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Discover the Benefits of Dog Raw Food in Singapore: A Guide to Optimal Canine Nutrition

Dog Raw Food Singapore

Looking for high-quality raw food for your dog in Singapore? Check out Dog Raw Food Singapore for a wide selection of nutritious options.


Are you looking for a better nutritional option for your furry friend? Do you want to switch to a healthier and more natural diet? If so, then you might want to consider dog raw food Singapore.

This alternative diet for dogs is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners. Raw food advocates argue that feeding dogs a diet of raw meat, bones, and organs can provide them with all the nutrients they need without the added chemicals and fillers found in processed dog food.

In Singapore, there are many options available for those who want to try out this diet for their dogs. You can purchase pre-made raw food from specialty stores or order from online retailers.

One main advantage of dog raw food Singapore is its convenience. Most pre-made raw dog foods come in neatly packaged portions that are easy to store and serve. This means that you do not have to spend too much time preparing the food for your dog.

Another benefit of this diet is its health benefits. Many pet owners report seeing significant improvements in their dog's skin and coat, as well as their overall energy levels and behavior.

Moreover, feeding your dog a raw food diet can prevent dental problems like tartar buildup and gum disease. Chewing on bones helps clean up your dog's teeth and stimulates healthy tooth and gum growth.

However, it's essential to note that switching to dog raw food Singapore is not something that should be done overnight. Your dog's digestive system will need time to adjust to the new diet, and switching too quickly can cause digestive upset.

You should gradually introduce raw food into your dog's diet by mixing it with their current food. Gradually decrease the amount of processed dog food you give them until they are entirely on a raw diet.

It is also crucial to consult your veterinarian before switching your dog to a raw food diet. They can help you plan a nutritionally complete diet that meets your dog's specific nutritional needs.

Overall, if you are looking for a healthier, more natural diet option for your furry friend, dog raw food Singapore is worth considering. With its many benefits and conveniences, it could be the perfect alternative for your dog's health and wellbeing.

So, why not give it a try and see the difference for yourself?



Feeding your dog with raw food used to be considered as a risky move by many. However, over the years, more and more people have come to realize the benefits of feeding their dogs with raw food. Singapore, being a city-state that loves pets, offers pet owners a wide range of options when it comes to purchasing raw dog food. In this article, we will delve into the world of dog raw food in Singapore.

What is raw dog food?

Raw dog food consists of uncooked meat, bones, and organs of animals such as chicken, beef, lamb, pork, and fish. Some raw dog food products also include vegetables, fruits, and grains. The premise of feeding dogs with raw food is based on the belief that dogs are primarily carnivores and their digestive systems are designed to consume raw meat. Feeding your dog with raw food is believed to improve their overall health, boost their immunity, and prevent diseases.

The benefits of feeding your dog with raw food

One of the advantages of feeding your dog with raw food is that it promotes better digestion. This is because raw food contains natural enzymes and bacteria that enhance digestion and nutrient absorption. Raw food is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that help improve your dog's skin, coat, and joints. Additionally, raw food is believed to improve your dog's immune system, reduce allergies, and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Where to buy dog raw food in Singapore

There are several companies in Singapore that offer high-quality raw dog food products. One of the most popular brands is The Artisan Pet Deli, which offers a variety of raw food options including chicken, beef, lamb, and fish. Another famous brand is Raw Instinct, known for its locally sourced and human-grade ingredients. Pet Cubes is also a popular brand that offers raw dog food options delivered straight to your doorstep.

How much does raw dog food cost?

The cost of raw dog food varies depending on the brand, type of meat, and quality of the ingredients. On average, feeding your dog with raw food may cost between $100 to $300 per month. However, it is important to note that the cost may vary depending on the size and breed of your dog.

Tips for feeding your dog with raw food

If you are planning to switch your dog's diet to raw food, it is important to do so gradually to avoid digestive issues. Start by introducing small portions of raw food into your dog's diet and gradually increase the amount until you achieve a balanced ratio between raw food and other types of food. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the raw food is properly stored and handled to prevent contamination.

Concerns about feeding dogs with raw food

One of the main concerns associated with feeding dogs raw food is the risk of bacterial contamination. Raw food may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli, which can be dangerous to both dogs and humans. It is important to handle raw food with care and maintain proper hygiene when handling your dog's food.


Feeding your dog with raw food comes with many benefits, but it is essential to do so responsibly to minimize any risks. With the many options available in Singapore, finding the right raw dog food for your pet should not be a challenge. Always remember to seek advice from your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's diet.


If you are a dog owner in Singapore, you may have come across the raw food diet for dogs. Raw food diets have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many pet owners arguing that it is a more natural and healthier option for their furry friends. In this article, we will compare some of the top dog raw food brands available in Singapore and give our opinions on each one.

The Benefits of Raw Food Diets for Dogs

Before we dive into comparing the different brands of dog raw food in Singapore, let's take a quick look at the benefits of a raw food diet for dogs. Proponents of the diet argue that it can lead to a shinier coat, healthier skin, cleaner teeth, and higher energy levels in dogs than traditional kibble-based diets. Additionally, some studies suggest that raw food diets can reduce inflammation and improve gut health in dogs. However, it's worth noting that not all veterinarians agree that raw food diets are the best option for every dog.

Criteria for Comparison

When comparing the different brands of dog raw food available in Singapore, we looked at a few key criteria. These included the ingredients used, the type of meat sources, the price per serving, and the availability of pre-made meals versus DIY options.

Brand #1: The Barkery


The Barkery uses only human-grade, whole foods in their raw dog food. Their protein sources include beef, chicken, and lamb, and their vegetables and fruits are sourced locally whenever possible. They also use a mix of supplements to ensure that their meals meet all of a dog's nutritional requirements.

Meat Sources

The Barkery's meat sources are all hormone-free, antibiotic-free, and free-range when possible.


The Barkery's pre-made raw dog food meals cost between $4 and $7 per 100g serving, depending on the protein source. They also offer a DIY option, where customers can purchase their pre-made meat mixes for around $9.50 per kg.


We were impressed with The Barkery's use of whole foods and locally sourced ingredients in their raw dog food. However, their pre-made meals were on the expensive side compared to other brands.

Brand #2: Furry’s Kitchen


Furry's Kitchen uses fresh, hand-cut meat and organic fruits and vegetables in their raw dog food. They also use supplements like kelp and spirulina to ensure that their meals are nutritionally balanced.

Meat Sources

Furry's Kitchen sources their meat from premium suppliers in Australia and New Zealand and only uses human-grade meats.


Furry's Kitchen's pre-made raw dog food meals cost between $2.30 and $6.45 per 100g serving, depending on the protein source. They also offer a DIY option, where customers can purchase pre-made meat mixes for around $7.90 per kg.


Furry's Kitchen was one of the more affordable options we found for pre-made raw dog food meals in Singapore. We also liked their use of premium meat sources and organic fruits and vegetables.

Brand #3: The Grateful Pet


The Grateful Pet uses human-grade meat and organ meats in their raw dog food, as well as organic vegetables and fruits. They also use a blend of supplements to ensure that their meals are nutritionally complete.

Meat Sources

The Grateful Pet sources their meat from Australia and New Zealand and only uses hormone-free and antibiotic-free meats.


The Grateful Pet's pre-made raw dog food meals cost between $5 and $9.50 per 100g serving, depending on the protein source. They also offer a DIY option, where customers can purchase pre-made meat mixes for around $10.90 per kg.


While The Grateful Pet's meals were expensive compared to some other brands, we appreciated their commitment to using hormone-free and antibiotic-free meats. We also liked their focus on nutritionally complete raw food meals.

Comparison Table

Brand Ingredients Meat Sources Price/100g
The Barkery Human-grade whole foods, locally sourced vegetables and fruits Hormone-free, antibiotic-free, free-range $4-$7
Furry's Kitchen Fresh meat, organic fruits and vegetables Human-grade meat, premium suppliers from Australia and New Zealand $2.30-$6.45
The Grateful Pet Human-grade meat and organ meats, organic fruits and vegetables Hormone-free, antibiotic-free, Australia and New Zealand $5-$9.50


Overall, there are several high-quality options for dog raw food in Singapore. When deciding which brand to choose, consider your budget, your dog's preferences and nutritional needs, and whether you prefer pre-made meals or DIY options. It's also important to consult with a veterinarian before switching your dog to a raw food diet to ensure that it is the right choice for your furry friend.

The Benefits of Feeding Raw Food to Your Dog in Singapore

Feeding your dog with a raw food diet comes with numerous benefits, including enriching their health, increasing their energy levels, and ensuring that they live longer and happier lives. Dogs are known as carnivorous animals, which means that they thrive best on a nutrient-dense diet that mainly consists of fresh meat and vegetables. In Singapore, more pet owners are opting for this kind of diet for their dogs. Here are some tips to get started with feeding your dog raw food in Singapore.

1. Pick the Right Meat

The first thing you'll need when starting out is to select the right protein source for your dog. An ideal raw food diet will consist of a balance of different meats that provide different nutrients. Choose from beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, or fish. You can introduce one protein source at a time to see how well your dog tolerates it.

2. Include Vegetables and Fruit in the Diet

Raw veggies and fruit provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help keep your dog healthy. Some good options include carrots, green beans, broccoli, kale, spinach, berries, and apples. However, ensure that you do not feed them all at once. Start with small quantities and observe how your dog responds.

3. Avoid Grains and Processed Foods

Grains and processed foods are not necessary for a dog's diet. They tend to cause allergies, skin issues, and digestive problems in some dogs. Instead, look for raw food that is free of grains, soy, corn, wheat, fillers, and preservatives.

4. Consult with Your Veterinarian

Before embarking on a raw food diet for your dog, consult with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is healthy, and you are providing the right amount of nutrition. Your vet can also help create a customized feeding plan based on your dog's age, breed, weight, and activity levels.

5. Transitioning Your Dog to Raw Food

If you decide to transition your dog to a raw food diet, do it gradually. Start with a small amount of raw meat mixed with kibble, and then gradually reduce the kibble content over time. This will prevent digestive issues such as diarrhea or vomiting.

6. Purchase High-Quality Raw Food

When selecting raw food for your dog, look for high-quality options that are free of preservatives, artificial flavors, and additives. Choose trusted brands in Singapore that offer human-grade, ethically sourced meat and vegetables.

7. Practice Good Hygiene

To avoid contamination and risks of bacterial infections, ensure that you practice good hygiene while handling meat. Clean all utensils and surfaces thoroughly after use, and wash your hands before and after handling raw food.

8. Balance Your Dog's Diet

A balanced raw food diet requires careful considerations of various nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats. You should monitor your dog's weight regularly and adjust their diet accordingly.

9. Offer Fresh Water

Freshwater is an essential part of any dog's diet. Ensure that your dog has access to clean water at all times.

10. Rotate Protein Sources

Variety is key when it comes to your dog's diet. If you feed your dog the same protein source daily, they may become intolerant to that specific protein source. It is recommended to switch meat sources every few weeks to expose them to new flavors and nutrients.In conclusion, transitioning your dog to a raw food diet requires careful considerations and planning. With the right knowledge, you can provide your dog with nutrient-dense and healthy meals that promote their overall wellbeing, health, and longevity. If you have any doubts or concerns, never hesitate to discuss your options with your veterinarian.

Welcome to our blog about Dog Raw Food in Singapore! In this article, we will share with you important information about this kind of diet that is becoming more and more popular among dog owners.

First, let's define what dog raw food is. This type of diet is based on feeding dogs with uncooked meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables. The idea is that these ingredients can provide all the nutrients necessary for dogs to maintain good health and energy levels.

However, this diet is not without risks. It's crucial to ensure that the raw food is handled and stored properly to avoid contamination by bacteria like Salmonella or E. Coli. Moreover, it's recommended to consult a veterinarian before switching to this kind of diet, especially if your dog has specific health conditions.

Some of the benefits of the dog raw food diet include better digestion, healthier coat, stronger teeth, and fresher breath. Furthermore, some pet owners claim that their dogs have more energy and fewer allergies after switching to this diet.

There are different types of raw food diets available in the market, including commercial brands and homemade recipes. It's important to choose a diet that meets all your dog's nutritional needs, which may vary depending on factors like age, weight, and activity level.

If you decide to feed your dog with raw food, make sure to introduce it gradually and monitor any changes in your dog's behavior or health. It's also essential to provide enough water and keep your dog's food and water bowls clean.

Another aspect of raw food diets is the controversy around its safety and effectiveness. Some veterinarians and pet nutrition experts argue against this type of diet, claiming that it can cause bacterial infections, nutrient imbalances, and even harm to dogs' teeth and digestive systems.

Nevertheless, many dog owners swear by the benefits of raw food diets and are willing to invest time, effort, and money in providing their pets with the best possible nutrition.

In Singapore, there are several options for dog raw food, including online stores, pet shops, and suppliers. It's important to choose a reputable source that guarantees the freshness and quality of their products. You can also look for reviews and recommendations from other dog owners or consult a veterinarian for advice.

Finally, let's remember that every dog is unique and may have different nutritional needs and preferences. The dog raw food diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it's up to each pet owner to decide what's best for their furry friend.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below or contact us directly. Thanks for visiting our blog!

People also ask about Dog Raw Food Singapore:

  1. What is dog raw food in Singapore?
    • Dog raw food in Singapore refers to the practice of feeding dogs a diet consisting of raw meat, organs, bones, and sometimes fruits and vegetables, in their natural form without any cooking or processing.
  2. Is raw food good for dogs in Singapore?
    • Raw food for dogs can be beneficial for their health if done correctly and with proper knowledge. A raw food diet can help improve a dog's coat and skin, boost their immune system, and improve their digestion and overall energy levels.
  3. Where can I buy raw dog food in Singapore?
    • There are several pet stores and online retailers that sell raw dog food in Singapore. Some popular options include Pet Lovers Centre, The Barkery Singapore, and Raw Essentials.
  4. Can I make my own raw dog food in Singapore?
    • Yes, you can make your own raw dog food in Singapore as long as you have proper knowledge on how to balance your dog's diet and ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients they need. Consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist before creating your own raw dog food recipes.
  5. What are the risks of feeding my dog raw food in Singapore?
    • There are risks associated with feeding a raw food diet to dogs in Singapore, such as the risk of bacterial infections like Salmonella or E. coli. It is important to handle raw meat and bones properly and practice good hygiene to avoid these risks.
  6. Do I need to supplement my dog's raw food diet in Singapore?
    • It is recommended to supplement a dog's raw food diet in Singapore with additional vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D. Consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist for guidance on proper supplements for your dog's specific needs.

People Also Ask About Dog Raw Food Singapore

1. What is dog raw food?

Dog raw food, also known as a raw diet or BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), consists of feeding dogs uncooked and unprocessed ingredients such as raw meat, bones, organs, fruits, and vegetables. This diet aims to mimic the natural diet of dogs' ancestors, which primarily consisted of fresh prey.

2. Is a raw food diet suitable for all dogs?

A raw food diet can be suitable for most dogs, but it's important to consult with a veterinarian before making any significant changes to your pet's diet. Factors such as age, health conditions, and specific dietary needs should be considered to ensure the raw food diet meets your dog's nutritional requirements.

3. Are there benefits to feeding my dog raw food?

Feeding your dog raw food can have several potential benefits. Some dog owners claim that it improves their pet's coat condition, dental health, digestion, and overall energy levels. Additionally, a raw diet may help reduce allergies, promote healthier weight management, and provide mental stimulation through chewing on raw bones.

4. Where can I find dog raw food in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are various pet stores, specialty shops, and online platforms that offer a wide range of dog raw food options. These products often come in pre-packaged formats, making it convenient for pet owners to incorporate raw feeding into their dog's diet. Some popular brands include Stella & Chewy's, Primal Pet Foods, and Absolute Holistic.

5. How do I transition my dog to a raw food diet?

Transitioning your dog to a raw food diet should be done gradually to avoid digestive upset. Start by replacing a small portion of your dog's regular food with raw food and slowly increase the ratio over several weeks. It's advisable to consult with a veterinarian or a professional experienced in raw feeding for guidance during this transition process.

6. Are there any risks associated with a raw food diet?

While a raw food diet can have potential benefits, there are also risks to consider. Raw meat may carry bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli, which can pose health risks to both dogs and humans. Handling and storing raw food safely, as well as maintaining proper hygiene practices, are crucial to minimize these risks. Additionally, an unbalanced raw diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies if not properly formulated.

7. Can I prepare homemade raw food for my dog?

Yes, it is possible to prepare homemade raw food for your dog. However, it is essential to ensure the diet is nutritionally balanced and meets their specific needs. Consulting with a veterinary nutritionist or using commercially prepared raw food products can help ensure your dog receives all the necessary nutrients in the correct proportions.

8. How should I store dog raw food?

Dog raw food should be stored in the freezer to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth. It is recommended to divide the food into individual portions before freezing for easy serving. When thawing, it is important to follow safe food handling practices and avoid leaving raw food at room temperature for an extended period.

Overall, feeding your dog a raw food diet can have its benefits, but it is important to consider individual factors and seek expert advice to ensure a safe and balanced diet for your furry friend.