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Adopt Your Perfect Pet: Guinea Pigs available for Adoption in Singapore

Guinea Pig Adoption Singapore

Looking to adopt a guinea pig in Singapore? Find adorable and healthy guinea pigs for adoption at various shelters and pet stores in Singapore.

Are you looking for a furry friend to keep you company? A guinea pig might just be the perfect addition to your family. Guinea pigs are adorable, social animals and make great pets for all ages. One of the best ways to bring a guinea pig into your life is through adoption. In Singapore, there are many opportunities for guinea pig adoption.

So why adopt a guinea pig instead of buying one from a pet store? Adoption gives a loving home to a guinea pig in need. Many guinea pigs are surrendered to shelters or rescue groups due to circumstances such as changes in their owner's life, allergies, or insufficient care. By adopting a guinea pig, you are not only gaining a new companion, but you are also providing a second chance at a happy life.

If you're ready to adopt a guinea pig in Singapore, where should you start? One option is the Animal Lovers League, a non-profit animal welfare group that has several guinea pigs available for adoption. They provide veterinary care, socialization, and education to help ensure a successful adoption. Another option is the House Rabbit Society Singapore, which specializes in small animal rescue and adoption, including guinea pigs.

Before adopting, it's important to consider whether a guinea pig will fit into your lifestyle. Guinea pigs require daily attention, including feeding, cleaning, and socialization. They also need a spacious and safe cage, regular veterinary check-ups, and plenty of fresh hay and vegetables. Additionally, guinea pigs can live for 5-8 years, so adopting one is a long-term commitment.

One factor to consider when adopting a guinea pig is its personality. Guinea pigs, like all animals, have different temperaments and preferences. Some may be shy or anxious, while others may be outgoing and playful. It's important to choose a guinea pig that matches your lifestyle and personality.

Once you've found a guinea pig you want to adopt, the adoption process usually involves filling out an application and paying a fee. The fee often covers the cost of veterinary care and other expenses incurred by the rescue group. The adoption process may also include a home visit or interview to ensure that the guinea pig will be well-cared for.

If you're not quite ready to adopt but still want to help, consider donating to a local rescue group or volunteering your time. Many rescue groups rely on donations and volunteers to provide care for their animals. You can also spread awareness about the benefits of guinea pig adoption and encourage others to consider adoption as well.

In conclusion, guinea pig adoption in Singapore is a great way to provide a loving home to a furry friend in need. Not only does adoption give a second chance at life to a guinea pig, but it also brings joy and companionship to the adopter. By considering adoption, you can make a positive impact on the lives of these wonderful animals. So why not give a guinea pig a new home today?


Guinea Pigs, also known as cavy, are cute little creatures that make excellent pets. They are considered social animals, making them ideal for households with children or other animals. Guinea pigs come in a variety of colors and breeds, and they have a unique personality trait.

Why Adopting a Guinea Pig?

Adopting a guinea pig not only makes an excellent addition to your household, but it is also an excellent way to save a life. Like other animals, many guinea pigs end up in shelters, needing forever homes. When you adopt a guinea pig, you get to know their personality and watch them thrive in their new home.

Where to Adopt Guinea Pigs in Singapore?

Singapore has several animal shelters and adoption agencies where you can adopt guinea pigs. Some of these locations include:

  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
  • Bunny Wonderland
  • House Rabbit Society Singapore
  • Paws Veterinary Clinic

The Adoption Process

The adoption process varies from one agency to another, but generally, it involves filling out an application, paying an adoption fee, and undergoing a brief interview. The interview helps the agency match you with a guinea pig that meets your personality and lifestyle needs.

The Cost of Guinea Pig Adoption

The cost of adopting a guinea pig in Singapore varies from one agency to another. However, most adoption agencies charge between S$20 and S$50.

Caring for Your Adopted Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs require proper care to ensure their health and wellbeing. Some of the things to consider include:

  • Providing fresh water daily
  • Feeding them quality guinea pig food
  • Offering them enough space, preferably a cage with plenty of ventilation
  • Regular grooming and nail trimming


Adopting a guinea pig in Singapore is a rewarding experience both for the pet and the owner. By adopting a guinea pig, you are giving them a second chance at life, while also adding a new member to your family. Remember that adopting a guinea pig comes with some responsibilities, but with proper care, they will add joy and happiness to your life.


If you're considering adopting a pet guinea pig in Singapore, you may be wondering what your options are and which route is best for you. In this article, we will compare two common ways of adopting guinea pigs in Singapore: through pet shops and through rescue organizations. We'll explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision about where to find your new furry friend.

Purchasing Guinea Pigs at Pet Shops


The cost of adopting a guinea pig from a pet shop can be quite high compared to adopting them from a rescue organization. Pet shops usually charge for much more than just the animal when you adopt. You might need to pay for things like cages, food, toys, and other supplies to keep your pet happy and healthy.


One major benefit of purchasing a guinea pig from a pet shop is that you may have a wider selection to choose from. You may have access to different breeds, colors, ages, and genders that you wouldn't find in a rescue organization. However, it is important to bear in mind that selecting your pet based purely on looks isn't the most important thing. The personality of your chosen guinea pig should be the deciding factor in whether or not you decide to take them home.


When you purchase a guinea pig from a pet shop, there may be a higher risk that they could have underlying health issues that could affect their lifespan. Pet shops often source their animals from breeding facilities, which can often lead to inbreeding and genetic health issues. Before committing to buying a guinea pig from a pet shop, be sure to ask about any potential health issues in their history.

Adopting through Rescue Organizations


The cost of adopting a guinea pig from a rescue organization is usually significantly lower than adopting them from a pet shop. Rescue organizations are nonprofit and often operate purely on donations, making it less expensive for you to adopt your new furry friend.


In terms of selection, a rescue organization may have fewer guinea pigs to choose from compared to a pet shop. However, keep in mind that the animals you might find at a rescue organization could be those that had to be given up or rescued because of owners no longer being able to care for them. As such, these animals may require extra love and care.


When you adopt a guinea pig from a rescue organization, they have usually been checked in terms of health before they are put up for adoption. These animals have already been seen by veterinarians and treated appropriately for any underlying health issues. As such, you can have greater peace of mind about their health status than with guinea pigs purchased from pet shops.


Both buying guinea pigs from pet shops and adopting through rescue organizations come with their own pros and cons. It ultimately comes down to what is best for you and your household. Consider the cost, selection, and potential health risks when making your decision. Whichever route you choose, giving a loving home to a guinea pig is a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Table Comparison

Pet Shop Rescue Organization
Cost High Low
Selection Wide variety Smaller selection
Health Potential health risks Veterinarian-checked

Guinea pigs, or cavies as they are commonly called, make excellent pets. They are small, cute, and easy to take care of. They are also social animals, which means they enjoy being around humans and other guinea pigs. If you are considering adopting a guinea pig in Singapore, here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Research

Before you adopt a guinea pig, it is important to do your research. Learn about their dietary needs, housing requirements, and general care. You should also consider their lifespan, as guinea pigs can live up to 8 years. This will help you decide if you are ready to commit to caring for a guinea pig for the long term.

2. Find a reputable breeder or shelter

You can adopt a guinea pig from a breeder or a shelter. It is important to do your due diligence and find a reputable source. Look for reviews, ask for recommendations from other guinea pig owners, and visit the breeder or shelter to see the guinea pigs in person.

3. Consider adopting two guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are social animals and do better in pairs. If you have the space and resources, consider adopting two guinea pigs. Just be sure to introduce them slowly and monitor their interactions to ensure they get along.

4. Prepare the guinea pig's habitat

Before you bring your guinea pig home, prepare their habitat. Guinea pigs need a cage that is large enough for them to move around in comfortably. They also need bedding, a hiding place, and access to food and water. You can find a variety of guinea pig cages and supplies in pet stores in Singapore.

5. Provide enrichment

Guinea pigs are active animals and need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Provide toys, tunnels, and other items for your guinea pig to play with.

6. Feed a balanced diet

Guinea pigs require a balanced diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and specially formulated pellets. Avoid feeding them anything that is high in sugar or fat, such as junk food or chocolate.

7. Take your guinea pig to the vet

Regular visits to the vet can help ensure your guinea pig stays healthy. They should also be checked for common health problems such as dental issues and respiratory infections.

8. Handle your guinea pig properly

Guinea pigs are delicate animals and must be handled gently. Always approach your guinea pig slowly and calmly, and support their entire body when picking them up. Also, be sure to supervise any interactions between children and guinea pigs.

9. Clean the habitat regularly

Keeping your guinea pig's habitat clean is essential to their health. Remove any soiled bedding, clean the cage thoroughly, and replace bedding and litter. You should also disinfect the cage regularly to prevent the spread of disease.

10. Enjoy your guinea pig

Guinea pigs are fun and entertaining pets to have. Spend time playing with them, talking to them, and watching their antics. With a little love and care, your guinea pig will provide you with years of companionship.

Hello readers! If you're considering bringing a furry friend into your home, we highly recommend adopting a guinea pig. Not only are they adorable and fun little creatures, but they also make great companions. In this article, we will be discussing Guinea Pig Adoption Singapore and everything you need to know about adopting one as a pet.

Firstly, it's important to understand that adopting a guinea pig is a big responsibility. These little animals require daily attention, including feeding, watering, and cleaning their cages. You'll also need to provide them with plenty of love and attention, as they thrive on social interaction.

When it comes to adopting a guinea pig in Singapore, there are a few different options available. One option is to adopt from a local animal shelter or rescue organization. These groups often have a variety of small animals available for adoption, including guinea pigs. By adopting from a shelter, you're not only giving a loving home to an animal in need, but you're also potentially saving them from being euthanized.

Another option is to adopt from a breeder. While some people prefer to adopt rescued animals, others prefer to go through a breeder to ensure that they get a specific breed or color of guinea pig. If you do choose to go this route, we recommend doing your research to find a reputable breeder who practices ethical breeding methods.

Before adopting a guinea pig, it's important to make sure that you have the necessary supplies and equipment. This includes a cage, bedding, food, water bottles, and toys. You'll also want to make sure that you have a veterinarian who specializes in small animals, in case your guinea pig ever needs medical attention.

One thing to keep in mind is that guinea pigs are social animals and prefer to live in pairs or groups. If you're adopting only one guinea pig, be prepared to provide them with plenty of social interaction and attention yourself.

If you're unsure about whether a guinea pig is the right pet for you, we recommend doing some research and learning as much as you can about their care and needs. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not adopting a guinea pig is the right choice for you.

Overall, adopting a guinea pig can be a wonderful experience. Not only do you get to bring a new companion into your home, but you're also providing a loving home for an animal in need. We encourage you to explore your options for Guinea Pig Adoption Singapore and consider giving a little guinea pig a forever home.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, we hope that it has provided you with some valuable information on adopting a guinea pig. Remember that adopting any pet is a big responsibility, but with the right care and attention, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Good luck on your journey to find the perfect furry friend!

People also ask about Guinea Pig Adoption in Singapore:

  • 1. Where can I adopt a guinea pig in Singapore?

    You can adopt a guinea pig from animal shelter organizations such as SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) or animal welfare groups such as Animal Lovers League.

  • 2. How much does it cost to adopt a guinea pig in Singapore?

    The cost of adoption varies depending on the organization or rescue group. Generally, it ranges from $30 to $100.

  • 3. What are the requirements for adopting a guinea pig in Singapore?

    Some organizations may require potential adopters to undergo an application process and have a home visit to ensure that the guinea pig will be properly cared for. They may also require that you have a suitable enclosure and provide proper nutrition and care.

  • 4. Are there any breeders in Singapore?

    While there may be private breeders in Singapore, it is always advisable to adopt instead of purchasing from a breeder. This helps to support animal welfare and reduce the demand for pet breeding.

  • 5. Can children adopt guinea pigs?

    Yes, but they must have adult supervision and be capable of providing adequate care for the guinea pig. Parents should also be willing to take on the responsibility of caring for the pet if needed.

People Also Ask about Guinea Pig Adoption Singapore

1. Where can I adopt a guinea pig in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are several places where you can adopt a guinea pig:

  • Animal shelters: Many animal shelters in Singapore have guinea pigs available for adoption. They often have a variety of guinea pigs in need of loving homes.
  • Rescue organizations: There are dedicated guinea pig rescue organizations in Singapore that specialize in rescuing and rehoming guinea pigs.
  • Online platforms: There are various online platforms and forums where individuals offer guinea pigs for adoption in Singapore.

2. How much does it cost to adopt a guinea pig in Singapore?

The cost of adopting a guinea pig in Singapore can vary depending on the source and any additional services included. On average, adoption fees typically range from SGD 20 to SGD 60.

3. Are guinea pigs easy to care for?

Guinea pigs can make wonderful pets, but they do require proper care and attention. They need a spacious cage, fresh food and water daily, regular grooming, and social interaction. It's important to research and understand their needs before adopting one.

4. Can I adopt a single guinea pig or should I get a pair?

Guinea pigs are social animals and thrive in the company of their own kind. It is generally recommended to adopt at least two guinea pigs, preferably of the same sex, so they can interact and keep each other company.

5. What should I consider before adopting a guinea pig?

Before adopting a guinea pig, it's crucial to consider several factors:

  1. Time commitment: Guinea pigs require daily care, including feeding, cleaning, and socialization. Ensure you have enough time to dedicate to their well-being.
  2. Space: Guinea pigs need a spacious cage or enclosure to move around comfortably.
  3. Budget: Consider the costs of food, bedding, veterinary care, and other supplies that guinea pigs require.
  4. Allergies: Check if anyone in your household has allergies to guinea pigs or their bedding.

6. Can I return a guinea pig if it doesn't work out?

It's essential to understand the adoption policies of the organization or individual you adopt from. Many reputable adoption centers allow returns within a specific period if the guinea pig is not a suitable fit for your home. However, it's always best to discuss this beforehand and ensure you are committed to providing a forever home for your new furry friend.

Remember, adopting a guinea pig is a long-term commitment, so it's important to be fully prepared and educated about their care needs before bringing one into your home.