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Get Your Message Across with Stunning Large Format Printing Singapore Solutions

Large Format Printing Singapore

Looking for large format printing services in Singapore? Get high-quality prints for banners, posters, and more with Large Format Printing Singapore.

Do you want to make a big impact with your marketing materials? Are you looking for a way to display your message in a way that commands attention? Look no further than large format printing in Singapore!

With the ability to print on materials such as vinyl, fabric, and paper up to 10 feet wide, large format printing is perfect for creating eye-catching banners, posters, and signage. And in a city as bustling as Singapore, it's essential to stand out amongst the competition.

Not only can large format printing create stunning visuals, it's also a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience. Forget about expensive TV ads or billboards - large format printing allows you to promote your business or event without breaking the bank.

At Maxprint, we specialize in large format printing in Singapore. Our state-of-the-art printers and experienced team can handle any project, big or small. From trade show displays to outdoor banners, we've got you covered.

But it's not just about the printing - we also offer design services to ensure your message is conveyed in the most effective way possible. Our team of graphic designers will work closely with you to create a design that captures your brand and grabs the attention of potential customers.

Plus, we understand that time is of the essence when it comes to marketing. That's why we offer fast turnaround times without sacrificing quality. Need your materials printed ASAP? No problem!

But don't take our word for it - let the statistics speak for themselves. According to a study by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, over 70% of people surveyed said they remembered seeing a specific advertisement on a billboard or outdoor sign in the past month. And with large format printing, you have the ability to create an even more impactful visual experience.

Still not convinced? Here's a joke for you - why did the marketing team cross the road? To get to the large format printer on the other side! Okay, so it may not be the funniest joke, but we take our printing seriously and are dedicated to providing top-notch service to our clients.

Whether you're promoting a new product or advertising an upcoming event, large format printing in Singapore is a surefire way to make a statement. So what are you waiting for? Contact Maxprint today to learn more and get started on your next big project!

The Benefits of Large Format Printing in Singapore

Large format printing is an excellent way to create high-quality custom graphics for a variety of applications. Whether you need posters, banners, murals, or other promotional materials, large format printing provides a wide range of benefits for your business. In Singapore, large format printing is becoming increasingly popular as businesses recognize the potential for increased exposure and expanded brand awareness.

1. High-Quality Graphics

One of the most significant benefits of large format printing in Singapore is the ability to create high-quality graphics that are both visually stunning and highly memorable. With the latest technology and equipment, large format printers are capable of producing incredibly sharp images with vibrant colors and incredible clarity. This makes it easy to get your message across in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

2. Increased Brand Awareness

Another significant advantage of large format printing in Singapore is the ability to increase brand awareness and recognition. By using eye-catching graphics and high-impact designs, you can capture the attention of potential customers and build brand recognition over time. Whether you're looking to promote a new product, advertise a sale, or simply build your brand, large format printing is an effective way to achieve your goals.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to other forms of marketing and advertising, large format printing in Singapore is incredibly cost-effective. When you consider the potential return on investment from increased exposure and expanded brand awareness, the cost of creating high-quality graphics and promotional materials is relatively low. Additionally, large format printing can be used for a wide range of applications, making it an incredibly versatile marketing tool.

4. Customizable Designs

With large format printing in Singapore, it's easy to create highly customizable designs that are tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Whether you need a large banner for a trade show or a smaller poster for your storefront, large format printing allows you to create custom graphics that are perfectly suited to your brand and messaging.

5. Versatile Applications

Another advantage of large format printing in Singapore is the versatility it provides for a wide range of applications. From banners and posters to vehicle wraps and wall murals, large format printing can be used for a variety of promotional purposes to help your business stand out from the competition.

The Importance of Choosing a Reputable Large Format Printing Provider in Singapore

While large format printing offers many benefits for businesses in Singapore, it's essential to choose a reputable provider that can deliver high-quality results. When selecting a large format printing provider, there are several key factors to consider, including:

1. Experience and expertise

Look for a provider with extensive experience and expertise in large format printing in Singapore. This ensures that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality results and provide valuable insights and recommendations for your project.

2. Range of products and services

A reputable large format printing provider should offer a wide range of products and services to meet your marketing and promotional needs. Whether you need banners, posters, vehicle wraps, or other custom graphics, the provider should be able to deliver what you need to achieve your goals.

3. Quality and reliability

Quality and reliability are crucial when choosing a large format printing provider. Look for providers that use top-of-the-line equipment and materials, and that have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.

4. Customer service

Finally, customer service is an essential factor to consider when selecting a large format printing provider in Singapore. Look for providers that offer excellent communication, fast response times, and friendly, knowledgeable staff who can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.


Large format printing provides a wide range of benefits for businesses in Singapore, including increased exposure, expanded brand awareness, cost-effective marketing, highly customizable graphics, and versatile applications. By choosing a reputable provider with experience, expertise, quality, reliability, and exceptional customer service, businesses can take advantage of the full benefits of large format printing to help their brands stand out from the competition and achieve their marketing goals.


Large format printing is a type of printing used to produce big prints or banners. These prints are usually used for billboards, trade show graphics, and other outdoor and indoor advertising. In Singapore, there are several companies that offer this service, each with their unique characteristics and expertise. This comparison blog will explore three of the leading large format printing companies in Singapore, and give an overview of their services, prices, quality, and customer satisfaction.


The companies being reviewed in this article are Print City Singapore, VivoPrint, and ExpressPrint. The comparison is based on the following variables:

  • Services offered
  • Pricing structure
  • Turnaround time
  • Quality of prints
  • Customer reviews

The comparison is done by analyzing individual websites and reviews of the companies.

Print City Singapore

Services Offered

Print City Singapore offers a variety of large format printing services such as banners, posters, backdrops, and stickers. They also provide customization options and design services for their customers.

Pricing Structure

Print City Singapore’s pricing structure is competitive, with prices ranging from $5 to $10 per square foot depending on quantity and material used.

Turnaround Time

Print City Singapore has a quick turnaround time, with printing and delivery in 1-2 business days.

Quality of Prints

Print City Singapore uses high-quality printers that produce sharp and vibrant prints. However, some customers have complained about receiving blurry and pixelated prints.

Customer Reviews

Print City Singapore has received overall positive reviews with high ratings of their customer service and delivery. However, some customers have complained about the quality of their prints.


Services Offered

VivoPrint offers a similar range of large format printing services as Print City Singapore, including banners, posters, and stickers. They also offer customization services and design templates for their customers to use.

Pricing Structure

VivoPrint’s pricing ranges from $4.24 to $11.76 per square foot, depending on quantity and material used. This is slightly more expensive than Print City Singapore’s prices.

Turnaround Time

VivoPrint’s turnaround time is 2-3 business days for printing and delivery.

Quality of Prints

VivoPrint uses high-quality printers that produce sharp and vivid prints. The company offers a quality assurance guarantee that assures customers of high-quality prints.

Customer Reviews

VivoPrint has received mixed reviews, with some customers praising their affordability and fast delivery. However, others have complained about receiving poor quality prints and unsatisfactory customer service.


Services Offered

ExpressPrint offers a wide range of large format printing services such as banners, posters, backdrops, trade show graphics, and vehicle wraps. They also provide customization options and design services for their customers.

Pricing Structure

ExpressPrint’s pricing ranges from $5 to $12 per square foot, depending on quantity and material used.

Turnaround Time

ExpressPrint’s turnaround time is 2-3 business days for printing and delivery.

Quality of Prints

ExpressPrint uses high-quality printers that produce sharp and vivid prints. They conduct quality checks to ensure their customers receive high-quality prints.

Customer Reviews

ExpressPrint has an overall positive customer satisfaction rate, with customers praising the company’s professionalism, affordability, and quality of prints.

Comparison Table

Company Services Offered Pricing Structure Turnaround Time Quality of Prints Customer Reviews
Print City Singapore Banners, posters, backdrops, stickers, customization options, and design services $5-$10 per square foot depending on the quantity and material used 1-2 business days Sharp and vibrant, but some complaints about blurry and pixelated prints Positive reviews, but some complaints about print quality
VivoPrint Banners, posters, stickers, customization services, and design templates $4.24-$11.76 per square foot depending on the quantity and material used 2-3 business days Sharp and vivid, with a quality assurance guarantee Mixed reviews, with some complaints about print quality and customer service
ExpressPrint Banners, posters, backdrops, trade show graphics, vehicle wraps, customization options, and design services $5-$12 per square foot depending on the quantity and material used 2-3 business days Sharp and vivid, with quality checks to ensure high-quality prints Positive reviews, with customers praising affordability, quality, and professionalism


In conclusion, there are several large format printing companies in Singapore that offer various services with different prices, turnaround times, and quality of prints. Print City Singapore is an affordable option with fast delivery, but some customers have had issues with the quality of their prints. VivoPrint has a quality assurance guarantee for their prints, but they are slightly more expensive than the other two options. ExpressPrint is a professional and affordable option with high-quality prints and positive customer reviews. Based on the comparison, ExpressPrint may be the best option for your large format printing needs.


Large format printing is a popular printing technique used in Singapore to print banners, posters, and other large promotional materials that cannot be printed using regular printers. The technique involves printing on large sheets of paper, vinyl or fabric, using large format printers that are capable of producing quality designs at a massive scale.

Choosing the Right Printing Method

There are various large format printing methods available, such as solvent printing, UV printing, latex printing and dye-sublimation printing. The method you choose depends on the intended use of the printed material. Solvent printing is the most common method used for large format printing in Singapore. It is suitable for posters, billboards and outdoor banners as it produces long-lasting prints that do not fade even when exposed to harsh weather conditions.

If you’re printing for indoor use, UV printing is recommended, as it produces prints that are fade-resistant and vibrant, which makes them ideal for point-of-sale displays and exhibition materials.

Choosing the Right Material

The material used for printing plays a crucial role in determining the final outcome of the print. If you’re printing a banner or poster that will be displayed outdoors, it’s essential to use durable and weather-resistant materials such as vinyl or mesh. For indoor displays, you can opt for lighter materials like fabric or foam core board.

Designing Your Artwork

When designing artwork for large format printing, keep in mind that the image must be of high quality and resolution. The image should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to ensure clarity and sharpness. Pay attention to the color scheme and contrast as it will impact the overall look of your design. It’s always better to use vector graphics for logos and text as they can be resized without losing quality.

Preparing Your File for Printing

Before submitting your design for printing, ensure that it’s correctly formatted and meets all the printer’s requirements. Convert all images to CMYK mode, as it ensures accurate color rendering. Embed all fonts in your design to avoid any issues with missing fonts.

Choosing the Right Printer and Print Shop

Your choice of printer and print shop should be based on factors such as cost, quality and turnaround time. Look for a printer that has the right equipment and expertise to deliver high-quality large format prints. Choose a print shop that offers value-added services such as design support and installation services.

Printing Preparation

Before sending your design for printing, ensure that all files are organized and correctly named. Check that all images and fonts are included. Verify that the document size matches the desired print size, and that the artwork is properly aligned to the bleed line. Double-check your print specifications and make sure everything is in order before finalizing the order.


Installing a large format print requires skill and professional expertise. Always have your print installed by professional installers to ensure perfect alignment and positioning. Ensure that the installation surface is clean and free from debris. For a better finish, use a smooth surface such as a wall or flat surface.

Proper Care and Maintenance

To preserve the quality and longevity of your large format prints, take proper care of them. Avoid exposing them to extreme weather conditions and direct sunlight. Keep them clean by wiping them with a damp cloth or soft brush regularly. Store them in a cool, dry place to prevent any creasing or damage.


Large format printing is an effective way to create visually appealing and impactful marketing materials. By following these tips, you can ensure that your large format prints are of high quality and deliver the desired results. Choose the right printing method and material, prepare your file correctly, work with a professional printer, and take care of your print after installation.

Thank you for reading through our article on Large Format Printing in Singapore! We hope that we have provided you with valuable insights about this tool and how it can benefit your business. As mentioned earlier, large format printing is a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses stand out from the crowd and attract more customers. By leveraging large format printing, businesses can create impactful advertising displays that capture the attention of their target audience.

If you're looking for professional large format printing services in Singapore, look no further than Print City. We're a trusted provider of large format printing services, with years of experience helping businesses of all sizes create powerful advertising displays. We understand the unique needs of businesses, and our team of experts works closely with each client to create customized solutions that meet their specific requirements.

At Print City, we use the latest technology and printing equipment to deliver high-quality prints that exceed our clients' expectations. Our printing materials are of the highest quality, ensuring that your final product is durable and long-lasting. Additionally, we offer complete design and consultation services, helping businesses create effective advertising displays that are tailored to their brand and audience.

One of the benefits of working with Print City is our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have about our services or the printing process. We keep our clients informed throughout the entire process, ensuring that they're satisfied with the final product.

Another advantage of partnering with Print City is our competitive pricing. We strive to offer affordable and transparent pricing options so that businesses of all sizes can avail our services. We respect our clients' budget and provide them with high-quality prints at reasonable prices, without compromising on the quality of our services.

Large format printing can help businesses succeed in today's competitive market, and at Print City, we make it easy for businesses to leverage this powerful marketing tool. From banners and signage to trade show displays and vehicle wraps, we offer a wide range of large format printing services that can help businesses make a lasting impression on their target audience.

If you're interested in learning more about our large format printing services or would like to get started on your next project, please don't hesitate to contact us today. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you and help you achieve your business goals through effective advertising displays. Thank you for reading, and we look forward to serving you soon!

People Also Ask about Large Format Printing Singapore:

  1. What is large format printing?
    • Large format printing refers to the process of printing images, graphics, and texts on larger materials that can range from 18 inches to over 100 inches in width or height.
  2. What types of materials are commonly used in large format printing?
    • Common materials include vinyl, canvas, paper, mesh, backlit film, fabric, and more.
  3. What are the benefits of large format printing?
    • Large format printing is ideal for printing artworks, banners, posters, trade show displays, and other visually appealing graphics due to its high quality and resolution.
  4. What is the turnaround time for large format printing projects?
    • The turnaround time for large format printing projects can vary based on the complexity, size, and quantity of the print job. Generally, it takes around 1-3 business days for completion.
  5. Can I customize my large format printing project?
    • Absolutely! Large format printing is highly customizable and allows you to choose the size, materials, design, and finishings that suit your specific needs and preferences.

People Also Ask about Large Format Printing Singapore

1. What is large format printing?

Large format printing refers to the process of printing materials in larger sizes, typically exceeding the standard print dimensions. It is commonly used for creating banners, posters, signage, and other promotional materials that require a larger visual impact.

2. What are the benefits of large format printing?

Large format printing offers several advantages:

  • Increased visibility: With larger prints, your message can be seen from a distance, attracting more attention and effectively reaching a wider audience.
  • Enhanced quality: Large format printing allows for high-resolution images and graphics, resulting in sharp and vibrant visuals.
  • Versatility: It enables you to print on various materials, such as vinyl, fabric, or rigid substrates, giving you flexibility in choosing the right medium for your intended purpose.
  • Customization: Large format printing allows for customization, enabling you to create unique designs tailored to your specific needs.

3. Where can I find large format printing services in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are numerous printing companies that offer large format printing services. You can find them online through a quick search, or you can visit local printing shops that specialize in wide-format printing. Some popular printing companies in Singapore include XYZ Print Media, Print City, and Print Lab.

4. What factors should I consider when choosing a large format printing service?

When selecting a large format printing service in Singapore, consider the following factors:

  1. Quality: Ensure that the printing company has a good reputation for delivering high-quality prints that meet your expectations.
  2. Experience: Look for a printing service with extensive experience in large format printing to ensure they have the expertise to handle your project.
  3. Turnaround time: Consider the printing company's turnaround time to ensure they can meet your deadlines.
  4. Price: Compare prices from different printing services and choose one that offers competitive rates without compromising on quality.
  5. Customer reviews: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the satisfaction level of their services.

5. Can large format printing be used for outdoor advertising?

Yes, large format printing is commonly used for outdoor advertising purposes. Its ability to produce eye-catching visuals that can withstand various weather conditions makes it an ideal choice for outdoor signage, billboards, vehicle wraps, and other promotional materials.

6. How long does it take to complete a large format printing project?

The duration of a large format printing project depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the design, the quantity of prints needed, and the printing company's workload. It is best to discuss the timeline with your chosen printing service provider to get a more accurate estimate.

7. Can large format prints be laminated or mounted?

Yes, large format prints can be laminated or mounted to enhance their durability and presentation. Lamination adds a protective layer that helps prevent fading, scratches, and moisture damage. Mounting involves affixing the print onto a rigid backing material, such as foam board or acrylic, for added stability and rigidity.

8. Are there any restrictions on the file format for large format printing?

Most printing companies can accept a wide range of file formats for large format printing, including JPEG, TIFF, PDF, and AI. However, it is recommended to consult with your printing service provider to ensure they can work with your specific file format and provide guidelines for optimal print quality.