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Looking for Video Editor Jobs in Singapore? Check out the latest opportunities today!

Video Editor Jobs Singapore

Looking for video editor jobs in Singapore? Find the latest opportunities and join the creative industry. Apply now and showcase your editing skills!

Video editing has become an essential part of any video production or marketing campaign. And with the rise of social media and online video content, the demand for skilled video editors has never been higher. Singapore is no exception to this trend, with dozens of companies hiring video editors to help them create compelling content for their audiences. In this article, we'll take a closer look at video editor jobs in Singapore and what you need to know if you're looking to break into this exciting field.

What are the qualifications for video editor jobs in Singapore?

The qualifications for video editor jobs in Singapore vary depending on the company and position, but most employers will require a relevant degree or diploma in film, media, or a related field. Additionally, experience in video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and After Effects is a must.

Some employers may also require specific skills or knowledge related to their business, such as experience in creating explainer videos or knowledge of motion graphics.

How much can you earn as a video editor in Singapore?

According to PayScale Singapore, the average salary for a video editor in Singapore is around S$37,000 per year. However, salaries can vary widely depending on factors like experience, company size, industry, and overall demand for video editing skills.

Freelance video editors in Singapore can potentially earn more, as they have the flexibility to set their own rates based on their skills and experience.

What types of companies hire video editors in Singapore?

Video editors are in high demand across many industries in Singapore. Some of the most common types of companies that hire video editors include:

  • Advertising agencies
  • Media companies
  • Marketing agencies
  • eCommerce companies
  • Production studios

What skills do you need to succeed as a video editor in Singapore?

Video editing is a highly technical and creative field that requires a variety of skills to succeed. Here are some of the most important skills for video editors:

  • Proficiency in video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and After Effects
  • Ability to collaborate with other team members and communicate clearly
  • Creative vision and the ability to tell compelling stories through video
  • Attention to detail and the ability to work under tight deadlines

How can you find video editor jobs in Singapore?

There are many ways to find video editor jobs in Singapore. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Search online job boards and websites like JobsDB and Indeed
  • Reach out to companies directly and inquire about available positions
  • Join industry groups and associations to network with other video professionals
  • Freelance on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to build your portfolio and gain experience

Why is video editing such an important skill in today's market?

Video has become one of the most popular and effective ways to reach audiences online. According to Cisco, video accounted for 82% of all internet traffic in 2020. This trend is only expected to continue in the coming years, making video editing skills increasingly valuable in today's job market.

Whether you're looking to work for a company or start your own freelance business, mastering video editing can open up many exciting opportunities in Singapore and beyond.


If you have a passion for creativity, attention to detail, and technical skills, then a career in video editing may be right for you. With the growing demand for video content across many industries, there are many exciting video editor jobs available in Singapore for those with the right skills and experience.

By honing your skills, building your portfolio, and staying up-to-date on industry trends, you can position yourself for success in this dynamic and rewarding field.

The Growing Demand for Video Editor Jobs in Singapore

In today's media landscape, videos have become the most engaging and visually appealing content. Billions of people all around the world consume videos every day on various platforms including social media, TV, and streaming services. In Singapore, the rise of video content has led to the growing demands for video editor jobs.

What Does a Video Editor Do?

A video editor is responsible for manipulating and arranging video footage, audio, and other multimedia elements to create engaging visual content. A video editor job requires both creative and technical skills. They need to have a good understanding of storytelling, cinematography, motion graphics, and sound design as well as proficiency in using video editing software such as Premier Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe After Effects.

A video editor should also have excellent communication skills to work seamlessly with other members of the production team including directors, producers, and cinematographers. They must be able to take direction and be open to feedback throughout the post-production process.

Where Can You Find Video Editor Jobs in Singapore?

The majority of video editor jobs can be found in the media and entertainment industry. Businesses that require video content such as advertising agencies, public relations firms, and corporate marketing departments also hire video editors on a regular basis. Freelance opportunities are also available for those who prefer working on a project-to-project basis.

Salaries and Earnings

The salaries for video editor jobs in Singapore vary depending on the type of employer, experience, and level of expertise. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a video editor in Singapore is around $46,000 per year. However, this amount can increase for more experienced editors and those who work in senior positions.

Skills and Qualifications

To be a successful video editor in Singapore, you should have a degree or diploma in video production, film studies, or a related field. You should also have hands-on experience in video editing, which can be gained through internships, entry-level positions, or freelance work. Additionally, you should have excellent technical skills, computer proficiency, and knowledge of relevant software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Furthermore, you should have strong attention to detail, be able to work well under pressure, and be able to handle multiple projects simultaneously.

Future Outlook

The demand for video content is expected to continue growing in Singapore and around the world. As such, the demand for video editor jobs is also expected to grow. Businesses are allocating more resources and funds to create high-quality video content that will resonate with audiences and stand out in today's digital landscape.

Emerging technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and 360-degree videos are also driving the need for skilled video editors who can effectively incorporate these technologies into their work.


If you are seeking a career in Singapore's media and entertainment industry, a video editor job may be an excellent option. The demand for video content is growing exponentially, creating promising career opportunities for talented video editors who have the skills and experience to create engaging visual content for a wide range of clients. With proper training, a focused approach, and a willingness to keep pace with the ever-changing technological landscape, aspiring video editors in Singapore can build fulfilling and lucrative careers.

Comparison of Video Editor Jobs in Singapore

Are you considering a career in video editing in Singapore? With the demand for digital content on the rise, more and more companies are looking for skilled video editors to help them create compelling content for social media, marketing campaigns, and other communication channels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the key differences between freelance and full-time video editor jobs in Singapore and help you decide which path might be right for you.

Salary and Benefits

One of the most significant differences between freelance and full-time video editor jobs is their compensation structure. If you work as a freelancer, you'll typically earn an hourly or project-based rate that varies depending on the project's complexity and length. On the other hand, full-time video editors usually earn a fixed monthly salary with benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement benefits. According to Paysa, the average salary for a video editor in Singapore is around SGD60,000 per year, but some experienced professionals can earn up to SGD100,000 annually. Freelancers, meanwhile, can earn anywhere from SGD35 to SGD150 per hour depending on their experience level and expertise.

Work Environment

Freelance video editors have more flexibility when it comes to choosing their work environment. They can work from home, rent a co-working space, or work from any location with a stable internet connection. Full-time video editors, however, typically work in-house for a company and may have to commute to the office daily. Of course, working in-house does offer certain advantages, such as access to better equipment, software, and collaboration opportunities with other team members.

Job Security

Job security is another factor to consider when choosing between freelance and full-time video editor jobs. Freelancers rely on a steady stream of projects to earn a living, which can be uncertain at times. In contrast, full-time video editors have greater job security as they have a contract with their employer and can expect a steady paycheck even during seasons of low activity.


Freelance video editors have greater control over their workflow and can adjust their schedule and projects according to their preferences. They can choose which projects to work on, how long to work each day, and when to take time off. In contrast, full-time video editors typically have a set schedule and may be required to work overtime during periods of high demand or tight deadlines.

Career Advancement

Career advancement opportunities also vary between freelance and full-time video editing jobs. Full-time employees typically have greater opportunities for career growth, including promotions, performance-based raises, and educational opportunities. Freelancers, meanwhile, have to create their own opportunities for growth by seeking out higher-paying clients, investing in their skills and software, and building their portfolio.

Networking and Collaboration

Full-time video editors typically have more opportunities for networking and collaboration with other professionals within their company and industry. This can lead to new job opportunities, client referrals, and learning new skills. Freelancers can also network with other professionals in the field but may have to put in more effort to build these relationships.

Administrative Work

As a freelancer, you'll need to handle administrative tasks like invoicing, contracts, taxes, and insurance. You'll also have to find your own clients and set up payment systems. In contrast, full-time video editors usually have support staff to handle these administrative tasks, freeing them up to focus on creative projects.


The workload of a freelance video editor can vary significantly depending on how many clients they have, the complexity of their projects, and their work schedule. Full-time video editors typically have a set workload and may be assigned multiple projects at once by their employer. They also have more collaboration opportunities with other team members who can pitch in when needed.


Freelancers have greater flexibility than full-time video editors when it comes to choosing which projects to work on and how much time to devote to their craft. They can take on multiple projects simultaneously or focus on one large project for an extended period. Full-time video editors have less flexibility and may be required to work on assigned projects and meet tight deadlines.


Deciding whether to pursue a full-time or freelance career in video editing depends on your priorities, lifestyle, and professional goals. Both paths offer unique advantages and challenges that you should consider before making a decision. Remember, the key to success in either path is to keep developing your skills, creating quality work, and building a strong network in the industry.

Freelance Video Editor Jobs Full-Time Video Editor Jobs
Salary and Benefits Varies, hourly or project-based Fixed monthly salary, with benefits
Work Environment Flexible In-house office location
Job Security Less job security Greater job security
Workflow Greater control Set schedule
Career Advancement Create your own opportunities Promotion, performance raises, education

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to both freelance and full-time video editor jobs in Singapore. It all comes down to personal preferences and goals. Freelancers enjoy more flexibility and autonomy, while full-time employees enjoy greater job security and collaboration opportunities. Both paths require hard work, dedication, and constant skill development to succeed in the constantly evolving digital landscape. So choose what suits best for you.

The Job Description of a Video Editor in Singapore

In today’s digital world, videos have become an essential element in virtually all aspects of communication, from advertising to entertainment. The surge in usage of social media platforms like Youtube has sparked a rising demand for skilled video editors. As a result, video editor jobs have become popular in Singapore. However, being a video editor entails more than just pressing buttons and using effects. Here’s a breakdown of what you should know or expect when taking up video editor jobs in Singapore.

Who is a Video Editor?

A video editor is an expert who creates masterful visual interpretations of digital content. They are responsible for assembling, reviewing, and fine-tuning raw footage captured on cameras until they create coherent animated audiovisual pieces. In Singapore, video editors are not limited to only one industry as they work with everyone from big corporations to small start-ups in various industries such as education, retail, tourism, and many more.

Video Editing Tools

As a video editor working in Singapore, familiarising yourself with the necessary tools of the trade is key. Popular editing suites include Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. Additionally, a standard feature of most editors' arsenals includes special effects applications, colour grading software, sound waveform analyser, music production environments, and more, depending on your area of specialisation.

Salary Expectations

Salaries vary significantly depending on the level of expertise, complexity of the project, or employer. As a video editor in Singapore, entry-level video editing positions can earn SGD 1,500 to SGD 2,500 per month, mid-levels can earn SGD 3,000 to SGD 5,000, while experienced ones can earn SGD 6,000 to SGD 10,000 per month.

Professional Qualifications and Certifications

While there are no specific prerequisites to becoming a video editor in Singapore, having proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro is essential. Employers in Singapore may also require a bachelor's degree in film, video production, or other related fields.

Industry Trends and Developments

The video editing market in Singapore is continuously evolving. It incorporates new technologies, techniques and updates on the existing ones. Video editors must be up-to-date with these trends. Staying up-to-date involves reading industry-certified publications, attending workshops, and networking.

Critical Skills for a Video Editor

Being an excellent video editor requires both technical and creative skills. Some essential skills include:- Attention to detail- Creativity- Strong communication skills- Organisation and time management skills- Familiarity with script writing- Knowledge of storytelling- Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes can occur during the editing process that could potentially ruin what was initially a great project. These blunders might include:- Failing to save the project regularly.- Overusing special effects.- Losing focus and editing the wrong footage (wrongly sequencing the clips).- Not Colour grading the footage correctly.

Tips for Job Application

When applying for video editor jobs, ensure you:- Present an outstanding portfolio showcasing your best projects.- Prove your proficiency with different editing tools and techniques.- Be ready to take different styles and adapt quickly.- Develop an excellent understanding of the company's video editing tastes and tailor your portfolio accordingly.- Creative writing skills and storytelling aptitude


Video editor jobs in Singapore offer an excellent opportunity for professionals looking to integrate their passion into their career. Becoming an accomplished video editor involves consistently developing your skills, being professional, paying meticulous attention to detail, networking, and staying up-to-date with emerging trends.

Welcome to the world of video editing in Singapore! With the rise of social media platforms, there has been an increased demand for video content. This has opened up many new job opportunities for video editors in Singapore.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in video editing, there are many different types of jobs available. You can work as a freelance video editor, working on projects for various clients. Or you can work for a company that specializes in video production, focusing on creating content for their clients.

One of the advantages of being a video editor is the ability to work remotely. Many clients are happy to work with editors who are based in different locations, as long as they have a reliable internet connection. This means that you can work from the comfort of your own home, or from anywhere else in the world.

As a video editor, you will need to have a good understanding of the technical aspects of video production. This includes knowledge of video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. You should also be familiar with different file formats, resolutions, and compression methods.

Another important skill for a video editor is the ability to tell a story through visual media. You should be able to take raw footage and transform it into a compelling narrative that engages and entertains the audience.

It's also important to be able to work well under pressure. Video editing can be a time-consuming process, and clients may have tight deadlines that need to be met. You will need to be able to work efficiently while still producing high-quality work.

If you're just starting out in the industry, it may be a good idea to work as an assistant video editor first. This will give you the opportunity to learn from more experienced editors and gain practical experience before taking on your own projects.

Once you have gained some experience, you can start to specialize in a particular area of video editing. For example, you may want to focus on creating videos for social media platforms, or on editing documentaries.

Overall, there are plenty of exciting opportunities for video editors in Singapore. If you have a passion for visual storytelling and a good understanding of the technical aspects of video production, then this could be the perfect career choice for you.

Thanks for visiting our blog today! We hope that you have found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions about video editing jobs in Singapore, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to provide you with any further information you may need.

People Also Ask about Video Editor Jobs Singapore:

  1. What qualifications do I need to become a video editor in Singapore?
    • Typically, you will need a diploma or degree in film, media, or a related field. Some employers may also require previous experience in video editing and proficiency in editing software.
  2. What skills are important for a video editor in Singapore?
    • A video editor should have a strong understanding of editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. Attention to detail, communication skills, creativity, and the ability to work under tight deadlines are also important qualities for a successful video editor.
  3. What is the average salary for a video editor in Singapore?
    • According to PayScale, the average salary for a video editor in Singapore is around S$36,000 per year. However, salary can vary depending on experience, skills, and industry.
  4. What types of industries employ video editors in Singapore?
    • Video editors can work in a variety of industries, including advertising, media, entertainment, and corporate communications. They may also work freelance or as part of a production company.
  5. What trends are impacting video editing jobs in Singapore?
    • The rise in digital media and marketing has increased demand for video content, which in turn has led to more opportunities for video editors. Additionally, advancements in technology and software have made video editing more accessible to a wider range of people.

People Also Ask About Video Editor Jobs Singapore

1. What are the job requirements for a video editor in Singapore?

For a video editor job in Singapore, employers typically look for candidates who possess the following qualifications:

  • A bachelor's degree or diploma in film production, media studies, or a related field.
  • Proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Avid Media Composer.
  • Strong technical skills in video editing, color grading, audio mixing, and visual effects.
  • Knowledge of different video formats, codecs, and export settings.
  • Experience in creating engaging and compelling visual narratives.
  • Excellent attention to detail and the ability to work under tight deadlines.

2. What are the responsibilities of a video editor in Singapore?

As a video editor in Singapore, your main responsibilities may include:

  1. Importing and organizing raw footage from various sources.
  2. Trimming and arranging video clips to create a cohesive storyline.
  3. Enhancing video quality through color correction and grading.
  4. Adding visual effects, transitions, and graphics to enhance the overall production value.
  5. Syncing audio and adjusting sound levels for optimal clarity.
  6. Collaborating with directors, producers, and other team members to ensure the video meets the desired vision and objectives.
  7. Staying up-to-date with industry trends and advancements in video editing techniques.

3. What are the career prospects for video editors in Singapore?

The career prospects for video editors in Singapore are promising. With the rise of digital content consumption and the increasing demand for video-based communication, there is a growing need for skilled video editors across various industries. Furthermore, as technology continues to advance, video editing techniques evolve, providing opportunities for continuous professional growth and development.

4. How much can a video editor earn in Singapore?

The salary of a video editor in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the organization hiring. On average, a video editor in Singapore can earn between SGD 2,500 to SGD 5,000 per month. However, experienced video editors or those working for prestigious production companies may earn higher salaries.

5. Are there any additional skills that can benefit a video editor in Singapore?

Yes, having additional skills can certainly benefit a video editor in Singapore. Some valuable skills that can complement video editing expertise include:

  • Graphic design skills to create custom graphics and titles.
  • Motion graphics skills to add dynamic elements to videos.
  • Photography skills to capture high-quality visuals for video projects.
  • Audio editing skills to enhance sound quality and create immersive experiences.
  • Knowledge of social media platforms and trends to optimize videos for different channels.

By acquiring these additional skills, video editors can expand their career opportunities and offer a wider range of services to clients or employers.