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Discovering Creativity: Explore Singapore's Art Scene at the Annual Art Book Fair

Singapore Art Book Fair

The Singapore Art Book Fair showcases a diverse collection of art books, publications, and zines, celebrating creativity and artistic expression.

Do you love art? Are you always on the lookout for new and exciting artistic works to explore? Then the Singapore Art Book Fair is just the event for you! This annual fair brings together artists, publishers, and art lovers from around the world to showcase and celebrate the best of contemporary art.

Now in its fifth year, the Singapore Art Book Fair has firmly established itself as one of the most important events in the Asian art calendar. The fair attracts thousands of visitors each year, all eager to immerse themselves in the vibrant and diverse world of art.

So what can you expect to find at the Singapore Art Book Fair? One of the highlights of the fair is the stunning array of art books on offer. Whether you are interested in fine art, photography, graphic design, or comics, you will find something to pique your interest.

In addition to the books, the fair also features a range of talks, workshops and exhibitions. These provide a platform for artists, designers, and publishers to showcase their latest creations and share their insights and experiences with audiences.

But the Singapore Art Book Fair is not just about admiring and buying artworks; it is also an opportunity for art lovers to connect and engage with each other. The fair provides a relaxed and friendly environment where people can share their passion for art and exchange ideas and opinions.

If you are a young artist looking to make your mark in the art world, the Singapore Art Book Fair is the perfect place to network and build your connections. And if you are a publisher or curator looking for fresh talent, you are sure to find plenty of up-and-coming artists and designers to add to your roster.

To ensure that the fair remains accessible to everyone, the organizers have made a conscious effort to keep prices low. Most of the events and activities are free to attend, and the books and artworks on sale are priced competitively.

But despite the low prices, you can be sure that the quality of the art on offer is world-class. From cutting-edge contemporary art to timeless classics, the Singapore Art Book Fair has something for everyone.

So mark your calendars and book your tickets now. The Singapore Art Book Fair is not to be missed!

Whether you are an artist, a designer, a publisher, or simply an art lover, the fair offers an unbeatable combination of inspiration, education, and networking opportunities.

So why wait? Head over to the fair website and secure your place today. We promise you won't regret it!

Singapore Art Book Fair: An Innovative Celebration of Art and Literature

The Singapore Art Book Fair is an annual event that brings together book lovers, art enthusiasts, and creatives, fostering a platform for the exchange of ideas and perspectives. It is a unique opportunity to delve into the world of contemporary art and literature, deriving inspiration, and engaging with artists and publishers. The fair seeks to showcase the diverse and vibrant literary culture of Singapore while engaging with the contemporary art scene.

History and Evolution of Singapore Art Book Fair

The Singapore Art Book Fair was founded in 2013 by independent publishers Kenny Leck and Koh Nguang How. Over the years, the fair has grown in popularity, attracting visitors from across Asia and beyond. The fair hosts established and emerging publishers, artists, and independent creators, showcasing their works and contributing to a vibrant exchange of ideas.

The fair has evolved over the years, broadening its horizons beyond print media to include exhibitions, talks, and workshops. It now attracts visitors from different fields, including educators, students, writers, artists, and designers, among others.

Thematic Focus

Each year, the Singapore Art Book Fair adopts a thematic focus aimed at addressing crucial trends in the publishing ecosystem. The themes are relevant, timely, and designed to spark conversations and initiate productive dialogues. Past themes have included 'Future of the Book' and 'Publishing and Community Building.'

The 2021 edition of the fair focused on 'Eco-publishing,' highlighting the crucial role publishers and creators can play in promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Exhibitors and Offerings

The Singapore Art Book Fair features a diverse range of exhibitors, catering to different interests and tastes. Exhibitors include international publishers, independent publications, booksellers, artists, and writers. Over the years, the fair has hosted exhibitors from countries such as Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The fair offers a wide range of books, including art books, zines, graphic novels, poetry, and fiction, among others. Visitors can browse through the books, converse with the publishers and authors, and purchase their works. The fair also features exhibitions, screenings, talks, and workshops, allowing visitors to engage with the artworks and learn from industry leaders.

Future of Singapore Art Book Fair

The Singapore Art Book Fair has established itself as a unique platform for promoting overlooked and alternative voices in publishing and contemporary art. The fair has empowered local publishers and creators by providing them with an audience and fostering a network of collaborators. The fair's future is bright, with the organizers committed to expanding its reach and embracing digital mediums.

The Singapore Art Book Fair is an essential event for anyone interested in literature, art, and publishing. It presents an opportunity to discover hidden gems, engage with creative thinkers, and celebrate the diverse and vibrant cultural scene of Singapore.


The Singapore Art Book Fair deserves recognition for promoting creativity, cultural exchange, and community building. It highlights the important work of independent publishers and creatives in promoting dialogue, diversity, and innovation. As the fair continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly become a vital cultural institution in Singapore, nurturing and empowering the next generation of artists and publishers.

Singapore Art Book Fair: A Comparison

Art fairs are a key component of the art world, and Singapore has been hosting the Singapore Art Book Fair since 2013. The event is held to showcase books, zines, and other printed material related to visual arts. This article will compare the Singapore Art Book Fair to other art fairs around the world, specifically the LA Art Book Fair and the New York Art Book Fair.

Size and Scale

The Singapore Art Book Fair is considered a smaller event compared to the LA Art Book Fair and the New York Art Book Fair. In 2016, the event had 70 exhibitors, whereas the LA Art Book Fair had over 300 exhibitors in the same year. The New York Art Book Fair typically boasts over 370 exhibitors, making it significantly larger than both the Singapore and LA events.

This size comparison impacts the range and diversity of exhibitors at each fair. While Singapore may have a smaller selection, the curation of the exhibitors attending caters to those who are interested in artists based within Asia and Southeast Asia.

Focus on Regional Creatives

The Singapore Art Book Fair has strived to put a spotlight on regional creatives, with many exhibitions and talks featuring artists from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. As such, the event is an excellent opportunity not just for Singaporeans or those residing in Southeast Asia but for anyone seeking exposure to local, independent artists from the region.

The LA Art Book Fair and New York Art Book Fair are less regionally-focused, and their exhibiting artists may come from anywhere in the world. As such, this results in a greater diversity of works showcased and attendees from a wider range of locations.

Diversity of Works and Topics

While the Singapore Art Book Fair features a strong selection of works by Southeast Asian artists, without a doubt, the LA Art Book Fair and New York Art Book Fair win when it comes to the number and diversity of works (at times featuring unusual and quirky books) exhibited. At these larger fairs, you'll find an incredibly wide range of discussions, presentations, and other events.

Venue and Atmosphere

Another aspect that sets these art book fairs apart is their venues and the atmospheres they create. The Singapore Art Book Fair is usually held at the Gillman Barracks, an arts venue filled with independent galleries and unique art spaces. The LA Art Book Fair, on the other hand, is held at the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA for the last several years, a significant museum in Downtown Los Angeles.

The New York Art Book Fair has previously been held at MoMA PS1, making its venue one of the coolest and eclectic locations for an art fair. The floor plan differs between each of these fairs as well, which can give a distinct sense of intimacy or extrarordinary industrial aesthetics.


The pricing of the Singapore Art Book Fair, LA Art Book Fair, and the New York Art Book Fair is relatively similar, with exhibitors paying fees to show their works to a larger audience.These fees vary depends on the scale and size of the exhibit and can provide interesting discussions on the accessing art world.


All three art fairs are open to the general public, and with the rise of digital catalogues and online presence, attendees can access the exhibited book collections before any visit.


Each art fair has its own distinct atmosphere, audience, and set of exhibitors and presentations. The Singapore Art Book Fair offers an in-depth opportunity to explore regional Southeast Asian art, while the LA Art Book Fair and the New York Art Book Fair offer a diverse range of exhibits across the board. Each fair is worth visiting to get an overview of what artists are currently creating, to interact with other like-minded individuals, and to generally discover new and exciting works.

Aspect Singapore Art Book Fair LA Art Book Fair New York Art Book Fair
Size and Scale 70 exhibitors (2016) over 300 exhibitors (2016) over 370 exhibitors
Focus on Regional Creatives Regional focus on Southeast Asian artists Not regionally focused Not regionally focused
Diversity of Works and Topics Strong Southeast Asian arts focus Incredibly wide range of works showcased Incredibly wide range of works showcased
Venue and Atmosphere Gillman Barracks - intimate, quirky venue Geffen Contemporary at MOCA- significant museum in Downtown Los Angeles MoMA PS1-artistic and iconic location
Pricing Similar fee structure to other art book fairs Similar fee structure to other art book fairs Similar fee structure to other art book fairs
Accessibility Open to public; digital presence availability. Open to public; digital presence availability. Open to public; digital presence availability.

Welcome to the Singapore Art Book Fair

The Singapore Art Book Fair is here again, and this year it is bigger and better than ever. The fair is a vibrant celebration of all things art and design, bringing together artists, designers, publishers, and creatives from around the world.

Top Tips for Exploring the Fair

If you are new to the Singapore Art Book Fair, here are some top tips for making the most of your experience:

Plan Your Visit

Before you head to the fair, make sure to plan your visit. Look at the schedule of events, exhibitions, and talks, and decide what you want to see and when. This will help you make the most of your time, and ensure you don't miss anything important.

Arrive Early

If you want to avoid the crowds, arrive early. This will allow you to browse the stalls and exhibitions in relative peace and quiet, and get a good sense of what is on offer before the crowds arrive.

Bring Cash

The majority of vendors at the Singapore Art Book Fair will only accept cash, so make sure you bring enough money with you. There are ATMs onsite if you do run out, but they can be busy and there may be lines, so it's best to be prepared.

Be Open-minded

The Singapore Art Book Fair is a fantastic opportunity to discover new artists and designers, and to see work that you may not have come across before. Keep an open mind and explore everything that's on offer - you never know what you might find.

What to Expect at the Fair

The Singapore Art Book Fair is a vibrant showcase of the latest and greatest in art and design. Here's what you can expect:

Stalls and Exhibitions

The heart of the fair is the stalls and exhibitions, where you can browse and buy works from a range of artists, designers, publishers, and creatives. From zines to fine art prints, there is something for everyone.

Talks and Workshops

The Singapore Art Book Fair also features talks and workshops from some of the biggest names in the industry. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from the experts and get an insight into their creative process.

Networking Opportunities

The Singapore Art Book Fair is not just about buying and selling - it's also a great place to network and connect with other creatives. Whether you're an artist, designer, or publisher, you'll have the chance to meet like-minded people and forge new connections.

In Conclusion

The Singapore Art Book Fair is a must-visit event for anyone with an interest in art and design. With its vibrant atmosphere, diverse range of stalls and exhibitions, and packed schedule of talks and workshops, it's the perfect place to discover new artists and designers, connect with other creatives, and be inspired.

So why not plan your visit today, and experience all the Singapore Art Book Fair has to offer?

Thank you for taking the time to read about the Singapore Art Book Fair. This event is a great opportunity for people to learn about art and culture, as well as meet other artists and enthusiasts from around the world. With a focus on art books and publications, this fair allows visitors to explore a range of works from a variety of different perspectives.

The first thing visitors will notice when they arrive at the Singapore Art Book Fair is the energy and excitement that permeates the entire space. From the colorful displays and dynamic presentations, to the lively discussions and workshops, there is always something happening here.

If you are interested in discovering new artists and art forms, then this fair is the perfect place to start. With so many different exhibitors showcasing their work, you are bound to find something that captures your attention and imagination. The diversity of styles and mediums on display is truly impressive, ranging from traditional painting and sculpture to digital and mixed media experiments.

One of the highlights of the Singapore Art Book Fair is the opportunity to meet and interact with other artists and industry professionals. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a beginner just starting out, you will find no shortage of people willing to share their knowledge and expertise with you. From talks and lectures to personal conversations and networking events, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with others who share your passion for art.

Another great aspect of the Singapore Art Book Fair is the chance to discover new works from up-and-coming artists. Some of the most innovative and exciting art is being created by emerging talents, and this fair is an excellent platform to showcase their work and get it in front of a wider audience. Many of these young artists are breaking boundaries and experimenting with new techniques and concepts, making the fair a great place to stay on top of the latest trends and developments in the art scene.

Whether you are an artist, collector, art lover, or simply curious about the world of art and culture, the Singapore Art Book Fair is an event not to be missed. With its vibrant atmosphere, dynamic presentations, and diverse range of works on display, this fair offers something for everyone who has an interest in creativity and expression.

As visitors to the Singapore Art Book Fair, you will experience the thrill of discovering new artists and works, connecting with other like-minded individuals, and exploring the exciting world of contemporary art. You might even find yourself leaving with a newfound appreciation for different forms of artistic expression and a renewed sense of inspiration and creativity.

We hope that your visit to the Singapore Art Book Fair was an enjoyable and enriching experience, and that you will continue to explore new forms of creativity and expression in the future.

People also ask about Singapore Art Book Fair:

  1. What is the Singapore Art Book Fair?

    The Singapore Art Book Fair is an annual event that showcases a diverse range of local and international art books, zines, and printed matter.

  2. When does the Singapore Art Book Fair take place?

    The Singapore Art Book Fair usually takes place during the second half of the year, typically in October or November.

  3. Where is the Singapore Art Book Fair held?

    The location of the Singapore Art Book Fair varies from year to year. Past venues have included the National Library Building, Gillman Barracks, and the NTU Centre for Contemporary Art.

  4. Is admission to the Singapore Art Book Fair free?

    Admission to the fair is usually free, but some events and workshops may require registration or fees.

  5. What can I expect to see at the Singapore Art Book Fair?

    You can expect to see a diverse range of art books, zines, prints, and other printed matter from local and international publishers, artists, and collectives. There may also be talks, workshops, and other events related to print and publishing.

  6. Can I purchase items at the Singapore Art Book Fair?

    Yes, most items on display at the fair will be available for purchase.

  7. Who organizes the Singapore Art Book Fair?

    The Singapore Art Book Fair is typically organized by an independent curator or organization, such as BooksActually or the Singapore Art Museum.

People Also Ask about Singapore Art Book Fair

1. What is the Singapore Art Book Fair?

The Singapore Art Book Fair is an annual event that celebrates and showcases art books, zines, and publications from around the world. It serves as a platform for artists, designers, publishers, and book lovers to come together and explore the diverse world of art in print.

2. When is the Singapore Art Book Fair held?

The Singapore Art Book Fair typically takes place in the month of July. However, the specific dates may vary from year to year, so it is advisable to check the official website or social media channels for the most up-to-date information.

3. Where is the Singapore Art Book Fair held?

The fair is usually held at various venues across Singapore, including art galleries, cultural institutions, and alternative spaces. These venues are carefully selected to provide a vibrant and conducive environment for showcasing and engaging with art books.

4. Who can participate in the Singapore Art Book Fair?

The Singapore Art Book Fair welcomes participation from artists, designers, publishers, independent publications, galleries, and anyone passionate about art books. Both local and international participants are encouraged to showcase their work and contribute to the rich tapestry of artistic expression.

5. What can I expect at the Singapore Art Book Fair?

At the fair, you can expect to find a wide range of art books, zines, and publications spanning various genres and artistic styles. There are typically exhibitor booths where you can browse and purchase these works, as well as engage in conversations with the creators themselves. Additionally, there may be workshops, talks, and panel discussions conducted by industry professionals, providing opportunities for learning and networking.

6. How can I stay updated about the Singapore Art Book Fair?

To stay updated about the Singapore Art Book Fair, you can visit the official website or follow their social media channels. These platforms provide regular updates on dates, venues, participating exhibitors, featured artists, and any additional events or activities associated with the fair. By staying connected, you can ensure you don't miss out on any exciting developments or opportunities.

7. Is there an entrance fee for the Singapore Art Book Fair?

The entrance fee for the Singapore Art Book Fair may vary depending on the year and the specific events or activities organized as part of the fair. Some portions of the fair, such as certain exhibitions or talks, may require separate tickets or registrations. It is advisable to check the official website or social media channels for the latest information on ticketing and fees.

8. Can I exhibit or sell my own art books at the fair?

Absolutely! The Singapore Art Book Fair encourages artists, designers, and publishers to exhibit and sell their own art books. There are usually opportunities for both established and emerging talents to showcase their work and connect with a wider audience. If you are interested in participating as an exhibitor, it is best to refer to the official website or contact the organizers for more details on the application process.

9. Are there any educational programs offered at the Singapore Art Book Fair?

Yes, the Singapore Art Book Fair often organizes educational programs such as workshops, talks, and panel discussions. These programs aim to enrich visitors' understanding of art book publishing, graphic design, and various creative processes. Industry professionals and experts are often invited to share their knowledge and insights, providing valuable learning opportunities for enthusiasts and aspiring artists alike.

10. Can I bring my children to the Singapore Art Book Fair?

Yes, the Singapore Art Book Fair is a family-friendly event, and children are welcome to attend. However, it is advisable to consider the specific activities and events planned for each day, as some may be more suitable for younger audiences than others. It can be a great opportunity to expose children to art and creativity in a vibrant and interactive setting.