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Unlock Your Career Potential with Part Time Internship Opportunities in Singapore

Part Time Internship Singapore

Looking for a part-time internship in Singapore? Explore exciting opportunities and gain valuable industry experience with our diverse range of internships. Apply now!

Are you a student looking for some experience in your field of interest? Finding it hard to balance between classes, assignments and work? Part time internship Singapore might be the solution you are looking for.

As the economy picks up pace, more businesses are opening up opportunities for part time internships. These roles provide flexibility in terms of hours, allowing students to fit valuable work experience around their studies.

Internships are becoming more popular among employers as well. Offering an internship role help companies to attract young talent and evaluate potential candidates for full-time positions.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 95% of employers viewed hiring interns as a positive experience. At the same time, the survey revealed that 61% of graduating students had completed at least one internship.

If you're unsure where to start or which industry peaks your interest, make use of websites and job boards dedicated to the student market. Many universities and colleges also have career centers where students can find guidance on internship opportunities.

The benefits of taking up a part time internship are two-fold. First and foremost, it provides hands-on experience in the field which will enhance your theoretical education. Employers look for individuals with practical knowledge, and completing an internship helps build that.

Secondly, it provides connections in the industry. Networking is critical to success, and through an internship, you get to meet professionals who can open up doors for future opportunities.

One important thing to note when applying for internships is to make sure that it aligns with your values and interests. An internship should be an enjoyable and educational experience. There is no point in putting yourself through something that is not aligned with what you want to achieve.

Communication is key when interning. Ensure that you communicate well with your supervisor or mentor, ask questions, show initiative and be open to constructive feedback. The more effort you put into the experience, the more you'll get out of it.

Many successful graduates have highlighted how internships boosted their career. Even though it can be stressful to balance studying and working, it is worth the effort. As the competition for graduate jobs heats up, having an internship under your belt sets you apart from other candidates.

To sum up, considering a part time internship in Singapore can benefit both students and employers alike. Finding the right role that suits your values and interests can give you hands-on experience in your particular industry while providing valuable connections and practical knowledge.

So don't hesitate any more, embark on your journey towards a rewarding future by exploring your options for a part time internship today!


Internships are an integral part of the transition from academic life to professional life. They serve as an opportunity for students to gain practical experience and valuable industry insights, while also building a professional network. In Singapore, part-time internships have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they allow students to balance their academic commitments with work experience.

The Benefits of Part-Time Internship

Part-time internships offer numerous benefits for students. Firstly, students can gain relevant work experience while still being able to attend classes and complete assignments. This means that they can apply their academic knowledge to real-world situations and gain a deeper understanding of their field of study.

Secondly, part-time internships allow students to build a professional network, which can be invaluable when it comes to seeking job opportunities after graduation. Students can connect with industry professionals and gain mentors who can provide guidance and support throughout their career.

Industry Exposure

Furthermore, part-time internships can provide invaluable exposure to different industries. This is particularly beneficial for students who are still exploring their career options and are not yet sure what they want to specialize in. By trying out different roles, students can gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about their future career path.

Funding your Part-Time Internship

While part-time internships can offer many benefits, they can also be financially challenging for students. However, there are several ways that students can fund their internship experience. One option is to apply for grants or scholarships specifically designed to support internships. Additionally, some employers may offer paid part-time internships, which can help offset expenses. Finally, students can also choose to work part-time alongside their internship to earn extra income.

Tips for Finding Part-Time Internships in Singapore

Here are a few tips to help students find part-time internships in Singapore:

1. Use Online Job Boards

There are several job boards that specialize in advertising internships in Singapore, such as InternSG and Glints. These platforms allow students to search for internships by industry, location, and required qualifications.

2. Attend Career Fairs

Career fairs are an excellent opportunity for students to connect with potential employers and learn more about different industries. Many companies that offer internships will have booths at career fairs, and students can meet with recruiters and ask questions about the internship experience.

3. Network, Network, Network

Networking is critical when it comes to finding internships in Singapore. Students can attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with alumni, professors, and other industry professionals. By building a strong network, students can access opportunities that may not be advertised through traditional channels.


Part-time internships offer a valuable opportunity for students in Singapore to gain practical experience, build their professional network, and explore different industries. While funding and finding internships may be challenging, with the right approach, students can find the support and opportunities they need to succeed.

Part-Time Internship in Singapore

Internships are incredibly valuable for students and recent graduates to gain real-world experience, build professional networks, and develop important skills that can help them succeed in their future careers. In Singapore, there are many companies that offer part-time internships, which allow students to balance their academic commitments while gaining hands-on experience in their field of interest.

What is a Part-Time Internship?

A part-time internship is an opportunity for students to work with a company or organization on a part-time basis, usually for a few months during the school year. Part-time internships typically involve working for a few days a week or a few hours a day, which allows students to balance their work commitments with their academic responsibilities.

The Benefits of a Part-Time Internship

Part-time internships offer several benefits to students, including:

  • Building professional networks
  • Gaining hands-on experience in their field of interest
  • Developing important skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving
  • Learning about different industries and career paths
  • Building their resume and enhancing their job prospects after graduation

How to Find a Part-Time Internship in Singapore

There are many ways to find part-time internships in Singapore, including:

  • Searching online job boards
  • Attending career fairs and networking events
  • Reaching out to companies directly and expressing interest in their internship programs
  • Working with your school's career center to find opportunities

Comparison of Part-Time Internships in Singapore

To help students make an informed decision about which part-time internship to pursue, we have compiled a comparison table of some of the top opportunities in Singapore:

Company Field of Interest Duration Compensation
Google Technology 6 months $1,500/month
Unilever Marketing 3 months $1,000/month
DBS Bank Finance 4 months $800/month
Singapore Airlines Hospitality 6 months Unpaid

Opinion on Part-Time Internships in Singapore

Overall, part-time internships in Singapore can be a valuable opportunity for students to gain real-world experience, develop important skills, and build professional networks. However, it is important to carefully consider the compensation, duration, and field of interest before accepting an internship offer. By doing so, students can maximize the benefits of their internship and set themselves up for success in their future careers.


Part-time internships in Singapore can be a great way for students to gain valuable experience in their field of interest, build professional networks, and develop important skills. By researching different opportunities and carefully considering the compensation, duration, and field of interest, students can make an informed decision about which internship to pursue and set themselves up for success in the future.


Internship programs have become an integral part of the education system. They help students apply and enhance the theoretical knowledge they have gained in real-life situations. Not only do internships provide job experience, but they also help young professionals develop new skills and gain valuable networking opportunities.

For students who are looking for a flexible work arrangement or those who wish to supplement their income, a part-time internship is an excellent option. In this article, we will explore the tips and guidelines for securing a part-time internship in Singapore.

Know Your Objective

The first step before starting any internship search is to define your objectives, identify your skill set, and understand the field you want to pursue. This process will help you identify the right companies to approach and increase your chances of finding a part-time internship opportunity that will help you achieve your goals.

Update Your Resume

Your resume is the primary tool to market yourself to potential employers. It should reflect your academic background, skills, and achievements. Customize your resume to highlight your experience, skills and emphasize your interest in pursuing a part-time internship in the field of your choice.

Search on Job Portals

Many job portals like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster provides numerous listings for internships. Using these networks will help you explore different opportunities available and learn about the companies that offer part-time internships in Singapore.

Check Company Websites

Most companies now advertise their job openings on their websites. Reviewing these sites may provide detailed job descriptions and company-specific requirements for internships. Creating a list of companies that offer part-time internships in your area of interest can be helpful in outreach efforts.

Attend Career Fairs

Career fairs are excellent opportunities to network with professionals in your field and learn about part-time internship opportunities. Many organizations attend these fairs to recruit interns for their firms. These events provide a chance to showcase your skills and ask questions about the job responsibilities and expectations.

Reach Out to Your Network

Creating a professional network is crucial in securing an internship. You may already be connected to a professional in your field who can offer guidance or support, and they may be aware of a part-time internship opening.

Prepare for Interviews

As with any job application process, it is essential to prepare thoroughly for interviews. Research the history of the company, understand the industry trends and most importantly, communicate how your qualifications, experience, and interests align with their internship requirements. Remember to dress professionally and arrive on time for the interview.

Keep Learning

Part-time internships offer great learning opportunities in a real-life work environment. It is essential to maintain a learning attitude throughout the internship. Seek feedback from your supervisor, engage with your team members, and take steps to develop skills that will strengthen your resume.

Develop Professional Relationships

The contacts you make during your part-time internship can help advance your career beyond graduation. Be proactive in building professional connections with your colleagues, supervisors and other professionals who work within the organization.


Securing a part-time internship is a great way to gain valuable work experience while supporting your education or earning an income. Following these guidelines will help you identify potential employers, prepare well for interviews, develop new professional relationships, and equip yourself with relevant skills for future success.

In today's job market, having relevant work experience is just as important as having a degree. As a student or graduate looking to gain practical experience in your field of study or interest, a part-time internship in Singapore could be the perfect opportunity for you.

A part-time internship in Singapore can offer you the chance to develop your skills, make industry contacts, and gain insights into your chosen field. Additionally, a part-time internship provides the flexibility to balance work and academic commitments, giving you the chance to apply what you've learned in the classroom to a real-world setting.

Before embarking on a part-time internship search, it is important to consider your goals and interests. You might want to choose an internship that is directly related to your major or one that aligns with your career aspirations. Alternatively, a part-time internship could be an opportunity to explore a new area of study or industry to broaden your knowledge and skill set.

Networking is another significant advantage of participating in part-time internships in Singapore. By working alongside experienced professionals, you can learn from their experiences and possibly find mentors who can offer guidance and support. Additionally, you may have the chance to attend industry events and meet other professionals in your field.

When searching for a part-time internship in Singapore, it is essential to do your research. Start by researching companies and organizations that interest you, read about their mission and values, and identify potential opportunities that would be a good fit for your skills and interests. Next, prepare your resume and cover letter and ensure that they are tailored to the specific internship position. Finally, reach out to your network, including professors or alumni, who may be able to provide leads or referrals.

Once you secure a part-time internship in Singapore, it is crucial to be proactive in your role. Ask questions, seek feedback, and take on new challenges to demonstrate your eagerness to learn and contribute. Building a positive relationship with your supervisor and colleagues can help you secure a strong reference for future job opportunities.

It is also essential to balance your work and academic commitments during a part-time internship. Be upfront with your supervisor about your availability and ensure that you are meeting your academic requirements. An internship supervisor who sees that you can handle both responsibilities simultaneously may even offer you a full-time employment opportunity.

Conversely, if the internship is not what you anticipated, do not be afraid to speak up. Schedule a check-in with your supervisor and communicate any concerns or offer suggestions to improve your experience. Remember, you are not just there to observe; you are there to learn and contribute to the organization.

In conclusion, a part-time internship in Singapore could provide an excellent opportunity for students and graduates to gain practical experience in their field of study or interest. The flexibility, networking opportunities, and chance to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world setting are all significant benefits. With research, preparation, and a positive attitude, a part-time internship in Singapore could be a launchpad for your career.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and tips for navigating your part-time internship search in Singapore. Good luck with your search, and we wish you all the best in your career journey.

People also ask about Part Time Internship Singapore:

  1. What is a part time internship?
    • A part time internship is an opportunity for students or professionals to gain work experience and industry exposure while working fewer hours than full-time internships.
  2. What are the benefits of a part time internship?
    • Part time internships can offer more flexibility for individuals who have other commitments such as school, work, or family. They can also help individuals gain work experience in a specific field without committing to a full-time position.
  3. Are part time internships paid?
    • Some part time internships are paid, while others are unpaid. It is important to research and consider the compensation offered for each individual internship opportunity.
  4. How do I find part time internship opportunities in Singapore?
    • There are various online job portals and internship platforms that list part time internship opportunities in Singapore. You can also reach out to companies directly and inquire about their internship programs.
  5. Can part time internships lead to full-time job opportunities?
    • Yes, part time internships can often lead to full-time job opportunities as they offer individuals a chance to showcase their skills and work ethic to potential employers. It is important to perform well and make a positive impression during your internship to increase your chances of being offered a full-time position.

People Also Ask about Part Time Internship Singapore

1. What is a part-time internship?

A part-time internship refers to an arrangement where individuals work in a professional setting for a limited number of hours per week. It provides an opportunity for students or individuals with other commitments to gain practical experience and enhance their skills while still being able to manage their other responsibilities.


  • A part-time internship allows individuals to work in a professional environment for a reduced number of hours each week.
  • It is designed to provide practical experience and skill development while accommodating other commitments such as studies or additional jobs.
  • Part-time internships can be found in various industries, including finance, marketing, technology, and more.
  • These internships typically last for a specific duration, ranging from a few weeks to several months.

2. How can I find part-time internships in Singapore?

There are several ways to find part-time internships in Singapore:


  1. Check online job portals and internship platforms that specifically cater to part-time positions.
  2. Utilize social media platforms and professional networking sites to connect with potential employers or explore internship opportunities.
  3. Contact local universities, colleges, or career centers for information on available part-time internships.
  4. Attend career fairs or networking events where companies often promote part-time internship opportunities.
  5. Reach out to companies directly by sending well-crafted cover letters and resumes, expressing your interest in a part-time internship.

3. What are the benefits of a part-time internship in Singapore?

Engaging in a part-time internship in Singapore offers various advantages:


  • Gain practical work experience and develop relevant skills in your chosen field.
  • Enhance your resume and make yourself more competitive in the job market.
  • Expand your professional network by connecting with industry experts and potential mentors.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge learned in school to real-world situations.
  • Explore different industries and roles to help you make informed career decisions.
  • Earn an income while gaining valuable experience.

4. Can part-time internships lead to full-time employment in Singapore?

Yes, part-time internships can potentially lead to full-time employment opportunities in Singapore:


  • Performing well during a part-time internship can impress employers and increase the chances of being offered a full-time position within the company.
  • Participating in a part-time internship allows you to showcase your skills and work ethic, making you a strong candidate for future job openings.
  • Building relationships with colleagues and supervisors during a part-time internship can lead to positive recommendations and referrals for other employment opportunities.
  • Networking within the company or industry may reveal additional job openings that align with your career goals.