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Discover the Best Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore - A Traditional Sweet Treat You Must Try!

Dragon Beard Candy Singapore

Dragon Beard Candy Singapore is a traditional Asian sweet delicacy, handcrafted with finesse and filled with a variety of delectable flavors.

Have you seen the amazing art of pulling sugar into impossibly thin strands? If not, then you must try Dragon Beard Candy - a beloved Singaporean dessert that involves twisting silky sugar strands into delicate, bite-sized servings.

Dragon Beard Candy is a popular street food snack that has been enjoyed by locals and tourists alike for almost two centuries. It's a wonder to see how the skilled dessert makers can transform the humble ingredients of sugar and maltose syrup into dozens of silky threads.

The process of making Dragon Beard Candy is an art form in itself. The sugar mixture is first heated to a high temperature, and then cooled in ice water. It's then kneaded until it gets pulled into thousands of fine strands. Cornstarch is then added to prevent sticking, creating beautiful puff balls of tender sweetness.

This candy is commonly filled with peanuts and other flavors, making each bite a unique experience, exploding with various textures and tastes. Each candy is wrapped in a thin layer of sugar and cornstarch to keep it fresh, making it an enjoyable treat to grab on the go.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can even try making this dessert yourself! Different recipes online offer less complicated methods, but they often require patience and practice. Plus, it's easier just to buy the real thing from expert vendors when in Singapore.

In Singapore, you can find Dragon Beard Candy being sold at various food markets and festivals, so don't miss out on the opportunity to try this one-of-a-kind delicacy. With its unique taste and silky texture, it's no wonder that it has become a proud cultural tradition in the Lion City-rich nation.

This treat lasts for several days, leaving plenty of time to savor each piece. So whether you're a tourist or a local, you can take home the delicious taste of Singapore by bringing some Dragon Beard Candy with you.

Although it may appear simple, Dragon Beard Candy is a food that contains skill and mastery in the art of dessert making. You can't miss out on the chance to indulge in this classic Singaporean delicacy - add it to your travel itinerary and enjoy a taste of tradition.

Are you ready to try your hand at Dragon Beard Candy? Or maybe you're looking for another sweet adventure? Whatever the case, treat yourself to the unique flavors of Singaporean street food with this delicious treat.

So why wait? Head to your nearest specialty food market or night market in Singapore and savor one of the tastiest desserts in the world!


Singapore is famous for many things, such as amazing gardens and stunning modern architecture. However, one of Singapore's best-kept secrets is their Dragon Beard Candy. This sweet is a delicacy that has delighted Singaporeans and visitors alike for centuries.

History of Dragon Beard Candy

Dragon Beard Candy, also known in Chinese as Long Xu Tang, or Dragon Whiskers Candy, has its origins dating back to ancient China. The creation of this sweet treat dates back more than 2,000 years. It is said that this traditional delicacy was first created during the Han Dynasty. However, the candy became popular during the Tang Dynasty when it was served to the royal court.

Ingredients used in making Dragon Beard Candy

The preparation of Dragon Beard Candy requires certain ingredients such as sugar, maltose syrup, and white sesame seeds. The process of crafting the sweet delicacy involves mixing the ingredients and cooking them until they form a delicate and soft thread-like substance, which is then wrapped around a filling of peanuts, coconut, or other sweet ingredients.

The Art of Making Dragon Beard Candy

The creation of Dragon Beard Candy is a meticulous process. It takes great skill and experience to make this sweet treat. The process involves stretching out a ball of taffy into thin strands, which are then treated with cornstarch, cut into strips, and then carefully wrapped around the filling. The final result is a soft and fluffy sweet that melts in your mouth.

Where to Find Dragon Beard Candy

If you're looking to indulge in some Dragon Beard Candy, Singapore is the place to be. You can find this sweet delicacy in many food centers, night markets, and malls throughout the city. One popular spot for the candy is the Singapore Night Market, which is located along Bugis Street.

Why You Should Try Dragon Beard Candy

The reason why Dragon Beard Candy has stood the test of time is because of its unique texture and flavor. It's unlike any other candy you've ever tasted, making it an ideal treat for those who enjoy trying new things. Furthermore, the making of this sweet is an art form that is disappearing, as it is challenging to find someone who has mastered the craft. Trying Dragon Beard Candy while in Singapore is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a chance to experience a piece of ancient Chinese history.


Dragon Beard Candy Singapore is a must-try when visiting the city. The intricate process of making this candy, combined with its unique flavor and texture, makes it an unforgettable experience. Don't miss out on the chance to sample a piece of ancient Chinese history while enjoying one of Singapore's best-kept secrets.

Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore: A Comparison

Dragon Beard Candy is a popular Chinese sweet that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is made by stretching and pulling a mixture of maltose, sugar, and glutinous rice flour until it becomes a thin and delicate string. The strings are then wrapped around a filling of peanuts, sesame seeds, or other flavors to create a small, bite-sized treat. In Singapore, there are several vendors that offer this delicacy, each with their own unique style and flavor. In this article, we will compare three popular Dragon Beard Candy vendors in Singapore: Jin Jin, Qi Ji, and Shang State.


Jin Jin, Qi Ji, and Shang State all have multiple locations throughout Singapore, making it easy for customers to find them no matter where they are. Jin Jin has four outlets, located in Chinatown, Bugis, Jem, and Northpoint City. Qi Ji has six outlets, located in Bugis Junction, Plaza Singapura, Westgate, Suntec City, NEX, and Bedok Point. Shang State has two outlets, located in Chinatown Complex Food Centre and Maxwell Food Centre.


All three vendors offer a variety of flavors and fillings for their Dragon Beard Candy. Jin Jin has traditional flavors such as peanut, sesame, and coconut, as well as more modern flavors like chocolate and matcha. Qi Ji has similar flavors, but also offers durian and mango fillings. Shang State has fewer flavor options, but prides themselves on using only high-quality ingredients, including premium peanuts and black sesame seeds.


Taste is subjective, but in our opinion, Jin Jin has the most flavorful and enjoyable Dragon Beard Candy. Their candies are not only sweet, but also have a slight crunch from the peanuts and sesame seeds. Qi Ji's candies are also tasty, but some of the flavors can be overpowering, such as the durian candy which has a strong smell and taste. Shang State's candies are good, but lack the depth of flavor that Jin Jin's candies have.


The texture of Dragon Beard Candy is crucial to its enjoyment. It should be soft and delicate, but also have a bit of chewiness. In our opinion, Qi Ji has the best texture out of the three vendors. Their candies are consistently soft and easy to bite into, while also having a slight chewiness that adds to the experience. Jin Jin's candies can sometimes be a bit too chewy, while Shang State's can be a bit too brittle and easily break apart.


Dragon Beard Candy is a luxury treat that is typically more expensive than other candies. However, the price should still be reasonable for the quantity and quality of the candy. In our comparison, Jin Jin had the most reasonable prices, with a small bag costing SGD 5 and a large bag costing SGD 8. Qi Ji's prices were slightly higher, with a small bag costing SGD 6 and a large bag costing SGD 9. Shang State had the highest prices, with a small bag costing SGD 7 and a large bag costing SGD 12. However, it should be noted that Shang State uses premium ingredients, which may justify the higher prices.


Overall, each Dragon Beard Candy vendor in Singapore has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Jin Jin offers a wide range of flavors at a reasonable price, while Qi Ji has the best texture and a good selection of flavors. Shang State uses premium ingredients but has a smaller selection and higher prices. In our opinion, Jin Jin is the best overall vendor for Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore. However, taste and preference are subjective, so we encourage readers to try all three vendors and decide for themselves!

Vendor Location Selection Taste Texture Price
Jin Jin 4 outlets: Chinatown, Bugis, Jem, Northpoint City Traditional and modern flavors, reasonable price Flavorful and enjoyable, can be a bit too chewy Sometimes too chewy SGD 5 for small bag, SGD 8 for large bag
Qi Ji 6 outlets: Bugis Junction, Plaza Singapura, Westgate, Suntec City, NEX, Bedok Point Similar flavors as Jin Jin, plus durian and mango fillings Tasty, but some flavors can be overpowering Best texture out of the three vendors SGD 6 for small bag, SGD 9 for large bag
Shang State 2 outlets: Chinatown Complex Food Centre, Maxwell Food Centre Premium ingredients, fewer flavor options Good, but lacks depth of flavor Candies can be too brittle and easily break apart SGD 7 for small bag, SGD 12 for large bag


Dragon Beard Candy, also known as 龙须糖 in Mandarin, is a traditional Chinese candy that has been around for over 2000 years. In Singapore, Dragon Beard Candy is a popular snack that has captivated the hearts of locals and tourists alike.


The ingredients to make Dragon Beard Candy include maltose syrup, corn starch, peanuts, sesame seeds, and white sugar. The process of making it is complicated and requires a lot of skill and effort. The end result is a smooth, sweet and chewy candy that melts in your mouth.

Preparing the Dough

To start, you need to mix the cornstarch and water thoroughly until it turns into a smooth dough. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture as this will affect the quality of the final product. Then, roll the dough out into long strips or 'dragon beard' like strands and set them aside to dry up a bit for about thirty minutes.

Preparing the Filling

The traditional filling for Dragon Beard Candy is peanut and sesame seed filling. To start, roast your sesame and peanut, remove the peanuts outer shell, and grind the nuts coarsely. Mix the ground peanuts and sesame with sugar and stir until even.

Making the Candy strands

Once the dough has dried, cut it into small portions, and use your fingers to stretch it out into thin strands. You can also use a rolling pin to roll it out thinly. After that, place a small amount of filling in the center of the strand, then fold the dough in half to enclose the filling. Finally, stretch and twist the strand until it forms the shape of traditional Dragon Beard Candy.


Dragon Beard Candy should be stored in an airtight container to prevent it from getting too sticky or hard. It's important to keep it away from moisture as this can cause the candy to spoil quickly. If stored properly, it can last for up to two weeks.

Buying Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore

If you don't have the time to make your own Dragon Beard Candy, fear not. You can purchase pre-made ones in Singapore. There are several locations selling them including AMK Hub, Changi Airport, and Chinatown.

Tips for buying Dragon Beard Candy

When buying pre-made Dragon Beard Candy, make sure you choose a store that has steady customers to ensure the freshness and quality of the candy. Check to see if the candy is soft and chewy, and make sure there's enough filling inside. A good Dragon Beard Candy should be sweet but not too overpowering.


Dragon Beard Candy is not only a delicious snack but also one with a lot of culture and history behind it. Making your own Dragon Beard Candy would be a fun experience to try with your friends, family or even by yourself. If you prefer buying it instead, look for shops with steady customers and check for the sweetness level of the candy. Regardless of how you get your hands on Dragon Beard Candy, it's definitely worth trying while in Singapore.

Greetings, fellow foodies! We hope you enjoyed reading about the delectable Dragon Beard Candy Singapore. Before we officially bid farewell, we would like to leave you with a closing message that may pique your interest even more about this mouthwatering treat.

If you have not tried Dragon Beard Candy’s melt-in-your-mouth goodness yet, we highly encourage you to do so. As you explore Singapore’s rich culture and heritage, be sure to include their local delicacies on your itinerary. One of the must-tries is the traditional Dragon Beard Candy, which is also perfect for gift-giving or enjoying with your friends and family.

On the other hand, if you have already tasted the one-of-a-kind Dragon Beard Candy, why not level up your experience by trying different flavors and varieties? After all, innovation is key in today’s culinary world. With the ever-evolving food scene in Singapore, you might stumble upon unique twists on the classic Dragon Beard Candy recipe.

Furthermore, you might want to learn more about the fascinating history and legends behind Dragon Beard Candy. It is enriching to know how something as simple as candy can hold so much significance in a culture. Behind every bite of Dragon Beard Candy is a story that makes it even more engaging and meaningful.

As passionate food enthusiasts, we also recommend learning how to make Dragon Beard Candy from scratch. It may be challenging, but the effort and skill put into making this delightful snack is definitely worth it. It’s a fun activity to do with family and friends, and you get to fully appreciate the intricate process behind creating Dragon Beard Candy.

In addition, supporting local businesses that offer Dragon Beard Candy is a great way to help preserve traditional recipes and techniques. Singapore has a diverse range of food establishments, and supporting them is crucial in keeping their food culture alive.

Lastly, we hope that this blog post has given you a deeper appreciation for the Dragon Beard Candy Singapore. The way it melts in your mouth, and the sweet taste that lingers on your tongue are just some of the reasons why this treat is exceptional. We look forward to hearing your stories about your Dragon Beard Candy experiences in Singapore or wherever you may find it.

Until then, bon appetit!

People also ask about Dragon Beard Candy Singapore:

  1. What is Dragon Beard Candy?
  2. Dragon Beard Candy is a traditional Chinese sweet that originated in the Han Dynasty, made of fine sugar strands coated with flour and stuffed with peanuts and sometimes other fillings such as sesame seeds or coconut. It is often referred to as the king of all candies.

  3. Where can I find Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore?
  4. There are various street vendors selling Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore, including food markets, night markets and tourist attractions such as Chinatown, Bugis Street and S.E.A. Aquarium.

  5. Is Dragon Beard Candy suitable for vegetarians?
  6. Yes, Dragon Beard Candy is suitable for vegetarians as it does not contain any animal products and is made of simple ingredients such as sugar, flour, peanuts and sesame seeds.

  7. How long does Dragon Beard Candy last?
  8. Dragon Beard Candy has a short shelf life of around 2-3 days when stored at room temperature. However, it can last up to 2 weeks when kept refrigerated or frozen.

  9. Can I bring Dragon Beard Candy home from Singapore?
  10. Yes, you can bring Dragon Beard Candy home from Singapore, but you should check your country's customs regulations beforehand as some countries have restrictions on food products.

People Also Ask about Dragon Beard Candy Singapore

1. What is Dragon Beard Candy?

Dragon Beard Candy is a traditional Chinese sweet delicacy that has a soft and silky texture, similar to cotton candy. It is made by stretching a mixture of maltose syrup and rice flour into fine strands, which are then wrapped around a filling of crushed peanuts, coconut, or sesame seeds.

2. Where can I find Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore?

In Singapore, you can find Dragon Beard Candy at various places such as traditional Chinese dessert shops, night markets, and food festivals. Some popular locations include Chinatown, Bugis Street, and local food markets like the Geylang Serai Bazaar during the Ramadan period.

3. What flavors are available for Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore?

While the traditional flavors of Dragon Beard Candy in Singapore are peanuts, coconut, and sesame seeds, some vendors also offer unique variations such as chocolate, matcha green tea, and even durian-flavored fillings. The availability of different flavors may vary depending on the shop or event.

4. How is Dragon Beard Candy made?

The process of making Dragon Beard Candy involves several steps. First, a mixture of maltose syrup and rice flour is cooked until it reaches a sticky consistency. This mixture is then stretched and folded repeatedly to create numerous thin strands. The strands are then cut into smaller pieces and wrapped around the desired filling, which is usually a combination of crushed peanuts, coconut, or sesame seeds. Finally, the candy is shaped into small bite-sized portions and served.

5. Can Dragon Beard Candy be stored for a long time?

Dragon Beard Candy is best consumed fresh as it has a delicate texture and can become sticky and less enjoyable if stored for too long. It is recommended to consume Dragon Beard Candy within a day or two of purchase to experience its optimal taste and texture.

6. Is Dragon Beard Candy suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

The suitability of Dragon Beard Candy for vegetarians or vegans depends on the specific ingredients used by the vendor. Traditional Dragon Beard Candy often contains fillings made from peanuts, coconut, or sesame seeds, which are generally considered vegetarian and vegan-friendly. However, it's always advisable to check with the vendor regarding the specific ingredients used to ensure it meets your dietary requirements.

7. Can I buy Dragon Beard Candy online in Singapore?

Yes, you can buy Dragon Beard Candy online in Singapore. Many local vendors have expanded their business to include online platforms, allowing customers to conveniently order Dragon Beard Candy from the comfort of their homes. Simply search for reputable online sellers or visit their official websites to place an order.