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Durian Season in Singapore 2021: Indulge in the King of Fruits with the Best Varieties and Deals

Durian Season Singapore 2021

Discover the heavenly taste of Durian Season in Singapore 2021. Indulge in the king of fruits and experience its unique aroma and rich flavors.

It's that time of year again! Durian season has arrived in Singapore, and lovers of this beloved fruit are rejoicing. From July to September, locals and tourists alike flock to markets and stalls to get their fill of the creamy, pungent flesh.

Have you tried durian before? If not, now is the perfect time to taste what all the fuss is about. And if you're a seasoned durian fan, you won't want to miss out on this year's selection. Farmers across Southeast Asia have been working hard to cultivate some of the best specimens yet.

But what makes durian so special? For starters, it's considered the king of fruits. It's also one of the most divisive fruits, with some people absolutely hating its smell and taste while others can't get enough.

If you're in the latter category, you'll be happy to know that there are many different varieties of durian to choose from. Some are sweet and creamy, while others have a more bitter note. If you're feeling adventurous, try a few different types and see which one suits your palate best.

One thing's for sure – durian is not just another fruit. Its unique flavor, texture, and aroma make it an experience unlike any other. It's no wonder that people travel from all over to indulge in the durian season in Singapore every year.

But where should you go to get your fill of durian? Some of the best places to check out include Geylang, Chinatown, and Bukit Timah. Here, you'll find countless vendors offering a wide variety of durian at reasonable prices.

Of course, it's important to buy from a reputable seller to ensure that you're getting high-quality fruit that hasn't been artificially ripened or tampered with. Do your research beforehand and read reviews to find the best places to buy durian.

As with any fruit, it's also important to consume durian in moderation. While it's certainly delicious, overindulging can lead to stomach upset and other digestive issues.

So, what are you waiting for? Durian season is here, and there's no better time to indulge in this unique and flavorful fruit. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer, there's something for everyone during this exciting time of year.

Don't miss out on the chance to taste some of the best durians around. Head to your local market or stall and start exploring the many different varieties that are available.

Who knows – you just might discover your new favorite fruit!

Durian Season Singapore 2021

The durian season is one of the most exciting times of the year for many people in Singapore, as this fruit is a national obsession. From May to July, all the locals go crazy over the famously stinky but tasty fruit, which can be enjoyed in various forms. If you're planning a trip to Singapore during the durian season, this article will let you know everything that you need to know about it.

What is Durian?

Durian is a kind of fruit that is native to Southeast Asia and is often referred to as the king of fruits. It is large, spiky, and has a pungent smell that is either loved or hated by most. Inside its hard shell, the fruit contains yellowish, creamy flesh that is incredibly nutrient-dense. Durians are prized for their high levels of vitamins C and B5, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants.

When is Durian Season?

The durian season generally falls between May and July, although the exact dates may vary from year to year. During this period, you can find the fruit everywhere in Singapore - from roadside stalls to upscale restaurants. If you happen to be in town during the durian season, definitely try to get your hands on some of the freshest, most delicious durians in town.

What are the Different Durian Varieties?

Durians come in many different varieties, each with unique flavours and textures. Some of the most popular varieties include the Mao Shan Wang, D24, and Golden Phoenix. Mao Shan Wang is considered by many to be the best variety, with its rich, creamy texture and bittersweet taste. However, it is also the most expensive and can cost up to $40 per kilogram.

Where to Find Durians in Singapore?

Durians are sold in many places throughout Singapore, including markets, supermarkets, and roadside stalls. While you can certainly find them almost anywhere during durian season, some of the best places to check out include Geylang, Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre, and Tekka Market.

What are the Best Ways to Enjoy Durians?

There are many ways to enjoy durians, depending on your preferences. Some people prefer to eat them raw, while others like them in sweet treats like cakes, ice cream, or smoothies. For those who are adventurous, there is also durian pizza, durian puffs, and even durian hot pot. Whatever your preference, remember to wash it down with a glass of water or tea, as durians can be quite heaty and may cause indigestion if consumed excessively.

Is Durian Season Affected by Covid-19?

In 2021, it is still unclear how much the durian season will be affected by Covid-19. However, you can definitely expect to see some changes in the way durian is sold and consumed. For example, some sellers may offer online ordering and delivery to reduce contact. Some restaurants may also have limited seating or offer takeaway services. Nevertheless, durians are a big part of the Singaporean culture and lifestyle, so they will find a way to enjoy them safely and responsibly.


The durian season is an exciting time for many Singaporeans and visitors alike. With its unique flavour, texture, and aroma, the king of fruits is undoubtedly something you don't want to miss! If you're in Singapore during May to July, be sure to check out some of the best places to enjoy durians and try out different varieties to find your favourite. Just don't forget to drink plenty of water and pace yourself, lest you fall into a durian food coma!

The Battle of Durian Seasons: Singapore 2020 vs. 2021


Durian lovers rejoice! It's that time of year again – durian season in Singapore. Last year, we saw a great abundance of various durian varieties in the fruit markets, but what can we expect this year? In this blog post, we will be comparing Durian Season Singapore 2020 to Durian Season Singapore 2021.


One of the most crucial aspects of durian season is the availability of the fruit. In 2020, large amounts of durian were readily available throughout Singapore. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions were placed on inter-state transport, which caused shortages in certain regions. This year, with restrictions eased, it seems that there will be no shortage of durian supply.


The price of durians is always an issue for most, especially when demand is high. In 2020, the prices for durians were generally lower compared to previous years. This trend may continue into 2021, but it is too early to determine the exact cost of durians this season. The prices are also dependent on their availability and quality, so it's worth keeping an eye out for.


Weather plays a significant role in the production of durians. Singapore has a tropical climate, and heavy rainfall is not uncommon during the peak months of durian season. In 2020, the weather was quite favorable, resulting in abundant harvests. This year has also been good in terms of rainfall, so we can expect to see a good crop.


There are over 30 different types of durians grown in Singapore, each with its distinct flavor profile. In 2020, various durian varieties were available during the season. We could buy popular varieties like Mao Shan Wang, D24, and Black Thorn easily. This year, we can expect to see a similar variety of durians.

Hybrid Durians

Over the years, hybrid durians have gained massive popularity among durian lovers. These hybrids are usually bigger, sweeter, and have a creamier texture than other durian types. In 2020, we witnessed increased interest in hybrid durians. Although early, there are indications that demand for hybrids will not fade this season.

Online Shopping Platforms

Online platforms have become an increasingly popular way for customers to purchase durians. Last year, several online durian stores emerged as the pandemic forced people to stay indoors. Many of these shops provided fast and efficient delivery services, which made them very convenient to use. This year we can expect to see even more online durian stores.

Safety Measures

In 2020, vendors implemented strict health and safety measures due to COVID-19. People were encouraged to maintain social distancing while queuing up to purchase durians. Vendors also ensured that face masks and hand sanitizing were mandatory at their stalls. This year, such precautions will be enforced, and durian lovers can be assured of a safe shopping experience.

The Durian Experience

Durian season in Singapore is not only about consuming the fruit; it's also about the entire durian experience. People go to great lengths to savor the best durians, including traveling long distances to find their preferred variety. The atmosphere is amazing: crowded markets, the sound of husking, and the smell of ripe durians permeating the air. This year, we can expect the same experience, with perhaps a few less crowds due to the pandemic.


In conclusion, there are several similarities between Singapore's 2020 and 2021 durian seasons in terms of availability, variety, weather, and even the experience itself. However, with restrictions easing, we may expect to see a more bountiful harvest, lower prices, and the addition of more hybrid varieties this year. We can only wait for the season to kick in fully and enjoy the fruit while it lasts.

Durian Season Singapore 2021: Tips and Tricks for Enjoying the King of Fruits

There’s no denying it – durian is an acquired taste. You either love it or hate it. But if you’re a fan, then you’re in for a treat because durian season in Singapore is finally here! To help you make the most out of this indulgent season, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to elevate your durian experience.

1. Know Your Durian

Durians have different varieties, each with its own unique taste and texture. Some popular ones in Singapore include D24, Mao Shan Wang, Musang King, and XO. Research about them and identify which types you prefer before hitting the markets to buy.

2. Buy from Reputable Sellers

Not all durians are created equal, and the best way to ensure that you’re getting good quality, fresh, and delicious ones is by purchasing them from trustworthy sellers. Try to go for established shops or farms that have been around for a while and have a good reputation.

3. Look for the Right Signs

When choosing a durian, look for signs that indicate its freshness and ripeness. A good way to do this is by checking its stem – if it’s green and fresh-looking, then the fruit is ripe. On the other hand, if it’s brown and dry-looking, then it’s likely overripe and may not be as tasty.

4. Avoid Peak Hours

Durian stalls can get pretty crowded during peak hours, especially on weekends. So if you want to avoid the long lines and the frenzy, try going during off-peak hours, such as in the early mornings or weekdays.

5. Break It Open at Home

If you’re buying whole durians, make sure to have them opened at home instead of at the shop or stall. This allows you to inspect the fruit better and ensures that you’re not getting any hollow or unripe ones.

6. Know How to Store It

If you’re not planning to eat the durians immediately, it’s important to know how to store them properly to keep them fresh for longer. One way is to wrap them in newspaper or cling wrap and place them in the fridge until you’re ready to feast on them.

7. Pair It with the Right Drinks

Durian can be quite rich and heavy, which makes it a great dessert to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea. However, it also goes well with light, refreshing drinks such as coconut water or lime juice to balance out the sweetness.

8. Share the Love

Durian can be rather pricey, so if you’re sharing with friends or family, consider buying a few different varieties to try and splitting the cost. This way, everyone gets to taste more without breaking the bank.

9. Be Mindful of Its Smell

As much as we love the taste of durian, it’s no secret that it’s notorious for its pungent odor. Be mindful of where and when you’re eating it – avoid confined spaces and public transport, and try not to overindulge to spare yourself and others from the smell.

10. Enjoy It Till the Last Drop

Durian season comes and goes in a flash, so make the most out of it while you can. Savor every bite and don’t be afraid to try new varieties and pairings. After all, when else do we get to experience the king of fruits in all its glory?

These tips and tricks will certainly help you navigate through durian season with ease and make the most out of this annual affair. Just remember – enjoy responsibly, and happy indulging!

Thank you for taking the time to read about durian season in Singapore for 2021. As we approach the peak season for this delicious fruit, it's important to remember some key facts and tips to make the most out of your durian experience.

If you're new to durian, it's important to understand that this spiky fruit has a distinctive odor that may take some getting used to. However, the sweet, creamy, and sometimes bitter flesh inside is well worth any initial discomfort.

The best time to enjoy durians in Singapore is from June to August, when the fruit is in peak season. During this time, you'll find numerous street vendors, markets, and even dedicated durian restaurants offering a wide variety of fresh, juicy durians.

One popular spot for durian lovers is Geylang, a neighborhood in eastern Singapore known for its durian stalls lining the streets. Here, you'll find an incredible selection of durians from various regions in Southeast Asia, each with their own unique flavors and textures.

Another option is to try durian at one of Singapore's many durian festivals and events. These events bring together durian vendors from all over the island to offer visitors a taste of the best durians around.

When choosing durians, it's important to look for ones that are ripe and full of flavor. You can tell if a durian is ripe by looking for cracks in the shell, a strong smell, and a slightly soft exterior. Avoid durians that have mold or any signs of damage.

Once you've selected your durian, it's time to crack it open and enjoy! There are many ways to eat durians, from simply scooping out the flesh with a spoon to using it as an ingredient in a variety of sweet and savory dishes.

If you're new to durians, it's a good idea to start with smaller portions and work your way up. The fruit can be quite rich and heavy on the stomach, so pace yourself accordingly.

Finally, remember that durians are not for everyone. If you find that you don't enjoy the taste or smell of this unique fruit, that's perfectly okay. There are plenty of other delicious fruits and foods to be found in Singapore!

We hope this guide has inspired you to try some durians during this year's season. Durians are a beloved part of Singapore's culinary heritage, and a must-try for anyone visiting this vibrant city-state.

Thank you again for reading, and we wish you a happy and fruitful (literally!) durian season!

Here are some commonly asked questions about Durian Season in Singapore for 2021:

  • What is Durian Season in Singapore?
  • Durian Season refers to the time of the year when the fruit is in season and widely available in Singapore.

  • When is Durian Season in Singapore 2021?
  • Durian Season usually starts in May and lasts until July or August. However, the exact dates may vary depending on weather conditions and the ripening of the fruit.

  • Where can I buy durians in Singapore during Durian Season 2021?
  • Durians are readily available at many places in Singapore, including roadside stalls, wet markets, and supermarkets. Some popular places to buy durians during the season include Geylang, Balestier, and Chinatown.

  • How much does a durian cost during Durian Season in Singapore 2021?
  • The price of durians varies depending on factors such as the variety, size, and quality of the fruit, as well as supply and demand. Prices can range from a few dollars per kilogram to over $30 per kilogram for premium varieties.

  • Are there any events or festivals celebrating Durian Season in Singapore 2021?
  • Yes, there are several events and festivals that take place during Durian Season in Singapore. These include Durian Festivals, Durian Tours, and Durian Buffets. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is advisable to check with event organizers for any updates on these events.

People Also Ask about Durian Season Singapore 2021

What is Durian Season in Singapore?

Durian season in Singapore refers to the time of the year when the tropical fruit durian is in abundance and readily available in the local markets and fruit stalls. It is a highly anticipated period for durian lovers as they can indulge in the unique and pungent taste of this popular fruit.

When is Durian Season in Singapore 2021?

The exact dates for durian season in Singapore can vary each year, depending on factors such as weather conditions and harvest cycles. However, the peak durian season in Singapore typically falls between June and August. During this period, you can find a wide variety of durians at affordable prices.

Where can I buy durians in Singapore during the season?

Durians can be found in various locations throughout Singapore during the season. Some popular places to buy durians include specialized durian stalls, wet markets, and even some supermarkets. Geylang, Balestier, and Chinatown are well-known areas where you can find a concentration of durian vendors.

What are the best durian varieties to try in Singapore?

In Singapore, you can find a range of durian varieties to suit different taste preferences. Some popular ones include:

  1. Mao Shan Wang: Known for its creamy, bittersweet flesh and strong aroma.
  2. D24: Recognized for its rich and buttery taste.
  3. Golden Phoenix: Characterized by its small seeds and smooth texture.
  4. Black Thorn: Famous for its sweet and slightly bitter flavor.

Are there any durian festivals or events in Singapore during the season?

Yes, there are durian festivals and events held in Singapore during the peak durian season. These events showcase various durian varieties and offer opportunities to taste different flavors. Some popular durian festivals include the Durian Fiesta at Goodwood Park Hotel and the Durian High Tea at Fullerton Hotel.

Can I bring durians back to my home country?

The regulations regarding bringing durians back to your home country may vary depending on the destination. It is important to check the customs and quarantine regulations of your country before attempting to bring durians back. Some countries may have restrictions due to the strong smell or potential agricultural pests associated with durians.

Overall Voice and Tone: The voice and tone used throughout the answers are informative and helpful. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner, catering to individuals who have questions about durian season in Singapore. The tone is friendly, aiming to provide useful insights and guidance to the readers.