salaries for graphic designers in Singapore may vary depending on experience and industry, it's certainly possible to earn a good income in this field. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, there are plenty of opportunities available.

So, if you're passionate about graphic design and want to turn your creativity into a fulfilling career, don't hesitate to explore your options in Singapore.


Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world, which means that living there and having a high standard of living can be very difficult for many people. But, what about graphic designers? What is their salary like in Singapore? In this article, we will discuss the details of graphic designer salaries in Singapore.

Overview of Graphic Design in Singapore

In Singapore, Graphic design is a popular career choice, as it is an important aspect of the marketing industry. The use of visually appealing graphics to market products or services is considered a crucial element of any marketing campaign. The field is growing rapidly, and there is a high demand for skilled graphic designers.

Due to the highly competitive nature of the industry, graphic designers are expected to have a diverse range of skills and be adaptable to different projects and platforms. They must be able to create unique and eye-catching designs that meet the needs of clients while also providing a competitive advantage over other businesses in the market.

Salary Range for Graphic Designers in Singapore

According to recent data, graphic designers in Singapore can expect to earn an average salary of around SGD 48,000 per year. However, the salary range can vary depending on various factors such as experience, skills, expertise, the size of the company, and the industry sector.

The entry-level graphic designer salary in Singapore is around SGD 25,000 per annum, while mid-level designers can earn an average salary of SGD 54,000 per annum. Experienced designers with considerable expertise can earn up to SGD 80,000 per year. Some professionals may earn even higher than this amount based on the scope of their work and client base.

Factors that Affect Graphic Designer Salaries in Singapore

Experience is one of the key factors that impact the salary range of graphic designers in Singapore. Fresh graduates and entry-level professionals with no significant experience may start with a basic salary but can gain substantial increments as they acquire skills and expertise.

Industry sector is another factor that can significantly impact a designer's salary range. Graphic designers who work in advertising agencies, publishing, or printing companies are paid more than those working in web design or digital marketing agencies. This is because some marketing methods require special designing and quality images which will enhance their clients’ branding and promotion based on the type of business.

Size of the company and geographical location of the workplace also play a crucial role. Designers working in large corporations located in business centers such as the central business district are paid more than those working in small businesses outside such areas. Some of these workers may even receive additional employee benefits, such as medical and dental insurance, vacation time, and transportation allowance.

Future Trends of Graphic Design Salaries in Singapore

Graphic designing as an industry is evolving fast, and this trend is expected to continue in Singapore. As new technologies and platforms emerge, the need for designers to adapt to these changes and acquire new skills will continue to rise. By doing so, they can demand higher salaries and achieve better positions within the industry.

Therefore, moving forward, it is essential for graphic designers to stay updated with the latest trends, software applications, tools and to continuously improve their capabilities to meet the demands of the industry.


In conclusion, graphic design is a rewarding career option in Singapore. With the right skills, expertise, and creativity, you can earn a decent salary and enjoy a high standard of living in this city-state. It is also essential to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques and technology to enhance your capabilities and meet the demands of the competitive industry. Last but not least, you need passion and determination to succeed in the creative field and reach new heights in your career.


A graphic designer is a professional who specializes in creating visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing designs for various media platforms. Graphic design has become an increasingly popular career choice in recent years, with many individuals opting to pursue this profession due to its creative nature and versatility in terms of work opportunities. However, the salary range for graphic designers can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, experience level, and industry sector. In this article, we will compare the salary range for graphic designers in Singapore and explore the various factors that determine compensation.

Overview of Graphic Design Salary in Singapore

According to data from, the average salary for a graphic designer in Singapore is SGD 43,429 per year. The salary range typically falls between SGD 25,000 and SGD 70,000, with top earners in the field making over SGD 100,000 per year. However, it is important to note that this salary range can vary widely depending on the specific industry sector and level of experience of the graphic designer.

Industry-Specific Salaries

The salary range for graphic designers in Singapore can differ depending on the specific industry sector they work in. For example, graphic designers employed in the advertising and marketing industry tend to earn higher salaries than those in other sectors. According to, the average salary for a graphic designer in the advertising and marketing industry in Singapore is SGD 51,481 per year. On the other hand, graphic designers working in the education sector typically earn lower salaries, with an average annual salary of SGD 33,990.

Experience Level Salaries

Another factor affecting the salary range for graphic designers is experience level. Entry-level graphic designers in Singapore can expect to earn an average annual salary of SGD 27,675. However, with increasing experience and skill level, graphic designers can expect to see a significant increase in salary. Mid-career graphic designers in Singapore typically earn an average of SGD 45,997 per year, while those in senior positions earn an average of SGD 80,863 annually.

Comparison with Global Graphic Designer Salaries

When compared to global graphic designer salaries, the compensation for graphic designers in Singapore is relatively competitive. According to data from, the average salary for a graphic designer in the United States is USD 44,211 (approximately SGD 59,000) per year. This is slightly higher than the average salary for graphic designers in Singapore. However, when adjusted for cost of living, the salary range for graphic designers in Singapore may actually be more favorable due to Singapore's relatively low income tax rates and affordable healthcare system.

Table Comparison of Graphic Designer Salary

Country Average Annual Salary Cost of Living Index (1=lowest, 100=highest)
Singapore SGD 43,429 83.61
United States SGD 59,291 (USD 44,211) 76.46
United Kingdom SGD 36,657 (GBP 20,000) 67.28

Factors Affecting Graphic Designer Salaries

Aside from industry sector and experience level, there are several other factors that can impact the salary range for graphic designers in Singapore. These include:

Education and Training

Graphic designers with a higher level of education and specialized training may be able to command higher salaries. Those with a Bachelor's degree in graphic design or a related field may earn more than those with only a diploma or certificate.

Skills and Expertise

Graphic designers with specialized skills and expertise in areas such as web design, motion graphics, or UI/UX design may be able to earn higher salaries due to the increased demand for these skills in certain industries.

Company Size and Location

The size and location of the company a graphic designer works for can also impact salary range. Companies in larger cities or with a larger staff size may offer higher salaries due to increased revenue and resources.


Overall, the salary range for graphic designers in Singapore is competitive compared to other countries around the world. However, industry sector, experience level, education and training, skills and expertise, and company size and location all play a role in determining compensation for this profession. Aspiring graphic designers should aim to gain specialized skills and experience in high-demand areas and seek employment with companies in thriving industry sectors in order to maximize earning potential.

Are you considering pursuing a career in graphic design in Singapore? It’s important to have an understanding of the salary expectations for this profession. Graphic designers play a crucial part in various industries such as advertising, marketing, and branding, among others.

Factors That Affect Graphic Designer Salary in Singapore

The salary of a graphic designer in Singapore can vary based on different factors such as:

1. Working experience

As with most professions, the more experienced you are, the higher your salary is likely to be. A graphic designer with over five years of experience can earn over $4,000/month while an entry-level designer can expect to earn around $1,800 - $2,500/month.

2. Industry

The industry that you work in can impact your salary as well. Designers in advertising agencies generally earn more than those working in-house for companies or non-profit organizations.

3. Company Size

The size of the company also affects the salary of a graphic designer. Bigger companies tend to pay their designers more than small businesses.

4. Education and Skillset

A degree in graphic design or related field can positively impact your earning potential. Additionally, having a strong skillset including proficiency in certain software programs may make a designer more desirable to employers, thus increasing their salary.

How to Negotiate Your Salary as a Graphic Designer

Negotiating salary requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips to negotiate your salary:

1. Do Your Research

Do some research on the salaries of other graphic designers in similar positions to yours. Glassdoor and are excellent resources for this type of information.

2. Highlight Your Accomplishments

Highlighting specific achievements you’ve had in your career can make you stand out and potentially justify a higher salary.

3. Be Confident

When negotiating your salary, be confident in your skills and expertise.

4. Keep an Open Mind

While it’s important to have a goal for your salary, keep an open mind about other benefits such as flexible work hours or additional vacation time. These can add value to your overall compensation package.


While the salary of a graphic designer in Singapore can vary based on several factors, including experience and industry, doing research and being confident during negotiations can help you secure a competitive salary. Remember, don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve and be open to additional benefits that can make your overall compensation more attractive.

As a graphic designer in Singapore, one of the most common questions that may come to your mind is, “How much salary should I expect?” You’re not alone; many Singaporeans and foreign nationals looking to work in the city-state have the same question. The truth of the matter is that several factors come into play when calculating a graphic designer’s salary in Singapore.

The following paragraphs will delve into these factors and give you a thorough guide. But before we get to that, let’s look at some statistics to give you an idea of what you can expect.

According to, the average graphic designer salary in Singapore is S$34,000 per year. This amount changes depending on an individual's experience and expertise. Nonetheless, your negotiating skills can ensure an attractive package. So, what determines the amount of money you take home each month?

1. Experience

Naturally, the more experience you have, the more you earn. Junior-level designers earn around S$23,000 annually, while senior graphic designers can take home up to S$80,000 or more. In Singapore, the average graphic designer’s experience falls within the two to five years range.

2. Industry

The industry that employs you affects your graphic design salary in Singapore. Some of the industries that pay well include advertising and media. On the other hand, non-profit organisations and lower-income businesses tend to have a lower pay scale compared to their counterparts.

3. Location

Just like any other profession, graphic design salaries in Singapore vary depending on location. In metropolitan areas, graphic designers tend to earn higher wages due to higher demand and a higher cost of living. Central business districts, such as the Marina Bay area, are excellent places to find graphic design job opportunities.

4. Job Title

The job title also affects the salary range for graphic designers in Singapore. Graphic designers in high-level positions, such as Creative Directors, will receive higher compensation compared to those in entry-level positions, regardless of their field.

5. Portfolio and skills

Your portfolio speaks volumes about your skills as a graphic designer. A designer with a robust portfolio and a broad skill set may negotiate higher compensations compared to someone who doesn't have as much on paper. Additionally, designers with skills that are highly sought-after, such as coding or UX design, can command higher rates.

6. Education

Having a degree or diploma in graphic design or a related field does not mean that your salary is predetermined. However, it influences the amount you receive, especially when applying for entry-level positions. In contrast, advanced degrees, such as Masters or PhD, are usually not necessary for graphic design work, but they may increase your chances of landing a higher-paying job.

7. Company Reputation and Size

The reputation and size of the company hiring you affects the payable sum. Established and well-respected companies typically pay significantly more than smaller, less-known businesses. In firms where creativity is at the core, such as advertising agencies, salaries may be on the higher end of the spectrum due to the need for innovation.


In conclusion, graphic designer salaries in Singapore range from S$23,000 to S$80,000 or more based on factors such as experience, industry, location, job title, portfolio and skills, education, and company reputation and size.

To get paid above the average, you need to keep improving your skills and make sure your portfolio is top-notch. Additionally, networking with other graphic designers and keeping up with industry standards and trends can help you secure high-paying positions at established companies.

Now that you are aware of the factors that influence Graphic Designer salary Singapore, it's up to you to research and find jobs that align with your expertise and requirements. We wish you the best of luck in your future job hunts.

Thank you for reading!

People also ask frequently about Graphic Designer Salary Singapore. Here are some of the common questions asked, along with their answers:

  • What is the average salary of a graphic designer in Singapore?
    • The average salary of a graphic designer in Singapore is around S$43,000 per year. However, this can vary depending on factors such as experience, industry, and location.
  • Is the salary of a graphic designer in Singapore competitive?
    • The salary of a graphic designer in Singapore is competitive, particularly if you have several years of experience and specialist skills such as web design or UX/UI design.
  • What are the highest paying industries for graphic designers in Singapore?
    • Some of the highest paying industries for graphic designers in Singapore include advertising, marketing, and digital media. However, salaries can also vary significantly within these industries.
  • What qualifications and experience do I need to earn a higher salary as a graphic designer in Singapore?
    • A degree in a relevant field such as graphic design or visual communications is often preferred by employers. Relevant work experience is also an advantage, particularly in the areas of web design and UX/UI design. Pursuing further education and training in areas such as animation, video production, and digital marketing can also help you earn a higher salary.

People Also Ask about Graphic Designer Salary Singapore

1. How much does a graphic designer earn in Singapore?

A graphic designer in Singapore can earn an average salary of SGD $45,000 to SGD $70,000 per year. However, this can vary depending on factors such as experience, skills, industry, and the size of the company.

2. What factors affect the salary of a graphic designer in Singapore?

The salary of a graphic designer in Singapore can be influenced by various factors:

  • Experience: As with any profession, the more experience a graphic designer has, the higher their earning potential.
  • Skills and expertise: Graphic designers with specialized skills or expertise in areas such as web design, UX/UI, or branding may command higher salaries.
  • Industry: Different industries may have varying demand for graphic designers. Those working in sectors such as advertising, marketing, or technology may earn higher salaries compared to other industries.
  • Company size: Larger companies often offer higher salaries compared to smaller organizations or freelance work.

3. Are there opportunities for career growth as a graphic designer in Singapore?

Absolutely! Singapore has a thriving design industry with numerous opportunities for career growth as a graphic designer. With experience and continuous skill development, graphic designers can progress to senior positions, art director roles, or even start their own design studios.

4. What are the prospects for graphic designers in Singapore?

The prospects for graphic designers in Singapore are promising. The increasing demand for digital marketing, user experience design, and branding has created a need for skilled graphic designers. Furthermore, Singapore's position as a regional hub for businesses provides a wide range of opportunities for graphic designers to work with both local and international clients.

5. How can I increase my earning potential as a graphic designer in Singapore?

To increase your earning potential as a graphic designer in Singapore, consider the following:

  1. Continuously upgrade your skills and stay updated with the latest design trends and software.
  2. Specialize in a specific area of graphic design, such as web design, motion graphics, or branding.
  3. Build a strong portfolio showcasing your best work and demonstrating your expertise.
  4. Network and build connections within the design industry to access more job opportunities.
  5. Consider pursuing certifications or advanced degrees in design to enhance your credentials.
Remember that these figures and factors are general guidelines, and individual salaries may vary based on personal circumstances and negotiations.